
Flight of the Cardinal

Flight of the Cardinal

Young Beetle Hobbs wants out of his small town and sees his ticket in Grady Wilson. Set in the desolate Smoky Mountains, Grady has recently left the big city to become the proprietor of a resort lodge. When Beetle joins Grady's staff, he gives new meaning to the adage 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. A stunning ensemble cast steer..

Nataly Fish

Last Flight

Last Flight

As an old Boing 747 takes off for its last red-eye flight from a small Pacific island, unusual events occur intermittently. While all the passengers are panic, the captain and the chief flight attendant try to lead the investigation.

Nataly Fish

Le Dernier Vol

Le Dernier Vol

Sahara Français, 1933. Partie à la recherche de l'homme qu'elle aime, disparu lors d'une tentative de traversée Londres / Le Cap en avion, l'aventurière et aviatrice Marie Vallières de Beaumont est contrainte de poser son biplan près d'un poste avancé de "méhariste" français en plein désert saharien. Confronté à la détermination de la ..

Nataly Fish

Le détournement du vol 73

Le détournement du vol 73

Le 5 septembre 1986, le vol 73 de la Pan Am décolle de Mumbai. Lors de la première escale au Pakistan, quatre hommes armés prennent en otage les passagers et les membres de l'équipage. Les terroristes veulent se rendre à Chypre pour libérer des prisonniers palestiniens. En vain. Ils exécutent 20 otages et en blessent plus de 100 avant d'êtr..

Nataly Fish

The Flight

The Flight

Two brothers study to become military pilots. They are very attached to each other and are never apart. They have one dream for two — to conquer the sky.

Nataly Fish

Night Flight with Frank Zappa, Porn Wars

Night Flight with Frank Zappa, Porn Wars

Frank Zappa stopped by the Night Flight studios in 1985 to talk about music videos, censorship, the PMRC and what it's like to play in his band.

Nataly Fish

Laika. The Last Flight

Laika. The Last Flight

A letter from the dead dog Laika, the first conqueror of space. This is the story of her heroic deeds and martyrdom, a document of one of many lives it was deemed necessary to sacrifice in the name of the human plan for conquest and domination.

Nataly Fish

Since: The Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103

Since: The Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103

The 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killed 270 innocent people and began the new age of terrorism. Bound together in tragedy, the victim's relatives fought for justice, only to watch it unravel for Libyan oil.

Nataly Fish

Life in Flight

Life in Flight

A successful New York architect with a beautiful wife and an adoring young son is forced to reevaluate his outwardly idyllic life after a chance meeting with an urban designer reveals the cracks in the foundation of his paradise.

Nataly Fish

The Theory of Flight

The Theory of Flight

A dreamer who aspires to human flight is assigned public service after one of his attempts off a public building. This leads him to meeting a young woman, who is dying of motor neuron disease. The strong-willed woman admits her wish to be de-flowered before her death. The man, struggling to maintain his relationship with his girl friend, declines b..

Nataly Fish

NTSB: The Crash of Flight 323

NTSB: The Crash of Flight 323

A team of federal investigators have to comb through the wreckage of a crashed airplane to find the cause of the fatal downing. Was it terrorism? Negligence? Human failure? Or just a tragic accident?

Nataly Fish

Flight of Fancy

Flight of Fancy

Une jeune mère célibataire, Mercedes, est sur le point d'épouser Frank solide et fiable, lorsqu'un aviateur fringant, Clay, entre dans sa vie. Mais quand le pilote Clay s'écrase sur une petite île isolée, il envoie les habitants dans une vrille.

Nataly Fish

Crash: The Mystery of Flight 1501

Crash: The Mystery of Flight 1501

Diane and Greg Halstead were once happily married, even deciding to try and have a baby in later years, despite the fact that she had already suffered two miscarriages. She has no luck in becoming pregnant and this leads to an estrangement from her husband. On his latest flight, Greg, a professional pilot, finds out about a bomb threat. The person ..

Nataly Fish

Christmas Takes Flight

Christmas Takes Flight

La bataille entre la pilote Jenny Beckett et Matt Connor, un PDG avide de chiffres qui rachète la compagnie aérienne régionale familiale de Jenny. Les initiatives de réduction des coûts de Matt menacent Noël lorsqu'il annule l'événement caritatif annuel de la compagnie aérienne pour les enfants défavorisés.

Nataly Fish

Last Flight Home

Last Flight Home

Eli Timoner, mari, père et entrepreneur dévoué qui a fondé la compagnie aérienne Air Florida dans les années 1970, décide de mettre fin à ses jours pour des raisons médicales. Pendant la période d'attente de 15 jours, Eli, alité mais à l'esprit vif, fait ses adieux à ses proches et les aide à se préparer à son départ. Tandis que se..

Nataly Fish

MH370: Mystery of the Lost Flight

MH370: Mystery of the Lost Flight

In the 21st century, commercial planes don’t just vanish. But in 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 did. Tells the definitive story of the flight’s devastating disappearance and unravels the many theories and conspiracies that have attempted to explain the cause of the lost flight. This special draws on new evidence, expertise from investigat..

Nataly Fish

Le Fantôme du vol 401

Le Fantôme du vol 401

En 1972, un appareil de la compagnie Eastern Airlines s’est écrasé dans un marécage en Floride. Il y eut 101 morts. Plus tard sur cette même compagnie on dit avoir aperçu le mécanicien et le commandant du vol 401 (Bob Loft). Après des enquêtes, la compagnie découvrit un détail curieux. Chaque appareil concerné par l’apparition du com..

Nataly Fish

A Space Flight System

A Space Flight System

This film portrays the life of Osvaldo, the screenwriter behind the most delirious presidential speech in Argentine history. Fiction is combined with real historical events that occurred in the Argentine Republic during 1996.

Nataly Fish

SST: Death Flight

SST: Death Flight

On its maiden flight, the crew of America's first supersonic transport learns that it may not be able to land, due to an act of sabotage and a deadly flu onboard.

Nataly Fish

Détresse dans la tempête

Détresse dans la tempête

En 1953, dans la province de Zélande, aux Pays-Bas, une tempête menace les habitations côtières. Julia, une jeune mère, met son fils de 5 semaines en sûreté dans la ferme familiale. Mais les intempéries détruisent la maison et Julia est séparée de son bébé. Emportée par les eaux, elle est sauvée par Aldo, un jeune officier militaire...

Nataly Fish

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