
Painting America

Painting America

Ache- B is a consecrated artist, gives his perspective on migration and art and how these two have influenced his life and have allowed him to leave a mark for every corner of Latin America he has visited. Through his paintings and his passion for her, he manages to rescue the different cultures he met in his travels in Latin America, acquiring a c..

Nataly Fish

Oliver Stone's America : Dialogue avec Oliver Stone

Oliver Stone's America : Dialogue avec Oliver Stone

Un entretien profond avec le réalisateur qui nous livre ainsi sa vision de l'Amérique au travers d'extraits de ses films, de tranches de sa vie privée, de photos ou de clips…

Nataly Fish

Backlands, America

Backlands, America

Creating a national park in the Brazilian state of Piauí dedicated to the preservation of what are apparently the first traces of human activity in the Americas has been archeologist Niède Guidon’s life work. SERTÃO, AMÉRICA is a contemporary take on a mythical territory of Brazilian cinema, once the cinematic realm of Glauber Rocha and o..

Nataly Fish

Birds of America

Birds of America

A regular guy struggles with a repressive home and professional life, as well as making amends for the trouble his free-spirited brother and sister cause about town.

Nataly Fish

The Scrambled States of America

The Scrambled States of America

Disenchanted with their fixed places on the map, the states swap spots in hopes that each can get to see a different part of the country and do something different for a change.

Nataly Fish

America Town

America Town

Fin des années 80. Le jeune Sang-Kook vit seul avec son père, gérant d’un studio photo, à Gunsan dans l’ouest de la Corée du Sud. Passionné de photographie, il développe en secret des clichés érotiques pour les militaires de la base américaine toute proche. Il rencontre alors Young-Lim, une prostituée de 20 ans, qui se rend au studio..

Nataly Fish

Bela America

Bela America

Lucas, the cook, seduces America, the television star and presidential candidate. He will clandestinely enter her house to seduce her with extraordinary meals, causing the unlikely intersection of the fate of Lucas, the cook, with that of America, the President.

Nataly Fish

Older Than America

Older Than America

The truth of the past come to light in a series of haunting visions in this drama. The strange visions grow more vivid with each passing day, a young woman of Native American heritage begins piecing together a Catholic priests diabolical plot to prevent her mother from revealing the atrocities that unfolded at a Native Indian boarding school.

Nataly Fish

102 Minutes qui ont changé le monde

102 Minutes qui ont changé le monde

Un travail minutieux de récolte d'images a permis de reconstituer, minute par minute, ce qu'ont vécu les New-Yorkais lors du 11 septembre 2001, entre l'impact du premier avion et l'effondrement de la seconde tour. De leurs appartements, de Times Square aux quais du New Jersey, les New-Yorkais commentent, observent, et surtout filment la catastrop..

Nataly Fish

CIA: Comrade In America

CIA: Comrade In America

A young Aji Mathew is a communist who goes the whole nine yards for the ideologies he believes in. When the girl he loves leaves to the US out of the blue and her parents fix her wedding, Aji is left with just a fortnight to reach the country albeit with no passport or visa. How far he is willing to go for love forms the plot.

Nataly Fish

Crips and Bloods: Made in America

Crips and Bloods: Made in America

With a first-person look at the notorious Crips and Bloods, this film examines the conditions that have lead to decades of devastating gang violence among young African Americans growing up in South Los Angeles.

Nataly Fish

The Killing of America

The Killing of America

A documentary of the decline of America. Featuring footage (most exclusive to this film) from race riots to serial killers and much, much more.

Nataly Fish

America on the Move 1876-2000

America on the Move 1876-2000

Two complete documentaries exploring more than a century of invention innovation transportation and transformation. Featuring interviews and fascinating archival footage, highlights many of the Smithsonian's priceless artifacts-from an actual piece of Route 66 that visitors can walk on to a full-sized steam locomotive and the interior of a Mississ..

Nataly Fish

America: Freedom to Fascism

America: Freedom to Fascism

This is a documentary about an honest search for the truth about the Federal Reserve Bank and the legality of the Internal Revenue System. Through extensive interviews with recognised experts and authority, the director shows an astonishing revelation of how the Federal Government and the Bankers have fooled the American public by taking thier wage..

Nataly Fish

America's Heart & Soul

America's Heart & Soul

Entre deux mers scintillantes, ce n'est pas que la terre qui rend l'Amérique belle, c'est son peuple. Avec une cinématographie remarquable, America's Heart & Soul vous invite à parcourir cette grande nation, révélant une tapisserie de gens ordinaires qui vivent des vies extraordinaires à la poursuite de leurs rêves, avec une liberté d'espri..

Nataly Fish

The Most Dangerous Man in America

The Most Dangerous Man in America

En 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, un brillant analyste employé comme consultant par le Pentagone, fait parvenir au New York Times un dossier sur la guerre du Vietnam classé secret défense. Ce document de 7000 pages révèle les mensonges d’Etat sur cette guerre. Daniel Ellsberg devient alors l’homme le plus recherché en Amérique. Henry Kissinger, ..

Nataly Fish

Soldier of Honor

Soldier of Honor

Subic Bay, une base navale américaine, vit ses dernières semaines. Les relations entre les militaires et la population locale sont parfois tendues. Un soir, tout bascule : le soldat John Stryzack, un redoutable combattant, violent et déséquilibré, agresse une jeune civile. Arrêté, il parvient à s'évader, et devient incontrôlable. William ..

Nataly Fish

The open eyes of Latin America

The open eyes of Latin America

Continuation of the documentary, The Closed Eyes of Latin America, this documentary addresses the issue of soil and contamination of the continent and the social and popular resistance in defense of the land and territory.

Nataly Fish

Captain America

Captain America

Le super héros Captain America combat les forces du mal du diabolique Scarab, connu pour empoisonner ses ennemis et coupable d'avoir dérober les plans d'une arme secrète capable de détruire des immeubles entiers par vibrations sonores...

Nataly Fish

Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America

Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America

An outbreak of avian flu mutates into a virus that becomes transmittable from human to human.

Nataly Fish

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