
Calamity Jane's Revenge

Calamity Jane's Revenge

A western that takes a look at a different take on the death of Wild Bill Hickok and the revenge Calamity Jane takes on the men who conspired to kill him. While Jane is on the hunt taking the law into her own hands a lawman enlists the help of Jane's friend Colorado Charlie Utter to track Jane and stop her before she goes too far.

Nataly Fish

Lustful Revenge

Lustful Revenge

After reading about beautiful women killed in a gruesome manner during the recent months, Akiko tries to nail down the sick serial killer herself. What she does not know is that the killer has already targetted her as his next victim.

Nataly Fish

Ride Out for Revenge

Ride Out for Revenge

When an Indian chief is murdered in a hateful town, a sympathizing ex marshal tries to stop the Indians from attacking for revenge.

Nataly Fish



Ex-flic, ex-taulard, Franck Bériat a un sens de la justice que certains qualifient d'expéditif. Condamné à six ans de détention pour avoir tué de sang-froid un proxénète, responsable de la mort d'une jeune prostituée, il est devenu, à sa sortie de prison, détective privé sans licence. Les gens s'adressent à lui quand ils ne peuvent ou ..

Nataly Fish

Money. Revenge

Money. Revenge

The main characters are approximately 35–40 years old, some are already firmly on their feet, have a business, a fortune, others are struggling to survive, getting into debt. And someone, wanting to easily and quickly earn big money and show off his classmates, becomes an accomplice in a criminal scheme. All of Baidam's efforts to change his lif..

Nataly Fish

Girl's Revenge

Girl's Revenge

At a birthday party, a sex video is filmed without consent and Ren Li-cha is the girl in the video. The clip circulates among the students and Li-cha is mocked and bullied as a result. Wu Yun-heng, a transfer student, went to the party with Li-cha. As she cannot stand how much Li-cha is suffering' she is determined to find out about the truth behi..

Nataly Fish

Le Succès à tout prix

Le Succès à tout prix

Poland is under Communist rule. An exiled Polish theater director is in England, enthusiastically preparing an abstract play which will criticize the authoritarian Polish government. His sons might not share his political views, though.

Nataly Fish

La rivale

La rivale

Beth, une jeune réceptionniste d'hôtel, est retrouvée étranglée dans sa voiture. Principal suspect pour la police, Kevin, le petit ami de Beth, est rapidement interrogé. Quelques mois plus tôt, celui-ci avait rencontré dans un bar une femme séduisante et non moins mystérieuse, Cheryl. Fidèle, il avait repoussé ses avances en l'informant..

Nataly Fish

Ma Suzhen Takes Revenge

Ma Suzhen Takes Revenge

Nataly Fish

La Revanche de la Reine des neiges

La Revanche de la Reine des neiges

La Reine des neiges tient Ellie pour responsable d'avoir ruiné ses plans pour geler le monde et cherche à se venger. Elle kidnappe Dimly le renne volant et une fois de plus Ellie et son ami Peeps le moineau sont obligés de voyager, cette fois au pôle Sud, où la reine des neiges et ses trolls ont élu domicile pour l'été.

Nataly Fish

Silent Revenge

Silent Revenge

A resentful young man decides to kill all the people who were involved in his brother's decision to commit suicide.

Nataly Fish

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 3

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 3

After three consecutive days of heavy rain, the water level at Sumida River rises and the newly built Eitai Bridge collapses just two years after its completion. Among the 20 victims is Okou, the lover of Yokichi, a member of the theatrical entertainment district controlled by Samon Kamiyama. A body of a bridge carpenter is also found in the debris..

Nataly Fish

Death Valley

Death Valley

Quatre amis décident de partir dans le désert à la recherche du lieu où va se dérouler une gigantesque rave party. Malheureusement pour eux, ils croisent sur leur chemin un bande de motards. Ceux-ci semblent déterminés à en découdre avec eux...

Nataly Fish

Your Silence Became My Revenge

Your Silence Became My Revenge

A woman seeks revenge on a powerful crime boss.

Nataly Fish

Dutch II: Angel's Revenge

Dutch II: Angel's Revenge

"Dutch II" seamlessly continues the success of its predecessor, "Dutch" (2020), delving into the complex underworld of crime and redemption. The film follows an ambitious heroin dealer with sights set on becoming the East Coast's most feared drug lord while simultaneously battling a high-profile court case.

Nataly Fish

The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen

The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen

The definitive feature-length documentary on the creation of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen".

Nataly Fish

Gunslinger's Revenge

Gunslinger's Revenge

Doc, le fils du célèbre pistolero Johnny Lowen, est médecin dans un petit village. Il s'est marié avec une Indienne, qui lui a donné un fils, Jeremiah. Après une vingtaine d'années d'absence, son père, Johnny, réapparaît. Il désire renouer des liens solides avec son fils, sa femme et son petit-fils. Malheureusement, son terrible ennemi d..

Nataly Fish

Torino Criminale Blood Revenge

Torino Criminale Blood Revenge

Nataly Fish

The Elusive Revengers

The Elusive Revengers

Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an intellectual from the city Valerka and jipsy Yashka, but before they get close to their enemy they have to help their village and advancing Red Army.

Nataly Fish

La Vengeance

La Vengeance

Après avoir tué un officier de haut rang lors d'un duel illégal, un samouraï de bas rang est déclaré fou et est défié en duel par le clan auquel appartenait son adversaire mort.

Nataly Fish

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