
Through Icy Haze

Through Icy Haze

After the events of 1905, the proletariat slowly retreated with battle. The Lenin headquarters of the leadership of the revolution was moved to Finland. There Lenin and Krupskaya live illegally in safe houses. Vladimir Ilyich works on his articles, occasionally his associates visit him, sometimes he goes to the city for meetings with his party comr..

Nataly Fish

Hazel's People

Hazel's People

An NYU student visits a Mennonite friend in Lancaster, Pennsylvania after a fellow Mennonite is killed while protesting the Vietnam War.

Nataly Fish

Hazelnut Chocolate

Hazelnut Chocolate

Two collective farms compete for an irrigations specialist.

Nataly Fish

Through the Haze

Through the Haze

As the afternoon light fades, two kids play in the woods by a lake. When one of them disappears, the lake and its inhabitants take hold of the narrative and, when the darkness sets in, build up the walls of a maze that encircles the two kids. While one wanders through the forest searching for his friend, the silhouettes, textures and sounds of the ..

Nataly Fish

Forgotten Summer Haze

Forgotten Summer Haze

Childhood friends Pääsu, Atko and Virge try to recall the last time they were all together. Turns out they remember the incident differently. Their quest to remember takes them on a visually surreal journey of memories. Not everybody remains truthful.

Nataly Fish

Heat Haze

Heat Haze

Experimental work by Isao Yamada (Color, 8mm).

Nataly Fish



About the notorious batang hamog loitering in main thoroughfares such as EDSA.

Nataly Fish

After Hazelnut

After Hazelnut

Nataly Fish

In the Haze

In the Haze

Short film.

Nataly Fish

Through the Haze

Through the Haze

The famous English science fiction writer H. G. Wells came to our country three times. The first time was 100 years ago, in 1914. Then in 1920 and 1934... And each time a different Russia opened up before him, completely different from the one he had seen during his previous trip...

Nataly Fish

Marriage Haze

Marriage Haze

Because his girlfriend Ratri is betrothed to an engineer, Tedo leaves college to find work in Jakarta. In a short time, he becomes a director and marries the daughter of the company owner. But his wife, Siska is an only child, whose mother died during childbirth, and therefore craves attention. His concern for work only enrages her. Siska ends up n..

Nataly Fish

Layers Under the Haze

Layers Under the Haze

Documentary about German city Oberhausen.

Nataly Fish

Haze and Fog

Haze and Fog

Darkly humorous reinterpretation of the zombie film, set in Beijing. Here the undead are real estate agents, nouveau riche businessmen, security guards, manicurists, and sex workers seeking contact in an increasingly individualized, alienating society.

Nataly Fish



Reşat, a withdrawn and asocial young man who works at a pirate DVD shop, represses his feelings for the girl next door, and adds excitement to his life with petty theft. The film turns into a thriller when the shadowy Celal, a friend of Reşat's boss, gets shot just after he leaves a package in the shop and Reşat has to make sense of the photo an..

Nataly Fish



En 1972, Shirley Chisholm, première femme noire élue au Congrès, entrait dans l'Histoire en se présentant à la candidature démocrate pour la présidence des États-Unis.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Un étudiant en première année de fac et sa nouvelle petite amie subissent un bizutage brutal et humiliant, mais chacun le vit de façon très différente.

Nataly Fish

Brumes de Chaleur

Brumes de Chaleur

Au début de l'ère Showa en 1926, les relations complexes entre le dramaturge Matsuzaki, la très belle Shinako, son client Tamawaki, et Ine, qui prétend être la femme de Tamawaki, mais dont il apprend qu'elle vient de mourir.

Nataly Fish

Max & Emmy : Mission Pâques

Max & Emmy : Mission Pâques

Pâques approche à grands pas : Max, Emmy et tous les lapins s’activent pour le grand jour ! Mais les renards, captivés par les œufs décorés, ont décidé de les subtiliser. Commence alors la mission Pâques pour Max, Emmy et leurs amis, afin de sauver la grande fête des lapins !

Nataly Fish

L'Ecole des lapins

L'Ecole des lapins

Max, un lapin des villes dégourdi, se retrouve piégé dans une école pour lapins aux méthodes un peu… anciennes. C'est pourtant là qu'est gardé l'oeuf de Pâques en or convoité par une famille de renards rusés qui cherche à s'en emparer. Avec l'aide de l'adorable Emmy qui rêve de réussir son examen de lapin de Pâques et grâce aux le�..

Nataly Fish

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