
Les Pyramides de la mort

Les Pyramides de la mort

They are some of the biggest pyramids on the planet, millions of tons of stone and earth towering above the landscape in a display of massive wealth and power. But it wasn't the pharaohs that built these pyramids. This is the majestic ancient city of Teotihuacán, Mexico, home to one of the most powerful civilizations of its time. But why, around 7..

Nataly Fish

Garden of Luxor

Garden of Luxor

A silent avant-garde experience created by Derek Jarman, filled with superimposed images forming a whole picture. His palette consists mostly of reddish random images of Egypt and the pyramids; a strange garden destroyed from time to time by a man with a whip; a young peaceful man relaxing on the floor; other smoking and eating insects. This is Jar..

Nataly Fish

Egypt's Lost Pyramid

Egypt's Lost Pyramid

Follows archaeologists working on a 4,000-year-old pyramid containing a burial chamber, still apparently sealed. As light enters the tomb for the first time, the artifacts contained within reveal a gripping detective story as although there are no signs of entry, the contents have been disturbed. To solve the mystery, Egyptologists explore the near..

Nataly Fish

Diamond Pyramid

Diamond Pyramid

A rescue team is sent to a planet to investigate the death of the crew of two ships.

Nataly Fish

VIPO 3: Snow jungles and mysterious pyramids

VIPO 3: Snow jungles and mysterious pyramids

The flying puppy, VIPO, continues his third exciting world tour with his friend Henry and the cute cat doll Betty. From Oslo, the capital of Norway, Moscow, the capital of Russia, Agra, the capital of India, Athens, the capital of Greece, the pyramids of Giza in Egypt, and the jungle located in the center of Africa, each unique adventure and cultur..

Nataly Fish

PYRAMID: Kaleidoscope Memories of Destruction

PYRAMID: Kaleidoscope Memories of Destruction

A film about Shin Sasakubo's childhood place Chichibu - home of Mt. Buko, known as the “mountain of the gods.” It is the most important mountain in the local folk religion and serves as the sacred site of the Chichibu Shrine. This sacred mountain is blasted, even today, by large corporations who harvest limestone with dynamite. This film, a pro..

Nataly Fish



Young man loses his job as a recruiter at the network marketing hoax. Being forced to leave his employers quarters he ends up in the streets and bumps into a young girl, an outcast who has recently lost her mother. He moves in her shabby flat – just to get through the worst, with no romantic intentions. A fatal mistake, involving a middle-class s..

Nataly Fish

Eroded Pyramid

Eroded Pyramid

The pyramid used to be a mountain

Nataly Fish

Grande Pyramide K 2019

Grande Pyramide K 2019

En 2019, nous avons la chance d'apprendre comment la Grande Pyramide a été construite, qui l'a construite et ce qui se cache derrière. Laissez-vous aller et venez découvrir le plus grand mystère de l'humanité, la Nouvelle Grande Histoire !

Nataly Fish

Le Royaume perdu des pharaons noirs

Le Royaume perdu des pharaons noirs

Racontée à partir de vastes chantiers de fouilles en cours, au Soudan, l'histoire fabuleuse du royaume de Koush, qui a régné sur l'Égypte pendant près d'un siècle.

Nataly Fish

The Serpent of Death

The Serpent of Death

An archaelogist falls under the spell of a statue with a curse on it.

Nataly Fish

The Ra Expeditions

The Ra Expeditions

Ra est un film documentaire de 1972 réalisé par Lennart Ehrenborg et Thor Heyerdahl sur les expéditions organisées par Thor Heyerdahl en 1969 et 1970 pour tenter de traverser l'Atlantique sur des bateaux en papyrus. Il a été nominé pour un Academy Award du meilleur long métrage documentaire.

Nataly Fish



Of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the Pyramid is the only one to survive. Many believe that even with our 21st-century technology, we could not build anything like it today. Based on the most up-to-date research and the latest archaeological discoveries, here is how the Pyramid came to be.

Nataly Fish

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