
JFK: The Case for Conspiracy

JFK: The Case for Conspiracy

Now you can see for yourself what really happened on November 22, 1963. This program will take you back in time to Dealey Plaza where you will become a witness to the "crime of the century." Robert J. Groden is acknowledged as the world’s foremost authority on the photographic evidence relating to JFK’s assassination. Mr. Groden was technical a..

Nataly Fish

9/11: The Conspiracy Files

9/11: The Conspiracy Files

The Conspiracy Files investigates the growing number of conspiracy theories surrounding the 9/11 attacks. Incredibly some believe the American Government allowed or actively helped the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Those who question the official version believe the World Trade Center buildings were actually demolished by ex..

Nataly Fish

JFK: The Case for Conspiracy

JFK: The Case for Conspiracy

Now you can see for yourself what really happened on November 22, 1963. These DVDs will take you back in time to Dealey Plaza where you will become a witness to the "crime of the century." Robert J. Groden is acknowledged as the world’s foremost authority on the photographic evidence relating to JFK’s assassination. Mr. Groden was technical adv..

Nataly Fish

The Daddy Derek Conspiracy

The Daddy Derek Conspiracy

When filmaker Derek Savage proposes a collaboration between him and Tommy Wiseau, Neil Breen becomes determined to stop them.

Nataly Fish

The North Pole Conspiracy

The North Pole Conspiracy

Two Arctic explorers fought harsh, bitter elements in separate quests to be the first to reach the North Pole. Little did they know that when they returned home, a more vicious battle would await them. Join our in-depth investigation into one of the great historical controversies of the 20th Century: Who was the first man to reach the final goal in..

Nataly Fish

The Turquoise Mine Conspiracy

The Turquoise Mine Conspiracy

"Sidewinder Steve" returns to civilization to find that his ore specimens show he has discovered a turquoise mine. He wires his friend, Ace Brent, the capitalist, who has a half-interest in his discoveries, to furnish him with money to make the trip back across the desert to officially stake his claim. But "Lonney" Smith, telegraph operator at the ..

Nataly Fish

The Wall Street Conspiracy

The Wall Street Conspiracy

Documentary by Kristina Leigh Copeland

Nataly Fish

The James Holmes Conspiracy

The James Holmes Conspiracy

Documentary detailing the life of James Eagan Holmes who was the suspected perpetrator of a mass shooting that occurred on July 20, 2012, at a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado. He had no known criminal record prior to the shooting. This film includes several witness testimonies, news reports, theories and ideas behind the motives of the crime.

Nataly Fish

The Great UFO Conspiracy

The Great UFO Conspiracy

Writer and comedian Dan Schreiber meets the people behind modern-day alien conspiracy theories, from Jesus being an alien to humanity being ruled by an evil reptilian overlord.

Nataly Fish

The Rainbow Warrior Conspiracy

The Rainbow Warrior Conspiracy

Dramatisation of the sinking of the Greenpeace ship 'The Rainbow Warrior' by French agents in Auckland, New Zealand, in 1985.

Nataly Fish

The Maidens' Conspiracy

The Maidens' Conspiracy

Constantinople, 1401. The emperor of Byzantium asks the famous knight Tirant lo Blanc to free the city from the siege of the Turks. After his victory, Tirant will have to face a more difficult task: to overcome the natural opposition of Carmesina, heiress to the Ottoman Empire, to surrender her most precious treasure.

Nataly Fish

The Conspiracy of Pontiac

The Conspiracy of Pontiac

The story, which is well known to every school child, is taken from Parkman's History and is presented without alteration or embellishment, and in the number of people employed and in the character or the scenic mountings is by long odds the greatest Indian production yet offered under the Kalem trade-mark. It will be remembered that Major Gladwynn..

Nataly Fish

Conspiracy Chronicles: 9/11, Aliens and the Illuminati

Conspiracy Chronicles: 9/11, Aliens and the Illuminati

It is widely believed that the 9/11 attack was an inside job - but by whom? Many believe it was a political ruse to instigate war with the Middle East and to justify removing many of our civil liberties. Also, since 9/11 we have been placed under a microscope, our privacy removed as we are being watched and profiled by a sinister force with a malev..

Nataly Fish

Cinderella: Conspiracy at the Emerald Castle

Cinderella: Conspiracy at the Emerald Castle

Still unaware that her new friend is Prince Charles, Cinderella must help him uncover the evil Duke Zaral's plot to overthrow the Kingdom. In order to seize power, the Duke plans to have Charles marry his daughter. When Charles refuses, the Duke hopes to ultimately eliminate the Prince by creating a double of him. Cinderella and Charles rush to thw..

Nataly Fish

The Jekyll and Hyde Conspiracy

The Jekyll and Hyde Conspiracy

A young private detective gets more than he bargained for when he pursues the anonymous killer of his friend, all the while falling further into a conspiracy that may involve his over-eager partner Eugene.

Nataly Fish

History's Secrets - The Real Roswell Conspiracy

History's Secrets - The Real Roswell Conspiracy

After finding a strange object in New Mexico in 1947 rumours of UFOs started to spread fast. According to many people the US government is still hiding something. The Roswell UFO Incident was the recovery of an object that crashed in the general vicinity of Roswell, New Mexico, on July 1947, allegedly an extra-terrestrial spacecraft and its alien ..

Nataly Fish

Guerrilla News Network: The War Conspiracy

Guerrilla News Network: The War Conspiracy

In 1970, at the height of the Vietnam War and on the heels of Nixon's announcement that U.S. troops would invade Cambodia, a mild-mannered English professor at UC Berkeley completed a startling book called The War Conspiracy. Yet, despite the fact that the author's publisher was Bobbs Merrill, a major literary brand, the book never reached the publ..

Nataly Fish

Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov: The Soyuz Conspiracy

Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov: The Soyuz Conspiracy

The story of the death of cosmonaut Colonel Vladimir Komarov

Nataly Fish

The Global Junk Food Conspiracy

The Global Junk Food Conspiracy

Why are food manufacturers using tactics banned in the West in the developing world? Filmed in Brazil, India and France, investigates the new tactics of brands like Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and Domino’s Pizza.

Nataly Fish

The Conspiracy and the Dybbuk

The Conspiracy and the Dybbuk

Political documentary of the religious exorcism of the evil spirit or dybbuk possessing Federal Judge Hoffman, trial judge of the notorious conspiracy trail of the so-called Chicago Eight.

Nataly Fish

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