
Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman

Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman

A young engineer, from a small town, moves to Mumbai, with big dreams. As he hugely advances in his career, he gets caught up in the rich and glamorous lifestyle and starts getting changed. After becoming a victim of a conspiracy, he realizes his mistake and tries to redeem himself.

Nataly Fish

Le Gentleman célibataire

Le Gentleman célibataire

Une femme accepte de participer à une émission de télé-réalité au cours de laquelle on doit la choisir pour épouser une vedette de cinéma dont la carrière est en déclin. Alors que les spectateurs et l’acteur s’emballent pour elle, elle s’éprend secrètement du gérant de ce dernier, qui se sent déchiré en sachant que suivre ses s..

Nataly Fish

Perhaps a Gentleman

Perhaps a Gentleman

Director Hugo Berner and Doctor Olof Mellgren have come out of the theater where they have just shown the classic play Pygmalion. Director Mellgren claims that, like Higgins in the play, he can turn a harbor worker into the gentleman.

Nataly Fish

Charlie Valentine

Charlie Valentine

The film chronicles the exploits of the title character, Charlie, played by Raymond J. Barry (Training Day) a career criminal intent on scoring one last big pay day. When his "perfect crime" goes bad, Charlie flees to Los Angeles to hide out with his estranged son, Danny, played by Michael Weatherly. What ensues reveals the true nature of some of t..

Nataly Fish

Gentleman Killer

Gentleman Killer

Une petite ville frontalière entre le Texas et le Mexique est l'objet de rivalités nationalistes. Le capitaine Russ a fort à faire avec le colonel Ferreras, bandit mexicain. Russ est tué. Un certain Gentleman jo, pistolero dandy, arrive en ville et entreprend d'assainir la situation. Peu à peu, le voile se lève sur le passé du mystérieux ju..

Nataly Fish

Dream Dimension Gentleman

Dream Dimension Gentleman

When a strange group of men attempt to kidnap Atsuko Fukune, a dancer at a club, she seeks the help of Mamiya Mugen, a famous detective - who also happens to be a child. When it turns out that other girls have gone missing, Mamiya, with the help of his butler Alucard, springs into action to solve the mystery.

Nataly Fish

Gentleman Spa

Gentleman Spa

Hao, a chubby gay man, works as a janitor at a gay spa. For him, romantic relationships are an unreachable dream. One day, an attractive customer, Kai, walks into the place, and Hao has the opportunity to massage him.

Nataly Fish

The Rake's Progress

The Rake's Progress

Vivian Kenway, a young Englishman from an aristocratic background, flunks out of Oxford, and decides to use his considerable charm to achieve his goal of, apparently, making dissipation his career. His derelictions include seduction, betrayals of sweethearts, family and friends, and Marriage for money. All this with no signs of remorse or redemptio..

Nataly Fish



The film follows the story of a man suffering from a rare disorder called the Sleeping Beauty Syndrome (aka Kleine-Levin syndrome), which leads to excessive sleepiness and leaves him awake for less than five hours a day.

Nataly Fish

Nick, Gentleman détective

Nick, Gentleman détective

Nick Charles vit luxueusement de la richesse de sa femme Nora qui lui permet de s'adonner à sa mauvaise habitude de boire. Sa cousine Selma Landis le charge d'une nouvelle affaire à San Fransisco : retrouver son mari volage dont elle pense qu'il la trompe avec une chanteuse de nightclub nommée Polly Bymes.

Nataly Fish



Two girls, Catherine and Aishwarya, meet on a flight and become friends. They share stories about their respective boyfriends, and Catherine is shocked to find that the man she is dating is a lookalike of Aishwarya's boyfriend. Even more shocking is the fact that when she reaches home, she finds out that her boyfriend has died in a car crash. Cathe..

Nataly Fish

Ladies & Gentleman

Ladies & Gentleman

Chandrabose becomes an alcoholic after his wife's death. His life, however, takes an interesting turn after he dissuades a young IT professional from committing suicide.

Nataly Fish

Charlot et le comte

Charlot et le comte

Un film en forme de feu d'artifices, avec la célèbre séquence où Charlot danse avec mademoiselle Porte-Monnaie, filmée avec un travelling réalisé au ras du sol.

Nataly Fish

Ninette and a Gentleman from Murcia

Ninette and a Gentleman from Murcia

Murcia, Spain. Andrés, a bland merchant, owner of a bookshop, decides to take a trip to Paris, where his friend Armando lives.

Nataly Fish

Quite a Gentleman

Quite a Gentleman

An unmarried lawyer defends his ward's boyfriend, accused of murder. One of only a handful of films produced by RKO’s short lived Latin American production arm Ramex.

Nataly Fish

A Devil of a Gentleman

A Devil of a Gentleman

Nataly Fish

The Californian

The Californian

Native son returns from school in Spain to California in 1855 and finds corrupt politicians stealing land from old California families. He becomes a sort of Robin Hood in order to fight them.

Nataly Fish

Charlot dans le parc

Charlot dans le parc

Charlot se promène dans un parc. Dans ce même parc, un pickpocket peu discret vole le sac à main d'une dame accompagnée de son fiancé, le comte. Puis il tente de voler Charlot, qui en profite pour récupérer le sac à main...

Nataly Fish

Le Bourgeois gentilhomme

Le Bourgeois gentilhomme

Une adaptation exceptionnelle du classique de Molière où le plus parfait respect du texte se marie avec une mise en scène aussi somptueuse que décoiffante. Molière comme on ne l’avait jamais vu : nouveau pari réussi pour Bigard qui a comblé ses fans et séduit un nouveau public…

Nataly Fish

Le Bourgeois gentilhomme

Le Bourgeois gentilhomme

M. Jourdain, un nouveau Bourgeois ignare en à peu prêt tout, rêve de bonnes manières et d'amis hauts placés. Il décide d'engager des maîtres d'art et s'achète des habits plus approprié à sa condition...

Nataly Fish

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