


Boring Days are supposed to be awesome, but Mr.Boring is having a "boring" Boring Day.

Nataly Fish

A Day in the Life of...

A Day in the Life of...

A recreation of what it feels like to live with the hidden issues of depression, anxiety, inclusion, bulimia, drug addiction, and abusive relationships on a daily basis.

Nataly Fish

Iom Romì (A Day in Rome)

Iom Romì (A Day in Rome)

In this intoxicating short documentary, Valerio Ciriaci chronicles a day in the life of the contemporary Roman Jewish community. The only cultural group that has lived in Rome uninterrupted since the days of the empire, Roman Jews have fostered their own unique set of traditions. Taking place over the course of one day, Iom Romi (A Day in Rome) pro..

Nataly Fish

Panic Room: A Day In Quarantine

Panic Room: A Day In Quarantine

A short film about the effects of lock-down in mental health.

Nataly Fish

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Shot in virtually every corner of the earth and shinning an alternate light on the sport of surfing, the film shows how diverse every surfers life is, "A Day In The Life..." could be described as a tale of classic short stories. Shot on brilliant 16-mm film and video, the film has a great blend of water shots and land footage. The variety of camera..

Nataly Fish

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

An unconventional day in Nicola’s life, which begins at the eye doctor’s and takes him around the city, his eye bandaged like a pirate’s. At home, the bakery or in his analyst’s office, the various stops on his wanderings are part of a much more complex journey however, a tightly-woven fabric in which there is the slightest of snags; a snag..

Nataly Fish

Each Day in a Moment

Each Day in a Moment

A period of life is shown through flickers of moments.

Nataly Fish

A Day in Santa Fe

A Day in Santa Fe

“Riggs’s film poem conveys delight with his adopted hometown through a documentarian’s eye for significant detail, a lyrical sensitivity, and homespun humor. The film, too, serves as a chronicle of people and places of Santa Fe in the early 1930s, when it earned the epithet ‘Greenwich Village of the West.’” - William M. Butler

Nataly Fish

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Mario and Tom are two street punks who want to rob a bank. They ask the young Turkish Emin to be their driver that day. Emin can use the money and accepts, but he doesn't have a getaway car.

Nataly Fish

A Boring Day in Hell

A Boring Day in Hell

A woman is wondering what she was wearing on the day that she killed her lover. She goes through her memory during a gathering of women who are preparing themselves for a seated dinner. These women have one thing in common; they all killed their lovers. After realising what she wore on that day, she explains that killing her lover was the only way ..

Nataly Fish

A Day in The Life

A Day in The Life

Nataly Fish

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

David Albert, more commonly known as Dalbert, documents his daily life for twenty-four hours and shares his results.

Nataly Fish

A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

A girl walks in the streets

Nataly Fish

A Day In The Life

A Day In The Life

When one of his best friends makes a life changing announcement, Pat’s normality is turned upside down.

Nataly Fish

A Day in Death Valley

A Day in Death Valley

A tour of the arid, inhospitable region of the southern California desert known as Death Valley, originally named because of the many travelers in the 1840s who died of thirst, starvation and/or exposure trying to cross it.

Nataly Fish

A Day in Pacific Rim

A Day in Pacific Rim

This short film illustrates a day in the life at Pacific Rim National Park. Located on Vancouver Island, the park houses giant trees, drooping moss and beautiful ocean views that provide breathtaking material for an eager eye.

Nataly Fish

A Day in the Wilds

A Day in the Wilds

One of The Adventures of Bill and Bob shorts. The brothers enjoy exploring the wilds and sighting different animals, ending their day with some impromptu fishing.

Nataly Fish

A Day in the Country

A Day in the Country

Two boys and their grandmother visit a farm. Filmed in 3-D.

Nataly Fish

A Great Day in Paris

A Great Day in Paris

Within the jazz milieu of Paris, a story of music and friendship that revolves around questions of artistic exile, and begins and ends with a photograph.

Nataly Fish

A Maybe Day in Kazakhstan

A Maybe Day in Kazakhstan

Commissioned to mark the 2,500th ‘anniversary of democracy’/Kleisthenes’ reform of the Athenian constitution. The film reflects on the aspirations of a recently democratised Kazakhstan, following the break-up of the former Soviet Union. A film-poem in which Tony Harrison explores a flea market in Kazakhstan where memorabilia from the Communis..

Nataly Fish

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