
Set a Date

Set a Date

Thanks to a new technology, Andrés, a young policeman, discovers that he will die in 20 minutes.

Nataly Fish

Urusei Yatsura: Date with a Spirit

Urusei Yatsura: Date with a Spirit

When Tsubame tries to go on a date with Sakura, the ghost of a young girl decides to go along - as his girlfriend.

Nataly Fish

My Tinder Date - A Vengeance Story

My Tinder Date - A Vengeance Story

When Bea's date cancels 15 minutes before their date after weeks of planning, Bea has had enough. Bea ask her bff Maria for help, to teach Eduardo a lesson. Unfortunately, things don't go as smoothly as Bea had planned.

Nataly Fish

9½ Dates

9½ Dates

Too engaged in his sexual pursuits to offer his editor any decent material, David, a self-centred journalist, is challenged by his editor to go on ten dates with ten different women and publish the results in a tell-all book. His former girlfriend is then hired to type up his notes

Nataly Fish

Our Dating Sim (Movie)

Our Dating Sim (Movie)

School friends Lee Wan and Shin Gi Tae are inseparable school friends who spend every single moment of free time they have together. But Lee Wan has a secret: He has a crush on his best friend and wants their relationship to turn romantic. When he tells Shin Gi Tae how he feels, Gi Tae recoils and Lee Wan runs away to a new life. Seven years later..

Nataly Fish

Blind Date

Blind Date

Majka is young, beautiful and intelligent. It is time for her to learn and work, she has wonderful friends. But unfortunately she can't forget Cezary, who had abandoned her a year ago. So Majka's best friend decides to help her to start a new life.

Nataly Fish

Date in Vegas

Date in Vegas

A charismatic advertising manager Artem and his charming business rival Oksana are removed from the flight to Las Vegas after Artem tries to prank her to get rid of the competition. This turns an official journey into a romantic adventure.

Nataly Fish

Dating site for married women

Dating site for married women

Satoko, a married woman who repeats flings using a dating site using her mobile phone. One day, she meets Atsushi, a designer blinded by an accident, and suddenly begins to take care of him and love grows between them.

Nataly Fish

Pixies : Live At The Paradise In Boston

Pixies : Live At The Paradise In Boston

Les Pixies sont l'un des actes américains les plus influents de tous les temps. Initialement couvrant la fin des années 80 et le début des années 90, ils ont créé le modèle du rock alternatif qui serait suivi et embelli par tout le monde, du grunge au Britpop. Après 10 ans d'écart, les Pixies se sont réformés en 2004. Ce programme est la..

Nataly Fish

A Saturday Date

A Saturday Date

Nataly Fish

Expiration Date

Expiration Date

Ramona's compulsive life becomes a wreck when she finds out, after a long search that Osvaldo, her only son, has died.

Nataly Fish

La promesse de Noël

La promesse de Noël

Elise déteste Noël depuis qu'elle a appris l'infidélité de son mari un soir de réveillon. À présent divorcés, les ex-époux cohabitent à l'agence de voyages qu'Elise a créée et, chaque année, la tension monte à l'approche des fêtes. De son côté, Nick, brillant avocat, est sur le point d'être nommé associé mais son patron ne prome..

Nataly Fish

Spiritisme abracadabrant

Spiritisme abracadabrant

In this subject a "comique eccentric" enters the drawing room inhabited by spirits. He tries to take off his coat and hat, but these garments return to his head and shoulders as soon as he takes them off. The chairs, his umbrella, his hat, etc., fly away in different directions and by various methods. (Star Film Catalog)

Nataly Fish

It’s a Date

It’s a Date

Kyiv 2022 : à l’aube, une voiture traverse la ville à toute allure, filmée en plan subjectif et sans coupe. Ce remake contemporain de "C’était un rendez-vous" de Claude Lelouch décrit un mode de vie au cœur de l’état d’urgence d’un pays en guerre.

Nataly Fish

A Killer's Expiry Date

A Killer's Expiry Date

Wayne is a hitman who wants to retire, so that he can provide a safe life for his wife and their soon-to-be-born baby. He also wants to go legit so that he can convince his dying boss to give up the gangster lifestyle. However, Lai finds getting work in post-Handover Hong Kong tough, and decides to take one last job.

Nataly Fish

I'm Dating You Not

I'm Dating You Not

Robert and Paula, office co-workers, start a relationship full of ups and downs to forget their respective ex. Will they make it?

Nataly Fish

A First Date

A First Date

A couple gets together in a cafeteria to remember the moment they first met.

Nataly Fish

Let the Wrong One In

Let the Wrong One In

Matt, 16 ans, découvre que son frère aîné, Déco, est devenu un vampire. L’adolescent va se retrouver à résoudre un choix cornélien : risquer sa propre vie pour aider son frère ou le tuer avant de propager l’infection vampirique ?

Nataly Fish

I Have a Date with Spring

I Have a Date with Spring

On the eve of the Hong Kong 1967 social unrest triggered by the miss-management of the colonial government, Butterfly Yiu was given an accidental chance to perform the final show when the original and star performer, Pak Long, was stranded at another venue. This started a chain of events that will change the four character's lives forever.

Nataly Fish

Expiration Date

Expiration Date

For several months, the director has been talking to people who find their food in the garbage. Having won their trust, he tries to understand their philosophy, the organization of the garbage dump society, the motivation for leading such a life. The author tries to understand the main reason for their situation and deplorable state. His interlocut..

Nataly Fish

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