
L'ange de la destruction

L'ange de la destruction

A San Francisco, dans le futur. Les progrès technologiques ont permis la création de robots destinés à accomplir des missions militaires périlleuses. Très perfectionnés, ces engins peuvent non seulement se passer de toute assistance humaine, mais éprouver toutes sortes de sentiments et, même, prendre des décisions importantes. Lors d'un t..

Nataly Fish



La nature en a fait un animal. La science, un monstre... Laissé pour mort, un rottweiler particulièrement féroce se redresse sur ses pattes, transformé dans les laboratoires de l'armée en véritable cyborg. L'ossature blindée par des injections massives de calcium, la mâchoire naturelle remplacée par une prothèse d'acier et déjà doué de..

Nataly Fish

Deux flics à abattre

Deux flics à abattre

Alfredo et Antonio luttent contre le crime au sein d’une unité spéciale très particulière, au-dessus de toutes institutions et lois. Ils opèrent dans l’arrogance la plus totale, mais quand ils doivent traquer Roberto Pasquini, un membre éminent du milieu, les choses se compliquent sérieusement.

Nataly Fish



Le Colonel Taylor charge des tueurs de retrouver Eddie Kay, que la CIA croyait mort au Vietnam. Mais Kay, qui découvre qu'on essaie de l'assassiner, a peu à peu des hallucinations. Aidé par une psychothérapeute, il se rend compte qu'il a été victime de manipulations psychiques qui ont fait de lui un tueur.

Nataly Fish

The Glove

The Glove

Dans ce jeu d'action, un chasseur de primes est chargé de ramener un ancien détenu énorme et en colère qui porte un gant mortel en cuir et voler. Le chaos Rock'em sock'em s'ensuit.

Nataly Fish

Crime Boss

Crime Boss

Hit man Antonio Mancuso travels to Italy to make the big time. He meets and befriends Mafia boss Don Vincenzo. Mancurso becomes part of the organization and the more he gets to know Vincenzo the more he wants his job but Mancurso will learn that success can come at a severe cost.

Nataly Fish



An accident causes the activation of the top-secret Cyber Warrior or 'Cyw' before his programming has been completed. Concerned that the Cyw may fall into the hands of enemies, prove unable to control or simply receive unwanted attention from the public or foreign powers, the military dispatches a crack squad led by Colonel Hammer to bring back the..

Nataly Fish



A retired agent from an Intelligence Agency is contacted by the Agency in order to stop an ultra-secret robot who is killing some government officials. That will be not an easy task, because the robot looks human and it was specifically built to be an efficient killer, not to mention that it is almost invulnerable.

Nataly Fish

Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment

Project K.I.C.K was a drug given to cattle to make them grow quicker, if the meat is eaten from these cattle it has horrible side effects. James is a martial artist hired by the DEA to find to a dealer his former Master who is trying to start selling the drug in an American. But little does James know not is what it seems.

Nataly Fish

See Arnold Run

See Arnold Run

This biographical docu-drama alternates between two parallel threads in the life of Arnold Schwarzenegger: his formative early years as the repeat winner of the Mr. Olympia body-building championship; and his modern foray into the world of politics, hitting the campaign trail and competing in the frenzied atmosphere that accompanied California's ch..

Nataly Fish



A team of treasure hunters take over Alcatraz Island in search of diamonds and encounter a shape-changing alien.

Nataly Fish

Angry Planet

Angry Planet

A criminal sentenced to life on a prison planet reveals his true purpose: to extract revenge on the killers who murdered his family.

Nataly Fish

Perfect: Android Rising

Perfect: Android Rising

The perfect killing machine is reprogrammed to think and feel.

Nataly Fish

Yakuza Deka 2 : Opération Kamikaze

Yakuza Deka 2 : Opération Kamikaze

Deuxième volet du succès 'Yakuza Deka'. A cette occasion, l'agent Hayata (Sonny Chibba), expert en arts martiaux, infiltre deux des « gangs » les plus dangereux de la pègre japonaise, pour les détruire et les traduire en justice. Des problèmes surgiront une fois que l'un d'eux découvrira la véritable identité de Hayata. Hayata est un pol..

Nataly Fish

Ninja of the Magnificence

Ninja of the Magnificence

Ross, Farris and Lee are star pupils of the Ninja Master, but Ross is secretly building his own ninja empire and dealing in the slave trade, headed by two slave masters Old Fox and Kong. When Ross kills the master, the two brothers must battle their way through an army of ninjas to bring the wrongdoers to justice.

Nataly Fish

Blood Hands

Blood Hands

Steve, a young kickboxer, returns home to find his parents have been brutalized by a gang of martial artists. When the cops can't find any answers, Steve decides to kickbox his way to savage justice. No thug on the streets is safe!

Nataly Fish

The Russian Ninja

The Russian Ninja

An ex-mercenary is enlisted back into the life to rescue the boyfriend of the daughter of a powerful mogul.

Nataly Fish

Black List

Black List

Two brothers, one wrongly accused of a crime, go on a mission of vengeance to find the men who framed him.

Nataly Fish

The Steel Fisted Dragon

The Steel Fisted Dragon

A kung-fu master hunts down the villain who killed his mother.

Nataly Fish

Aguila At Guerrero

Aguila At Guerrero

Nataly Fish

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