
The Monsters Dinner

The Monsters Dinner

A satiric reflection of our contemporary global society manifested in the near future, in which two seemingly ordinary couples sit down for a dinner party. The film cruelly and comically shows how our contemporary culture might transform into a world of extreme hedonism, violence and desensitization.

Nataly Fish

The Last Dinner

The Last Dinner

The movie takes place in the kitchen of Cankaya Mansion on Sunday night, October 28, 1923, a day before the proclamation of the establishment of the Republic of Turkey and formally marking the end of the Ottoman Empire.

Nataly Fish

Zombies For Dinner: The Double Cannibal's Fatal Mistake

Zombies For Dinner: The Double Cannibal's Fatal Mistake

A disgruntled cook uses rotten meat and feeds it to concert patrons which causes them to turn into zombies.

Nataly Fish

The Thief Who Came for Dinner

The Thief Who Came for Dinner

Fereydoon is well known for honesty who neighbors give him their house key when they are on a trip. It gets complicated when his ex-con brother-in-law comes for a visit.

Nataly Fish

Quatre moitiés

Quatre moitiés

Dans cette comédie romantique qui remet en question le concept des âmes sœurs, des intrigues parallèles mettent en scène quatre amis célibataires qui s'associent dans différentes combinaisons de couples.

Nataly Fish

Dinner with a Vampire

Dinner with a Vampire

Un groupe de jeunes acteurs a été choisi pour aller interviewer Yurek, le célèbre metteur en scène de films d'horreur. A peine sont-ils arrivés dans la sinistre demeure de Yurek qu'un piège mortel se referme sur eux ! C'est le début d'un cauchemar terrifiant.

Nataly Fish

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

In Polignano a Mare, covered in snow, they are more nervous than usual. Hysterics, anxiousness, pregnancy tests, lost rings and stuck lifts - what else can happen?

Nataly Fish

Suicide Club 2

Suicide Club 2

Ne supportant plus l’environnement familial et après avoir intégré une étrange communauté sur Internet, Noriko Shimabara, le 10 décembre 2001, quitte Toyokawa pour Tokyo. Le 26 mai 2002, 54 jeunes filles se jettent sous un train en gare de shinjuku. Après cette terrible nouvelle, la sœur de Noriko, Yuka, disparait à son tour. Le père d�..

Nataly Fish

Breakfast and Dinner

Breakfast and Dinner

High school student Takumi lives with his two mothers in a beautiful house in Tokyo. Moving into a house across the street is Sora and her two fathers. One day Takumi and Sora begin a quest to seek answers long hidden and silent in their unconventional families. Takumi sets out to determine the identity of his father, and Sora devises a plan to int..

Nataly Fish

A Dinner for Them to Meet

A Dinner for Them to Meet

Actor Sandro Lanza is experiencing the most painful moment of his existence. After a suicide attempt, his three daughters, scattered throughout Europe, each with a different mother, come to his side. The sisters meet to decide what to do with their father, establishing a genuine tie for the very first time.

Nataly Fish

The Perfect Host

The Perfect Host

John est en cavale après avoir fait un braquage. Blessé au pied, il cherche refuge dans la plus proche maison possible et tombe sur celle de Warwick qui est sur le point d’organiser un petit dîner entre amis. John va rapidement s’apercevoir que Warwick est un hôte hors du commun.

Nataly Fish

Seven Dinners

Seven Dinners

After five years of marriage, their relationships have come to a dead end – no kids, no common interests, almost no more love is left… When the wife asks for divorce, the husband tries the last remedy to cure their relationships – a scientific method known as "7 dinners"...

Nataly Fish

Reunion Dinner

Reunion Dinner

Co-workers Chaoyang and Zi Hong have been dating for more than a year, with marriage on the cards. When a client requests for a livestream of their reunion dinner to promote his products, the couple realises that neither have met the other’s family. Zi Hong is excited to finally get to meet Chaoyang’s mother, unaware of the latter’s estranged..

Nataly Fish

A Dinner Date

A Dinner Date

This movie revolves around the story of an innocent girl (Nawal) who was married to a rich and possessive man who still wants her back after their divorce; however she meets a hair stylist (Shoukry) and falls in love with him. They get married but her first husband starts torturing Shoukry so he can leave Nawal but he refuses. Eventually, acts of r..

Nataly Fish

Quiet Dinner Without Salt

Quiet Dinner Without Salt

One day, Valera wanted to do a good deed, to save the endangered animals. But what should we do if the one we want to help is five times bigger than you and ideally you would hold in your stomach?

Nataly Fish

What's for Dinner, Mom?

What's for Dinner, Mom?

Two sisters Tae and Yo come back to their old house which is soon to be torn down. Clearing up the family mementos, Tae finds a red box full of recipes and letters written by their mother who died 20 years ago. In these recipes and letters, she finds out how her mother had struggled in her life due to relocation from Japan to Taiwan, the death of h..

Nataly Fish

A Normal Family

A Normal Family

Deux frères, un avocat matérialiste et un chirurgien idéaliste, et leurs épouses respectives, se retrouvent une fois par mois autour d'un dîner. Au cours d'un de ces repas, les deux couples abordent l'agression criminelle de leurs enfants sur un vagabond. Ils font face alors à leurs différences de moralité et à des secrets longtemps enfoui..

Nataly Fish

La Última Cena

La Última Cena

Nataly Fish

White House Correspondents Dinner

White House Correspondents Dinner

White House Correspondents Dinner

Nataly Fish

Dinner for Eight

Dinner for Eight

Sophie, Arian, Lizzy, Markus, Georg and Caro, a group of friends who regularly meet for dinner on Friday nights. They dine together, drink and philosophise about God and the world. This time, however, the students come across an explosive topic in their table discussions: to what extent are we being monitored with our digital devices? For example, ..

Nataly Fish

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