
The Pelota Player and the Fallera

The Pelota Player and the Fallera

Mar and Unai are two chefs who feel irresistibly attracted to each other but have opposite ways of understanding and enjoying cuisine. They decide to take a trip together from the Basque Country to Levante, traveling the geography of Spain, opening a culinary route and discovering new dishes.

Nataly Fish

Les Tombeurs

Les Tombeurs

Arthur, 17 ans, étudie au CDI de son lycée. Sarah, en face de lui, lui jette des regards intéressés. Rien ne les préparait à ce qui les attend, derrière la porte.

Nataly Fish

Boris Becker - The Player

Boris Becker - The Player

"Boris Becker - The Player" is a rousing and emotional portrait of one of the greatest German sports heroes ever! It shows us the person Boris Becker up close: We experience him as a privateer, trainer, businessman and as a loving husband and father.

Nataly Fish

Le Joueur d'échecs

Le Joueur d'échecs

Un jeune patriote polonais nommé Boleslas, dont la tête est mise à prix, tente de s'enfuir des frontières russes, dissimulé dans un des automates du baron de Kempelen. Un agent de Catherine II de Russie, qui a compris le subterfuge, achète l'automate pour le livrer à l'impératrice. Celui-ci sera amené à se trahir au cours d'une partie d'�..

Nataly Fish

The Digger The Suona Player

The Digger The Suona Player

Nataly Fish

The Invisible Player

The Invisible Player

‘The Invisible Player’ is the first documentary about homophobia in football in Italy and tells the story of the Florence-based gay-friendly Revolution Team. Through interviews with the Galatasaray and former Italy, Fiorentina and Roma manager Cesare Prandelli and the former Milan centre back Alessandro Costacurta the documentary promotes a deb..

Nataly Fish

Don't Hate the Player

Don't Hate the Player

Gael has organized a Japanese-themed party for Yuki, only she does not know about it. What for Yuki is a party for getting to know people in the fashion sector is actually a game designed by Gael.

Nataly Fish

Oruorane the Cat Player

Oruorane the Cat Player

During the holiday season, a young man encounters a drunken cat belonging to an old man in an alley. The old man has trained his three cats to sing.

Nataly Fish

The disk player

The disk player

Erasmo y Estela, are an old couple that rarely go out of their house, one day they decide to take out an old disk player, clean the dust away and play some music. When they realise that the disk player is broken, they decide to get out of their home and face a whole new world.

Nataly Fish

The Hockey Players

The Hockey Players

Nataly Fish

The Death Player

The Death Player

Chan Biu (Tsai Hung) is a crook who decides to rob from his own business. Smugglers, via a boat, smuggle in some items (concealed in a bag), he robs the recipient before agreeing with his collaborators to split up and share the loot at a derelict town.

Nataly Fish

Le joueur de golf

Le joueur de golf

With all speaking French, Chase joins a golf club to win its president's daughter. The game descends into chaos when the other players conspire against him and he ends driving across the course.

Nataly Fish

The Cora Player

The Cora Player

Two young Africans from different social backgrounds want to defy tradition and be free to love each other.

Nataly Fish

Ghawar The Football Player

Ghawar The Football Player

Nataly Fish

Profession : Agent de joueurs

Profession : Agent de joueurs

Offrant un rare aperçu du monde impitoyable des agents de footballeurs, ce documentaire suit Jörg Neblung, un vétéran du secteur jonglant entre clients et contrats.

Nataly Fish

Two Players from the Bench

Two Players from the Bench

Ante and Dusko are two Dream Team players. Besides being a Croat and a Serb who fought on opposite sides in the war, both used to be volleyball players. Today, they live normal lives, one in a remote craggy region, the other in Banja Luka. There is little chance of them ever meeting again. The International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague has indi..

Nataly Fish

Baseball Players Acting On The Stage!

Baseball Players Acting On The Stage!

At the baseball club of Yame Kita High School in the southern part of Fukuoka Prefecture, fierce competition for positions was always fought. In the qualifying that led to the spring selection tournament (Koshien), the team was beginning to get jerky due to the unexpected defeat. At that time, the main players such as Ace are ordered by the directo..

Nataly Fish

The Flute Player of Wrath

The Flute Player of Wrath

Taiwanese Kung Fu actor Yip Fei, (Snuff Bottle Connection) stars in this superb swordplay film from Taiwan. A swordsman known for his flute playing style: dispatches his foes in the bloodiest of ways.

Nataly Fish

The Clarinet Player

The Clarinet Player

FRAGMENT | A man looks around and sees a dog in a trashcan, after which his nose transforms into a clarinet that he plays for the dog. The film was made by the popular Danish cartoonist Robert Storm Petersen, popularly known as ‘Storm P’, who created some of Denmark’s very first cartoons, among many other things. His distinctive humorous ton..

Nataly Fish

La Pianiste

La Pianiste

Erika Kohut, la quarantaine, est professeur de piano au Conservatoire de Vienne. Pour échapper à l'emprise de sa mère avec laquelle elle vit en vase clos, elle fréquente en secret les cinémas pornos et les peep-shows. Sa sexualité se résume à un voyeurisme morbide et aux mutilations masochistes qu'elle s'inflige. Erika est hors la vie, jusq..

Nataly Fish

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