
March of The Living

March of The Living

The moving story of the last generation of Holocaust survivors who travel to Poland with thousands of teenagers from around the world to retrace the Death March from Auschwitz to Birkenau.

Nataly Fish

March for the Dead

March for the Dead

Two grave robbers meet the spirit of the tomb they desecrated

Nataly Fish

Un Peuple en Marche

Un Peuple en Marche

En 1962, René Vautier monte avec des amis algériens un centre de formation audiovisuelle pour promouvoir un « dialogue en images » entre les deux camps. De cette expérience est réalisé un film, partiellement détruit par la police française. Les images qu’ils ont pu sauver constituent un document historique rare : elles retracent la guerr..

Nataly Fish

March to the Front

March to the Front

March to the Front depicts the Resistance War Against America (Vietnam War) through the lens of romance.

Nataly Fish

The Long March Back

The Long March Back

The documentary addresses the problem of the Palestinian people from its historical origins, to the social situation that characterizes it, to the forms of struggle to achieve their liberation. In particular, the film - through footage taken in the Jordan Valley, in refugee camps, in the cities and countryside of Jordan - describes the organization..

Nataly Fish

Weiyena - The Long March Home

Weiyena - The Long March Home

Two family stories, a century and two metropolises merge into one: Weina Zhao. Her parents called the little daughter "Vienna" when they emigrated from Beijing to Austria. Weina's journey back in history - from the cultural revolution to modern China - touches on the major issues of the 21st century: migration, identity and coming to terms with the..

Nataly Fish

12 March: The Junta

12 March: The Junta

We are now saying goodbye to the 1960s. The 60's started eventfully on May 27. It ended as eventfully as it began. The '70s inherited escalating violence, student riots, and rumors of intervention. Prime Minister Demirel was trying to put out the fire in the street and to calm the increasingly restless army on the other. The October 1969 elections..

Nataly Fish

Youth on the March

Youth on the March

Nataly Fish

À travers dix mille rivières et Mille Montagnes

À travers dix mille rivières et Mille Montagnes

Une représentation générale de la fameuse Longue Marche de l'Armée Rouge Chinoise des années 1930.

Nataly Fish

When the Saints Go Marching In

When the Saints Go Marching In

When the war ends, everybody is trying to wash away the blood from their hands. Is this sufficient to clear also the conscience?

Nataly Fish

Songs of the Long March

Songs of the Long March

The Long March Suite

Nataly Fish

Looking Back on the West March

Looking Back on the West March

This film tells the story of a war in Tibet in 1912 through information and descendants of the Western Expeditionary Army.

Nataly Fish

The Great Military March Forward: Fight for Nanjing, Shanghai and Hangzhou
Ivan Marchuk:

Ivan Marchuk: "The voice of my soul"

The figure of the world-famous Ukrainian artist Ivan Fedorovych Marchuk, whose paintings present Ukrainian art on all continents of the world, became the basis of this documentary.

Nataly Fish

The Five Are Marching In

The Five Are Marching In

Four inmates are ordered to enter an annual four day walking tournament. When they get over their initial annoyment, each one of them finds a way to take advantage of their time out of jail.

Nataly Fish

March in Front of the War

March in Front of the War

On a summer night in 1975, a military train sped through the north-east of the country.

Nataly Fish

Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Defense of the Galactic March

Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Defense of the Galactic March

Theatrical release of episodes 11-14 of Space Battleship Yamato 2199.

Nataly Fish

The Distant Land of Siberia. Why March 25, 1949?
Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Peter Pan is an adolescent boy who has escaped from his parents to the dreamland of Nowhere. Peter is determined to remain a little boy forever; because the adult world does not please him at all. Together with the fairy Tinkerbell, Peter Pan lures the girl Wendy and her two brothers John and Michael to Nowhere, where Peter teaches them to fly. The..

Nataly Fish

Namedni-1921 Capablanca. Hunger in the Volga region. March 8. Youth Theater. Homeless children
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