
Meeting Resistance

Meeting Resistance

Filmmakers Molly Bingham and Steve Connors capture an unseen side of the Iraq War with this compelling cinematic portrait of the men and women who are actively resisting their homeland's occupation. Via intimate first-person accounts and candid one-on-one interviews with eight Iraqi insurgents, the documentary offers insight to their motivations an..

Nataly Fish

Resistance Sahara

Resistance Sahara

Resistance Sahara, a haunting yet playful exploration of the liminal space between experimental, documentary, and fictive filmmaking, presents an artistic response to the Sahrawi refugee crisis from the frozen war in Western Sahara. Bringing international artists from a mix of disciplines to the Sahara Desert, and with them will create something ne..

Nataly Fish

Field Resistance

Field Resistance

Charging scenes of the present with dystopian speculation, "Field Resistance" blurs the boundaries between documentary filmmaking and science fiction to investigate overlooked environmental devastation in the overlooked state of Iowa. Footage collected from disparate locations—a university herbarium, karst sinkholes inhabited by primordial flora ..

Nataly Fish

Résistance culturelle

Résistance culturelle

Le 24 mars 1976, les forces armées ont pris le pouvoir en Argentine, entamant le chapitre le plus sanglant de son histoire. Exils, censure, interdictions, listes noires et enlèvements sont devenus monnaie courante, s’attaquant au domaine culturel qui souffrait déjà depuis un certain temps de la répression militaire. Tant à l’intérieur qu..

Nataly Fish

L'Instinct de résistance

L'Instinct de résistance

Stéphane Hessel, diplomate engagé, Pierre Daix, journaliste et historien d’art, Armand Gatti, dramaturge et le producteur de cinéma Serge Silberman, sont chacun à leur manière un modèle de résilience. Résistants et rescapés des camps nazis, ils ont su, à leur libération, rebondir et se reconstruire, en allant au bout de leurs passions...

Nataly Fish

The Resistance

The Resistance

Ecem and Rahmi, who are at the very beginning of their relationship, live in the basement of an apartment in Istanbul. Their life takes a different turn one night when Ecem's ex-boyfriend Kazim comes to their doorstep. The anger of Rahmi, who is very jealous, causes a night full of regrets.

Nataly Fish

Trois chansons de la résistance

Trois chansons de la résistance

French Resistance propaganda film. Filmed in wartime London and distributed to the Free French troops in England and Canada. Germaine Sablon interprets three songs, including the Song of the Partisans.

Nataly Fish

The Power of Resistance

The Power of Resistance

Actress Olga's political idealism and hopes for a better tomorrow are put to the hardest test. The authoritarian, omniscient communist power decides to break the woman when her father is hospitalized and fighting for his life, and her husband is in custody. Olga must find herself in a new situation and make an impossible choice.

Nataly Fish

Black Power: A British Story of Resistance

Black Power: A British Story of Resistance

Une plongée dans le mouvement Black Power de la fin des années 1960 au Royaume-Uni, à la rencontre des personnalités et des forces culturelles ayant marqué cette époque. Le cœur de ce documentaire bat au rythme des confidences saisissantes d'anciens militants qui, pour la plupart, se livrent pour la première fois sur leur vécu au sein du m..

Nataly Fish

Resistance is Useless

Resistance is Useless

Resistance is Useless was a 1992 documentary examining the history of Doctor Who through a compilation of clips from the show. The clips were linked by an anorak with a voiceover (credited as the "Voice of the Anorak"). The documentary was broadcast on the BBC, and made by the BBC's Music and Arts Department. It was directed by Archie Lauchlan.

Nataly Fish

Raphael  Résistance à la nuit, live - Zénith de Paris

Raphael Résistance à la nuit, live - Zénith de Paris

1.01 Funambule 1.02 La Route De Nuit 1.03 Ne Partons Pas Fâchés 1.04 C'Est Bon Aujourd'hui 1.05 Chanson Pour Patrick Dewaere 1.06 La Mémoire Des Jours Written-By – Gérard Manset 1.07 1900 1.08 Schengen Guitar – Djélé Moussa Kouyaté* 1.09 La Petite Chanson 1.10 Il Y A Toujours 1.11 Comme Un Homme À La Mer 1.12 Au Temps Des Colonies 1.13 ..

Nataly Fish

Raphael : Résistance à la nuit, live - Théâtre Du Châtelet

Raphael : Résistance à la nuit, live - Théâtre Du Châtelet

01. Happe 02. J'L'Ai Pas Touchée 03. C'Est Bon Aujourd'hui 04. 1900 05. Elégie Funèbre 06. Ceci N'Est Pas Un Adieu 07. Elisa 08. Caravane 09. Sur Mon Cou 10. Les Petits Bateaux 11. Saint-Etienne 12. Des Mots 13. Sur La Route 14. Poste Restante 15. Ne Partons Pas Fâchés 16. Une Petite Cantate 17. Et Dans 150 Ans

Nataly Fish

Muse: The resistance 5.1

Muse: The resistance 5.1

Nataly Fish

Ukraine: Nightlife in Resistance

Ukraine: Nightlife in Resistance

When Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24th, the thriving electronic scene changed forever. Overnight, producers, DJs, club owners, staff, promoters and curators became soldiers, refugees and volunteers. Such efforts swept through its venues, too. The country's dance floors were suddenly repurposed into medical training..

Nataly Fish

Alice Fraser: The Resistance

Alice Fraser: The Resistance

The Resistance is a stand-up comedy show about the tumbledown house Alice grew up in, and the tumbledown people who lived in it. Alice brings you an hour of silly funny jokes, silly funny songs.. and a bit of devastating human truth.

Nataly Fish

UV - A resistance story

UV - A resistance story

Nataly Fish

Symbols of Resistance

Symbols of Resistance

Presented by The Freedom Archive, a history of the Chican@ Pride movement during the 1970s. It covers student activism, police repression, and issues of Chican@ identity.

Nataly Fish

Women in Resistance

Women in Resistance

Brazil is one of the countries that most kills women in the world. In Porto Alegre, feminist collectives fight against this reality and support those who need help.

Nataly Fish

Noise and Resistance

Noise and Resistance

This documentary pictures a globally interconnected and political music scene, built on autonomy and solidarity, which has declared war on capitalism and the mainstream culture. Whether it s squatters in Barcelona, antifascists in Moscow, inhabitants of self-governed trailer parks or activists of the CRASS collective - they can all be brought down ..

Nataly Fish

Colors of Resistance

Colors of Resistance

Nataly Fish

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