
On the Edge of 'Blade Runner'

On the Edge of 'Blade Runner'

Il s'agit du rare documentaire britannique de Channel 4 sur Blade Runner, qui donne un aperçu de son histoire grâce à des interviews de Ridley Scott, des scénaristes et de presque tous les acteurs. Des entretiens avec le personnel de production, y compris Ridley, donnent des détails sur le processus créatif et l'agitation pendant la préprodu..

Nataly Fish

Rusty Blade

Rusty Blade

Lin Dawei, an assistant to the county government, needs money to feed his family. Lin is persuaded by his colleague Lu Qian to steal Jin Mantang's gold. Ten years later, the emperor's eldest son was born, the emperor pardoned the criminals, and Lin Dawei returned home. However, things did not go well in his hometown. Jin Mantang joined forces with ..

Nataly Fish

Le Nouvel Angyo Onshi

Le Nouvel Angyo Onshi

L'histoire se passe dans une contrée inconnue. Après la chute de l'empire Jushin et à la mort de l'empereur, le pays se trouve plongé dans le chaos, laissant régner la terreur et la loi du plus fort. Agents secrets du royaume disparu, les Angyo Onshi avaient pour mission de veiller au respect des lois et châtier les gouverneurs oppressant le ..

Nataly Fish

The Scarlet Blade

The Scarlet Blade

A 1964 British action adventure film from Hammer studios. The Scarlet Blade is set during the english civil war. A cruel Roundhead Colonel is on the trail of royalist sympathisers, but unaware of his daughters royalist sympathies. When she falls into a love triangle with Cavalier Edward Beverly and Roundhead officer Captain Sylvester the stage is..

Nataly Fish

Pages arrachées au livre de Satan

Pages arrachées au livre de Satan

Satan, maudit par Dieu, prend figure humaine et choisit un instrument pour ses plans diaboliques. Un homme tente par lui trahit son ideal et accomplit le mal qu'il ne desirait pas. Inspire du film de Griffith "Intolerance", cette fresque cinematographique est composee de quatre episodes: "la Passion du Christ", "l'Inquisition espagnole", "la Revolu..

Nataly Fish

Angel Blade

Angel Blade

An emotionally damaged cop investigating a spree of prostitute killings discovers that the dark side of Las Vegas is decidedly more grim than he ever suspected in director David Heavener's gruesome thriller. When a series of teenaged prostitutes fall to the blade of a murderous madman and authorities are left scratching their heads, Detective Bradl..

Nataly Fish

Razor Blade Smile

Razor Blade Smile

Les aventures colorees d'une vampire ultra-lookee qui mord la vie a pleines dents et flingue au colt 45 tous ceux qui veulent lui faire la peau.

Nataly Fish

Kamen Rider Blade: Missing Ace

Kamen Rider Blade: Missing Ace

Four years after an alternate ending to the series, in which Blade seals the Joker, the characters have moved on with their lives: Kenzaki is a garbage man, Mutsuki has graduated high school, and Kotarō has published a book about the Kamen Riders to great success. The Undead have been re-released, and a new trio of Kamen Riders—Glaive, Larc and ..

Nataly Fish

Boris Schniderman 2: The Blade of the Musician

Boris Schniderman 2: The Blade of the Musician

Boris finds new success in his music career after moving on from guitar and becoming a cover artist. During this new path in his career he makes new enemy's who attempt to destroy him and his career, as he is followed by a documentary crew who captures the reality of his life.

Nataly Fish

Snow on The Blades

Snow on The Blades

At Sakurada Gate in 1860, the shogun’s chief minister and his retinue of bodyguards are ambushed and annihilated. Bearing the responsibility and shame for this failure is Shimura Kingo, master swordsman and chief of the guard. Forbidden to take his own life in atonement, he is instead tasked with hunting down the remaining assassins; however, fat..

Nataly Fish

Blades of the Musketeers

Blades of the Musketeers

In 1625 France, D'Artagnan joins the king's musketeers, meets three new friends - Athos, Porthos and Aramis - among them and, together, the four quickly find themselves embroiled in court intrigue with Prime Minister Richelieu attempting to sabotage the congenial relationship existing between France and England. Originally produced as a 60-minute ..

Nataly Fish

Roller Blade

Roller Blade

Après l’apocalypse, voici venu le deuxième âge sombre, un monde où l’on doit patiner… ou mourir. Le démoniaque docteur Saticoy élabore un plan pour dominer ce qui reste de la terre dévastée. Seul le Marshall Goodman de la patrouille à roller et les "sœurs bonnes" de l’ordre cosmique du rollerblade pourront contrecarrer ses plans.

Nataly Fish

Truth and Dare: Memories of The Blade

Truth and Dare: Memories of The Blade

This documentary consists of testimonies from Tsui Hark, Koan Hui (co-writer and assistant director) and Hung Yan Yan (actor and choreographer). All three of them look back on their memories of filming and give us a large number of anecdotes.

Nataly Fish

Blade Runner: Mundos Replicantes
Return of the Roller Blade Seven

Return of the Roller Blade Seven

This film follows the further adventures of the lone samurai Hawk, as he continues his battle to defeat the evil Pharaoh, Saint Offender and the Black Knight. Guided by his Psychic, Hawk ultimate defeats his adversaries and brings order to the universe.

Nataly Fish

Blades in the Darkness

Blades in the Darkness

Tirana 1997. The chaos left by the fall of communism has opened the doors to a bloody civil war. Matia, just a teenager, is harassed by his playmates. In an attempt to escape, he hides inside an abandoned bunker. In that spooky building, Matia will be the first to discover something scary and unthinkable that will change his whole life....

Nataly Fish

Satan's Blade

Satan's Blade

Dans une station de ski un résident local possédé par le mauvais esprit d'un ancien montagnard terrorise les habitants d'un chalet de montagne.

Nataly Fish

The Blade Spares None

The Blade Spares None

Ho Li-Chun, a pretty but ruthless swordswoman, and three challengers are participating in an open tournament at Prince Kuei's Palace. A knight, Chen Jo-Yu, is defeated in the tournament. He flees and later returns with knight Tang Ching-Yun who wields a strange sword. They get trapped but Ho deliberately sets both free after seeing Tang's weapon wh..

Nataly Fish

The Blade Of Storm

The Blade Of Storm

Nataly Fish

Babes with Blades

Babes with Blades

On the dark streets of Draiga, a mining colony occupied by the Visray Empire, lives Azura, the last of a fearsome warrior race known as the Sarnians. After witnessing her once beautiful home world turn into a lifeless husk, Azura must fight to the death in the gladiatorial ring to stay alive. Meanwhile, a group of human freedom fighters form a resi..

Nataly Fish

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