
His lost name

His lost name

Tetsuro, un veuf d’une cinquantaine d’années, porte secours à un jeune homme qu’il trouve inconscient le long d’une berge de rivière. L’inconnu ne dit rien, sauf s’appeler Shin'ichi. Tout d’abord surpris d’être l’objet de toutes les attentions de Tetsuro, qui le traite comme son propre fils sans poser aucune question, le jeune..

Nataly Fish

A War Named Desire

A War Named Desire

A la mort de sa grand-mère, Chun decide de retrouver son frère qui est devenu un membre influant de la mafia thailandaise, en pleine guerre de pouvoir.

Nataly Fish

Her Name is Cat

Her Name is Cat

Cat (Almen Wong) is a professional killer falling in love with John, a police investigator (Michael Wong). John feels torn between his job, his ex-wife and child, and Cat of course.

Nataly Fish

Beck 24 - In the Name of God

Beck 24 - In the Name of God

A paparazzi photographer gets brutally murdered in Stockholm. His apartment is searched and the computer together with photo equipment is missing.

Nataly Fish

Kid Mon: Real Name Unknown

Kid Mon: Real Name Unknown

In a small town with a big red bridge, a run-down apartment, which everyone calls a haunted house, stands still. A few days before the summer break begins, two high school girls, Kaede and Azusa, find a boy living in the abandoned place by himself. Naming him "Mon", they take care of him without being noticed by anyone.

Nataly Fish

Second Generation Name

Second Generation Name

Former No.1 hostess Asuka (Yuri Oshikawa) was at the peak of her happiness when she married Yutaka, the heir of the old Gokudo Ichimon and Jomonkai. However, on the day he and his girlfriend are released from prison after a long time, Yutaka is killed by the hostile giant organization Ryutora Kai. In order to avenge her husband, Asuka tries to get ..

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Not Ali

My Name Is Not Ali

Travelling between Germany, France and Tunisia, Viola Shafik reconstructs and deconstructs the unknown life story of El Hedi Ben Salem through interviews with his companions and family members as well as archive material. With openness and slight naivety the interviewees explain how “Ali” became an oriental object of projection for the Fassbind..

Nataly Fish

In the Name of the Son

In the Name of the Son

Chae-geun is a driver for hire with manic depression. He often talks to his son who is studying in the States and tells him he would keep his promise. He does a favor by acting as a temporary fiancé of a single woman named Jin-hee, who works as a waitress at a restaurant he frequents. Her father, who was a victim of the Gwangju Uprising in 1980, s..

Nataly Fish

A Surgeon Named Hitman

A Surgeon Named Hitman

A trainee at a university hospital named Yoshioka, was in charge of a patient but the patient dies due to a failure with a heart transplant. One day, someone stabs his sister and dies. In front of the annoying Yoshioka, a mysterious doctor, Shimizu, appears. , who used to stop by the hospital.

Nataly Fish

Onna hisho: Nameru

Onna hisho: Nameru

Nataly Fish

His Name Was Holy Ghost

His Name Was Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost is a supernatural gunfighter dressed in white and with a dove sitting on his shoulder. With his sidekick, the Holy Ghost rescues some farmers from the fortified prison of the evil General Ubarte, then raids the castle again for gold treasure aided by some local prostitutes.

Nataly Fish

Bones and Names

Bones and Names

Boris and Jonathan have been a couple for many years. But their relationship has reached a point where they might as well spend their evenings together separately: One lies in bed reading, the other works at a desk in the next room. While actor Boris digs deeper into rehearsals for a new film with an ambitious director and begins to mix real and fi..

Nataly Fish

She Has a Name

She Has a Name

Jason, an American lawyer, poses as a john to build a legal case against a pimp trafficking girls to Bangkok. Can he win the trust of a young prostitute known only as Number 18 and convince her to risk her life to testify against her pimp?

Nataly Fish

Her Name Is Sabine

Her Name Is Sabine

Un portrait de Sabine Bonnaire, autiste, réalisé par sa soeur la plus proche. Récit de son histoire à travers des archives personnelles, filmées par la comédienne sur une période de 25 ans, et témoignage de sa vie aujourd'hui dans une structure adaptée. Le documentaire évoque une personnalité attachante dont le développement et les dons..

Nataly Fish

Son nom est Sacramento

Son nom est Sacramento

Après avoir obtenu sa liberté avec l’aide d’un vieil ami de son père, Spirito Santo / Saint-Esprit récupère dans une mine abandonnée le fruit d’un précédent vol et se prépare à un nouveau travail en recrutant un étrange sacristain armé d’une mitrailleuse. Pendant ce temps, un shérif amérindien est sur sa piste.

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Texas Bill

My Name Is Texas Bill

Texas Bill and his sidekick “Pistola” help a small community fight an evil landowner named Martin and his gang of thugs.

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Dingo

My Name Is Dingo

A boy abandoned by his father wants to become Finland's biggest rock star.

Nataly Fish

Mon frère s'appelle Robert et c'est un idiot

Mon frère s'appelle Robert et c'est un idiot

Les jumeaux Robert et Elena révisent leur épreuve de philisophie pour le bac et font un pari : si Elena n’arrive pas à coucher avec quelqu’un avant la fin des examens, son frère aura sa voiture. Leur petit jeu échappe vie à leur contrôle et, à la fin du week-end, rien ne sera plus comme avant.

Nataly Fish

The Birds Changed Names And The World Turned Into Ice

The Birds Changed Names And The World Turned Into Ice

Migrant families experience violence, but they also keep beautiful memories when they arrive in new lands. Fantastic and intimate stories, recalled from childhood, travel across time and space, magically intermingling with the help of the four elements and breaking the boundaries of cinema.

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Maya

My Name Is Maya

After a tragic event, two young sisters, Niki, a teenager, and Alice, only 8, end up at the social services. Determined to stick together, they run away and start a new life...

Nataly Fish

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