
Bikini Chain Gang

Bikini Chain Gang

A waitress who won't put out for her boss has the misfortune of quitting her job just as the bar is being robbed by a notorious thief...

Nataly Fish

Symphonie Enchaînée

Symphonie Enchaînée

Après avoir été accusé d'un crime qu'il n'a pas commis, Mickey est envoyé en prison. Il se retrouve à casser des cailloux dans la cour de la prison, boulet au pied aux côtés d'autres prisonniers, dont Clarabelle Cow. Leur gardien est Pat Hibulaire, armé de plusieurs chiens. Mickey trouve un harmonica et entame une chanson. Les autres pris..

Nataly Fish

The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Documentary

The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Documentary

This documentary goes behind the scenes of the 1993 filming of "The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre" in Pflugerville, Texas. It includes on-set footage and interviews with the cast and crew, and is a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the film that went on to become the black sheep of the Texas Chainsaw franchise.

Nataly Fish

Chain Reaction 5

Chain Reaction 5

From the series that introduced you to the meaning of HARDCORE, Chain Reaction Five Worldwide takes you to four continents, logs thousands of frequent flyer miles and shows the planet what East Coast Style is all about. The DH Productions "Stable of Knuckleheads" has been unchained and they have unleashed their fury on the world. Get ready for a he..

Nataly Fish

Schoolgirls in Chains

Schoolgirls in Chains

2 frères dérangés, qui sont sous l'influence de leur mère folle, enlèvent des jeunes filles et les maintiennent captives dans leur sous-sol...

Nataly Fish



An abused and bullied boy discovers and befriends a criminal chained inside an abandoned warehouse, but after a violent betrayal the abused becomes the abuser, putting both their lives in peril.

Nataly Fish

Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections

Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections

Avant l'élection présidentielle de 2020, Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections explore en profondeur les faiblesses de la technologie électorale d'aujourd'hui, en enquêtant sur les vulnérabilités surprenantes des systèmes de vote américains et les risques alarmants qu'ils représentent pour notre démocratie.

Nataly Fish

Chained Sinners: Medieval Fleshpots

Chained Sinners: Medieval Fleshpots

In a distant time and place a country is divided into several kingdoms. The king of the richest has recently died and his son and heir will have a new bride selected for him from amongst the princesses by the high priestess. But before the selection can begin, the beautiful princesses must be freed from their jealous kidnappers, who have forced the..

Nataly Fish

Texas Chainsaw Mascara

Texas Chainsaw Mascara

A group of New Yorkers take a road trip to Texas, to visit the locations from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Their car is disabled. As they wait in a desolate part of the state, a hiker discovers the travelers and offers refuge at her home, which happens to be five hours away by foot. When the gang arrives at what looks like a hovel, their northern a..

Nataly Fish

Réclusion à mort

Réclusion à mort

Scott Barnes travailleur social, est déterminé à sauver un jeune garçon, Tommy, qui vend de la drogue. La seule manière d’aider Tommy est d’infiltrer le réseau mafieux de l’intérieur...

Nataly Fish

Ball and Chain

Ball and Chain

Edgar et Mallory Bulson ont décidé de se séparer. C'est alors qu'un mystérieux météore leur offre des super pouvoirs. Le souci ? Ils peuvent profiter de ces pouvoirs seulement s'ils parviennent à mettre leurs querelles de côté et à travailler ensemble.

Nataly Fish

Chain Gang Girls

Chain Gang Girls

Welcome to the Big House! It looks like any other prison, but this specialized penitentiary was designed from the ground up to hold Japan's most ruthless female inmates. That makes it doubly deadly, because while the guards may be brutal and sadistic, the inmates outnumber them by a hundred to one! At any second the final, fatal riot may erupt, sto..

Nataly Fish

Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns: Revenge of Nero

Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns: Revenge of Nero

Giko Nokomura is a female student at Nightingale Academy, who carries around her very own chainsaw. One day she begins to be attacked by modified corpses created by one of her classmates, Nero Aoi . She tears her way through the corpses and busts into Nero's hideout. Why is Nero so intent on attacking Giko?! The reason will shock you!After her batt..

Nataly Fish

Food Chains

Food Chains

This call to arms documentary details the questionable ethics of the food supply industry, pointing out the power of huge supermarket chains to dictate low wages and inhumane labor conditions for farmworkers in the United States.

Nataly Fish

La Prisonnière

La Prisonnière

Gilbert, un artiste, et Josée forment un couple uni. Un pacte d'indépendance et de franchise réciproques les lie depuis des années. Mais Josée est subjuguée par Stan, le directeur de la galerie d'art qui expose les oeuvres de son mari. Cet homme, qui a fait de la perversion un véritable mode de vie, photographie lui-même des femmes qu'il hu..

Nataly Fish

In Search of All American Massacre: The Lost Texas Chainsaw Film

In Search of All American Massacre: The Lost Texas Chainsaw Film

A documentary team sets out to find "All American Massacre", the lost "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" spin-off that was supposed to be released in the year 2000. Since 2000 the film's whereabouts have spawned numerous rumors and urban legends. Could some of them be true?

Nataly Fish

MoPOP Founders Award 2020 Honoring Alice in Chains

MoPOP Founders Award 2020 Honoring Alice in Chains

For the first time ever, the Museum of Pop Culture's highly-anticipated Founders Award annual fundraiser event will be free to the public, streaming online Tuesday, December 1 as MoPOP honors Seattle's own Alice in Chains. The one-night-only benefit will be broadcast virtually beginning at 6 p.m. PT featuring unforgettable performances by Alice in..

Nataly Fish

Ball and Chain

Ball and Chain

Somewhere in the middle of Texas, Ameet (Sunil Malhotra) and Saima (Lisa Ray) have a problem. They were perfectly happy avoiding each other until their parents set them up to get married. The reluctant couple decide to do whatever it takes to break off the engagement. After some very embarrassing efforts, they finally succeed in getting their paren..

Nataly Fish

The Chain

The Chain

Une mère de famille, survivante d'un cancer, Rachel, apprend que sa fille de 11 ans a été kidnappée. La seule façon de la récupérer est de ravir un autre enfant. Sa fille ne sera libérée que lorsque les parents de la prochaine victime enlèveront un autre enfant. Sinon, sa fille sera assassinée. A présent, Rachel fait partie de " La Cha�..

Nataly Fish



Five teens find themselves terrorized by a mysterious object slithering in the dark.

Nataly Fish

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