


Dr. EGO's abominable genetic experiments have broken the tranquility of Animalario, a city now on the verge of chaos. GATTO, an experienced detective has not ceased in his quest to stop EGO and restore order, but this time, a deadly HIENA will do everything in her power to stand in his way.

Nataly Fish

Animalia No. 1

Animalia No. 1

Different tales about animals, including a cat - mouse fight, a big queue for dogs, and an ostrich's story with its egg.

Nataly Fish

L'Homme, ce vieil animal malade

L'Homme, ce vieil animal malade

The title, quoting Nietzsche describing Man as a sick animal, seems to fit Jean-Luc Nancy, famous for his thinking and especially his striking account of his experience of a heart transplant. But there is no miserabilism here, no sickness or age – instead we have a portrait of the philosopher in action in various different aspects. The first cour..

Nataly Fish

Le Règne des Animaux

Le Règne des Animaux

Dans une société futuriste, deux mondes que tout oppose s’entrechoquent.

Nataly Fish

The Animals Blessing

The Animals Blessing

Nataly Fish

Wild Animal

Wild Animal

Janira has a special relationship with animals but difficulties with human language. She must choose to which world she wants to belong.

Nataly Fish

Animal Queen

Animal Queen

During the pandemic, Reina sells meat stolen by her cousin from door to door. Until one night, in a desolated street, she is mugged by robbers on motorbikes. Lim and Clara help her and they become friends—this way, a plot full of suspicion begins.

Nataly Fish

Animal sérénade

Animal sérénade

At 25, Nina adopts a dog. She is sure: with her new companion Jojo, she will be doing better.

Nataly Fish

Cranium Hullabaloo DVD Amazing Animal Adventure

Cranium Hullabaloo DVD Amazing Animal Adventure

The Hullabaloo DVD Game turns your living room into a wiggly-giggly animal adventure! Kids learn about animals from all over the world and bounce, twist, and dance on the 16 colorful play pads. Everyone will laugh at the surprises that fill each round! Introducing the new DVD version of two-time Game of the Year award winner, Hullabaloo. This DVD v..

Nataly Fish

La médecine face aux superpouvoirs des animaux

La médecine face aux superpouvoirs des animaux

Certaines espèces animales parviennent à régénérer un membre perdu quand d’autres peuvent hiberner pendant des mois sans perdre pour autant leur masse musculaire. Ces capacités font rêver les humains. D’autant qu’elles pourraient aider à lutter contre la maladie d’Alzheimer, les infarctus ou l’ostéoporose. Si ces superpouvoirs sp..

Nataly Fish

The Animals 1850 - 1950

The Animals 1850 - 1950

A compilation of 20 Mexican children's song, composed from 1850 to 1950, ranging from lyrical to surrealist, illustrated with digital animation.

Nataly Fish

Les Animaux Amoureux

Les Animaux Amoureux

A chaque saison, la terre entière résonne des chants, des râles et des cris amoureux des animaux. La danse et les offrandes sont souvent les meilleurs instruments pour attirer l'être convoité, donnant lieu à des parades parfois cocasses ou attendrissantes, souvent spectaculaires. Dauphins, lions, poissons clowns, oiseaux de toutes sortes, ka..

Nataly Fish

The Animals

The Animals

Four friend return to there thieving ways seeing no faith in looking for a job, resulting in only guilt, death and judgement

Nataly Fish

Tant que s'illuminera l'animal stratifié
Etgar Keret What Animal R U?

Etgar Keret What Animal R U?

The Director, follows his friend and most appreciated writer Etgar Keret around the big apple on a book promotion tour, during which they don't stop talking, a bit about writing and a lot about the rest.

Nataly Fish

Animal Winter Olympics

Animal Winter Olympics

In the run-up to the 2006 winter Olympics, the BBC decided to bring together their sports team and the people who brought us Walking with Dinosaurs with the wildlife documentary division to give us this weirdly compelling one-off special that looks like it should be absurd but surprisingly works on several levels. Opening with an owl carrying a fro..

Nataly Fish

Animal Rental

Animal Rental

By the year 2078, all animal species from the rain forest had become extinct. Only genetic samples of such species remained, stored and patented by big commercial Labs. Aiming at preserving this genetic material near its natural habitat, these Labs created a controversial project, "Zootizens", implanting such genes in the bodies of Central American..

Nataly Fish

Animal Channel

Animal Channel

The stork Cathy and the mouse Nicholas, was forced to close the theater where they work for living. With the courage and imagination that characterize them, our friends are used as intrepid reporters of a new television channel run by Big Mouse. Soon realize they need a program that launched to stardom. It will not be easy.

Nataly Fish

Animal Hunger

Animal Hunger

A film by Musa paradisiaca, a project by artists Eduardo Guerra and Miguel Ferrão, Fome Animal is a fable about those who feast and those that are invited to eat. At the dining table rumination mobilizes humans in a reversed continuum while animality and narration are intertwined in a particular cinematic depiction of digestion.

Nataly Fish

Stroking an Animal

Stroking an Animal

Mariña (23) begins an intense love affair with Ada (25). When Tomás (27), a friend of both, enters the couple’s intimacy, the sexual and amorous bonds are altered and shaken. Six moments of the relationship articulate the film, thrown like flashes of light, with a delicate but wild look close to the real sensations of a loving memory.

Nataly Fish

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