
Abortion Democracy: Poland/South Africa

Abortion Democracy: Poland/South Africa

Why are illegal abortions more accessible in Poland than legal ones in South Africa? This documentary feature explores and contrasts changes in Poland and South Africa regarding abortion laws and their impact on the lives of women. In the 90's, Poland banned abortion due to the increasing influence of the Catholic Church after the fall of communi..

Nataly Fish

Jordan Klepper Fingers the Midterms: America Unfollows Democracy

Jordan Klepper Fingers the Midterms: America Unfollows Democracy

The Daily Show With Trevor Noah Presents: Jordan Klepper Fingers the Midterms - America Unfollows Democracy is a special from the brilliant minds of The Daily Show about the 2022 midterm elections. In a clip from the upcoming Comedy Central special, Klepper is shown visiting an October rally where former President Donald Trump appeared in support o..

Nataly Fish

Aftershocks: The Rough Guide to Democracy

Aftershocks: The Rough Guide to Democracy

Aftershocks is about the transformation of the Welfare State into an ally of the Corporation. It examines the acquisition and displacement of two earthquake-affected villages for lignite mining and power generation. It probes the microcosm in the nature of a study "from below" of globalisation of Economy and corporatisation of Democracy

Nataly Fish

Agora: From Democracy to the Market

Agora: From Democracy to the Market

As going through an economic vortex, Greece is experiencing condition in post-war history. Homeless people, unemployment, poverty, violent conflicts and the rise of the extreme-right are found all over the county. Is there any possible way to break through the crisis? This film follows development of the crisis and its impact on people’s lives, a..

Nataly Fish

Democracy at Work in Rural Puerto Rico

Democracy at Work in Rural Puerto Rico

This film profiles the history, culture, and farm produce of the Caribbean territory of Puerto Rico. The film emphasizes the self-reliant nature of Puerto Rican farmers and their families, the difficulties they face, and the assistance offered to them by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) extension services.

Nataly Fish

African Underground: Democracy in Dakar

African Underground: Democracy in Dakar

African Underground: Democracy in Dakar is a groundbreaking documentary film about hip-hop youth and politics in Dakar Senegal. The film follows rappers, DJs, journalists, professors and people on the street at the time before, during and after the controversial 2007 presidential election in Senegal and examines hip-hop’s role on the political pr..

Nataly Fish

Pests: The Attack on People's Democracy

Pests: The Attack on People's Democracy

In 1950, the Eastern Bloc countries warned the population that they were going to war. The enemy had already dropped into the country by plane, and it was up to the civilians to fight back. The enemy was the Colorado potato beetle. Yes, in yet another bizarre event that could have only happened during the Cold War, the Eastern Bloc countries expe..

Nataly Fish

Democracy or city of dreams

Democracy or city of dreams

What exactly does the word mean “democracy” mean? Does it designates the ancient city-state or our contemporary political systems? What are the analogies or, on the contrary, the radical differences between realities separated by more than twenty centuries? Are certain functions suitable for all civilizations? Τhe third episode of Chris Marker..

Nataly Fish

People and Parliament - 75 years. Living Democracy
Selfie With Democracy

Selfie With Democracy

The Story is about two Male Angels that has been sent on a duty on Earth by God's order. meanwhile one of the Angels falls in love with a Girl on earth who was part of their mission.the Angel asks The Lord to become a Human and stay on earth for her.

Nataly Fish

Hippocrates And Democracy

Hippocrates And Democracy

The father of medical in Kos, Hippocrates, believes that illnesses can be treated with medicines and herbs instead of prayers and comes into conflict with the medical establishment of the island. Leaving Kos, he goes to Athens, where he is called to face a plague for save the city.

Nataly Fish

Arpoador, Praia and Democracy

Arpoador, Praia and Democracy

Nataly Fish

Cartoonists: Footsoldiers of Democracy

Cartoonists: Footsoldiers of Democracy

12 fous formidables, drôles et tragiques, des quatre coins du monde, des caricaturistes, défendent la démocratie en s'amusant, avec, comme seule arme, un crayon, au risque de leurs vies. Ils sont: français, tunisienne, russe, mexicain, américain, burkinabé, chinois, algériens, ivoirien, vénézuélienne, israélien et palestinien.

Nataly Fish

melih gökçek and democracy

melih gökçek and democracy

a referendum example for gezi park

Nataly Fish

One Meter Democracy

One Meter Democracy

One Meter of Democracy (2010) challenged the endurance of viewers, as well as the courage of the artist. In a quasi-democratic process, He Yunchang invited approximately 20 friends to vote in a secret ballot on whether he should have a surgeon cut a one metre incision the length of his body, from collar bone to knee, without anaesthesia. The vote w..

Nataly Fish

Pipelines, pouvoir et démocratie

Pipelines, pouvoir et démocratie

Face aux dangers pour l’environnement que représente l’expansion de l’industrie des sables bitumineux qui exploite l’une des énergies fossiles les plus polluantes de la planète, ce long métrage documentaire rappelle que le pouvoir n’est pas toujours là où l’on croit. Des couloirs de l’Assemblée nationale, où se trouve le pouvo..

Nataly Fish

The Price of Democracy

The Price of Democracy

The expressions of democratization are usually interpreted by elites from two different parties but neglect the real faces/ life of every individual among the resistance rally. The director (a confused twenty-something) looks back upon the 40-year-history of democratization of Taiwan through the life experiences of two old-timers (who are grass-roo..

Nataly Fish

USA - Menaces sur la démocratie

USA - Menaces sur la démocratie

Lors de sa victoire en novembre 2020, le président américain Joe Biden déclarait que l'Amérique était de retour. Pourtant, la plus vieille démocratie du monde semble traverser une grave crise existentielle. En mai 2022, la tenue de la convention annuelle du principal lobby des armes (la NRA) au lendemain de la fusillade dans l’école primai..

Nataly Fish

Our Democracy

Our Democracy

It is 1976 in Yugoslavia. Brotherhood and unity is also evident on the local radio station, where everyone is rejoicing. Namely, they received the award for the most homogeneous collective. The most homogeneous collective, however, soon begins to disintegrate, as it turns out that the award is in fact intended for the best individual.

Nataly Fish

The Paradox of Democracy

The Paradox of Democracy

Over the 2010s decade, even in different contexts and different democracies, the lack of satisfaction of society with politics became an unifying trait that caused riots in Brazil, the United States, France, Egypt and Ukraine. All of those governments fell, whether by force or by elections, but corruption keeps happening in the new governments. "Th..

Nataly Fish

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