
Mazinger Z contre le Général Dark

Mazinger Z contre le Général Dark

Kouji et ses amis ont vaincu le Dr. Hell et profitent maintenant d'une pause, mais soudain un étrange prophète apparaît et prévient tout le monde d'un danger imminent. Des bêtes mécaniques, jamais vues auparavant, commencent à apparaître partout dans le monde et à faire des ravages. C'est à Kouji et à son Mazinger Z de faire face à cett..

Nataly Fish

Dark River

Dark River

Small Polish village straight after WWII. Young man Zenek injured and awarded with Cross of Valour during partisan fight is torn between staying loyal to his partisan comrades (continuing their fight) and his own beliefs.

Nataly Fish

Brother Of Darkness

Brother Of Darkness

Toh est accusé du meurtre brutal de son frère, Wah. Lors de son procès, au fil des témoignages, la cour d'assises découvre un horrible récit de violence domestique, d'abus fraternels et de débordements en tout genre.

Nataly Fish

L'éclipse du bonheur

L'éclipse du bonheur

La psychologue Eliane Hess est appelée durant la nuit à l’hôpital pour s’occuper d’Yves, un garçon de huit ans qui vient de perdre ses parents et ses frères et soeurs dans un accident de voiture. Eliane est en même temps choquée et bizarrement attirée par le garçon traumatisé. Bientôt, elle perd sa distance professionnelle envers l..

Nataly Fish

Angel of Darkness 2

Angel of Darkness 2

This slice of shot-on-video hentai horror kicks off with a crazy old woman stealing what looks like all-butter shortbread from three statues wearing red hats. This causes an earthquake which releases ancient demon spores from a cave into a nearby pool of water. Unfortunately, this pool is precisely where a lesbian professor—part of a group of stu..

Nataly Fish

The Dark Side of the Moon

The Dark Side of the Moon

A psychedelic mushroom trip turns a successful lawyer into a wanted man.

Nataly Fish

The Dark Side of the Heart

The Dark Side of the Heart

Oliveiro is a young poet living in Buenos Aires where sometimes he has to sell his ideas to an advertising agency to make a living or exchange his poems for a steak. In Montevideo, he meets a prostitute, Ana, with whom he falls in love. Back in Buenos Aires, he accepts a contract with a publicity agency to get the money for three days of love with ..

Nataly Fish

A Dark Story

A Dark Story

Vito and Carla are a couple with three children separated by time, have a new life with their partners, but the sudden disappearance of Vito sets in motion an investigation into the past of all the people involved.

Nataly Fish

Mimì – Prince of Darkness

Mimì – Prince of Darkness

Mimì is an orphaned teenager born with deformed feet who works at a pizzeria in Naples. One fateful day, he meets Carmilla, a young girl convinced she is a descendant of Count Dracula. Together, they decide to escape the cynical and violent world they live in.

Nataly Fish

Children of the Dark

Children of the Dark

A Middle-aged Japanese ex-pat journalist investigates child organ trafficking in Thailand and he uncovers a sinister network. In the darkest corners of Thailand, child prostitution and organ sales flourish. In order to save a child's life, another life must be taken. An outraged Japanese journalist and a passionate young Japanese NGO member attempt..

Nataly Fish

No Darkness Last Forever

No Darkness Last Forever

Ana, a young orphan moves to the house in the forest where her only friend lives. The ambition of her friend's father to take over the nearby lands will awaken an old pagan cult that will use Ana as their only option to protect the place.

Nataly Fish

Les Ténèbres sectaires de La Luz del Mundo

Les Ténèbres sectaires de La Luz del Mundo

Pour la première fois, des plaignants qui poursuivent les leaders de la méga-église La Luz del Mundo racontent dans des entretiens exclusifs les abus dont ils ont été victimes.

Nataly Fish

Keeper of Darkness

Keeper of Darkness

Street-smart exorcist Fatt has an unique method of dealing with vengeful spirits: He negotiates with them and persuades them to let go of their grudges. After recordings of his exorcisms go viral, Fatt attracts the attentions of a murderous spirit who’s targeting mediums, as well as a troublesome reporter who takes great interest in Fatt and his ..

Nataly Fish

Les Plaisirs interdits

Les Plaisirs interdits

Styliste de renom, Patrizia retourne vivre dans la maison familiale. C’est l’occasion de renouer avec son jeune frère, Emilio, hypocondriaque et pornophile. Entre les deux s’amorce un étrange jeu de séduction… Salvatore Samperi livre ici un film esthétisant, s’abandonnant à la fascination qu’exerce sur lui sa comédienne, Monica Gu..

Nataly Fish

Angel of Darkness 3

Angel of Darkness 3

Manami, the sole survivor of Angel of Darkness 2, is rushed to hospital where she slips into a deep sleep. A priest correctly suspects that the demon (now referred to as an Injuu) is inside Manami's body, but by the time he is able to confirm his theory, the creature has already moved on. As before, the tentacled beastie passes from host to host (b..

Nataly Fish

Darkside Blues

Darkside Blues

Nous sommes à Tokyo dans un futur indéterminé. Alors que la puissante famille Hogetsu dirige et surveille 90 % de la terre du haut d'un satellite, les habitants de la planète bleue ont fini par se laisser dominer avec la certitude de vivre ainsi en paix. Mais cette nouvelle vie n'est pas au goût de tout le monde puisque, en effet, une petite..

Nataly Fish

Dark Fantasy

Dark Fantasy

Parti en expédition dans les villages isolés du nord du pays, un groupe d’étudiants en anthropologie déterre un ancien bouclier. D’un simple toucher avec cette relique, Marina se retrouve malgré elle possédée et dotée de pouvoirs surnaturels terrifiants. C’est désormais à elle que va revenir la mission de combattre les forces du Mal..

Nataly Fish

The Fabulous Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit, Across the Wild Land, Through the Dark Forest, Beyond the Misty Mountains. There and Back Again

The Fabulous Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit, Across the Wild Land, Through the Dark Forest, Beyond the Misty Mountains. There and Back Again

The Author, i.e. J. R. R. Tolkien himself (played by Zinovij Gerdt), tells "his" story: the life of Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and enjoyable hobbit, is turned upside down when he decides to join the wizard Gandalf and a company of thirteen dwarves in an attempt to regain a treasure stolen from the latter. [Soviet television movie adaptation of "The Hob..

Nataly Fish

Dark Sea

Dark Sea

A strange black spot approaches the coast, bringing death and destruction to a fishing village. In a desperate flight to escape the chaos, lonely Albino fights for the great love of his life at the risk of his own soul.

Nataly Fish

Wine Dark Sea

Wine Dark Sea

This film narrates the profound changes brought about by global warming in the Mediterranean, the sea described as "Wine Dark Sea" by Homer, and its surroundings. Due to global warming, the air, the sea, and the way of life in the Mediterranean are rapidly changing. Simultaneously, individuals from all walks of society and numerous organizations ar..

Nataly Fish

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