
The Rise of Female Violence

The Rise of Female Violence

Violence among girls seems more visible than ever. This year, in Walthamstow, there were shocking scenes as a fight broke out started by young women. In Belfast, a fight between two girls organised on social media became a spectator event for the city’s teenagers. BBC reporter Alys Harte asks, are girls getting angrier - and if so, why? From wome..

Nataly Fish

A Test of Violence

A Test of Violence

Stuart Cooper's short about the work of Spanish artist Juan Genovés is an inspired introduction to the works of this extraordinary artist, exploring its minimalist aesthetic and storytelling qualities through a variety of cinematic techniques, including rostrum, animation, news footage and live action recreations.

Nataly Fish

The Last Violence

The Last Violence

Raped during the war by a stranger, Anna is forced by their parents to pretend that that her daughter Lisa is her sister. When she is about to marry the new doctor in the country, her jealous brother resorts to threats of blackmail in an attempt to keep them apart.

Nataly Fish

VHS Violence: Bootlegged

VHS Violence: Bootlegged

In this found footage feast, four videos are discovered, each more violent than the last, as we bear witness to the depravity that unravels onscreen.

Nataly Fish

VHS Violence

VHS Violence

A young woman discovers a package on her doorstep labeled "Watch Me". Inside contains a VHS tape chock full of violence, murder and mayhem. What horrors await her at the end of the movie?

Nataly Fish

Information Violence

Information Violence

Nataly Fish



A three-way battle of hoodlums vs yakuza vs gyoza factory manager! A fierce battleground in Osaka, where territories are fought over with impunity. There, a group of hoodlums, who are in good shape and gaining momentum, have launched a series of surprise attacks on the Yakuza.

Nataly Fish

Axe of Violence

Axe of Violence

A group of friends take a rural route through an idyllic countryside one their way to a cabin. Little do they know the road leads straight through hell. The evil that lurks in those woods is one that many whisper of but few experience. Stranded and separated, the group is stalked by an unknown assailant who is shacked up in the remote locale.

Nataly Fish

Violence in the Cinema, Part 1

Violence in the Cinema, Part 1

What at first seems like a serious psychological assessment of violence in the cinema by a professor or lecturer, turns into a bloody orgy of human destructiveness.

Nataly Fish

Arresting Power: Resisting Police Violence in Portland, Oregon

Arresting Power: Resisting Police Violence in Portland, Oregon

Media artists and social activists Jodi Darby, Julie Perini, and Erin Yanke’s film speaks to the history of police violence in our society, providing a framework for understanding the systems of social control in Portland and its history of exclusion laws, racial profiling, redlining, and gentrification practices. Through conversations with commu..

Nataly Fish

Anatomy of Violence

Anatomy of Violence

Documentary of the Symposium on the Dialectics of Liberation and the Demystification of Violence, held in London, July 1967, organized by R.D.Laing, with Stokely Carmichael, Allen Ginsberg, Paul Goodman, Herbert Marcuse, John Gerassi, and many others. An important record of the spectrum of left-wing politics and personalities during the turbulent S..

Nataly Fish

Tired Violence

Tired Violence

A behind the scenes farewell to Underoath, following the band on their final days.

Nataly Fish



A kindergarten principal finds a series of morbid cartoons drawn by a docile pupil. A porn actor struggles to rise to the occasion while filming his first porno. A middle-aged nightclub bouncer faces off with a rebellious teenage stripper. Director Ken Kwek tells three iconoclastic stories in a short film that pitches political correctness out the ..

Nataly Fish

Behind the Rage: America's Domestic Violence

Behind the Rage: America's Domestic Violence

In America, most female homicide victims are killed by their current or former partner and one in 4 women experience domestic violence or abuse. In this special documentary for ITV's acclaimed Exposure strand, the Bafta and Emmy-winning filmmaker Deeyah Khan asks a simple question : is it possible to reduce these endemic levels of male violence? In..

Nataly Fish

Ecartez les jambes - enquête sur les violences gynécologiques

Ecartez les jambes - enquête sur les violences gynécologiques

Touchers vaginaux brutaux, réflexions sexistes, douleurs méprisées, agressions sexuelles, césariennes ou déclenchements imposés : les femmes sont aujourd'hui de plus en plus nombreuses à dénoncer ces pratiques scandaleuses au cours de leur suivi gynécologique ou obstétrical. Pourquoi ces comportements sont-ils restés si longtemps sous si..

Nataly Fish

Sex & Violence

Sex & Violence

Dans de courtes séquences d’animation, Bill Plympton pousse à l’extrême une kyrielle de situations du quotidien. Réalisé en 1997, un court métrage truculent, grinçant et insolite.

Nataly Fish

The Philippines: A Legacy of Violence

The Philippines: A Legacy of Violence

Underground video was an important tool during the Marcos era and contributed to the Aquino revolution. In the rejuvenated atmosphere within traditional Philippine media institutions, President Aquino has become the protagonist in a soap opera and the brunt of ribald satiric humor. A skit on a weekly comedy show Six O'Clock News, where a genial Bus..

Nataly Fish

Beautiful Violence

Beautiful Violence

A terminally ill man decides to die by having a stranger kill him.

Nataly Fish

Dossier tabou - Violences contre les représentants de l'État aux racines de la haine

Dossier tabou - Violences contre les représentants de l'État aux racines de la haine

Policiers roués de coup et blessés par balle à Herblay (Val-d'Oise), commissariat attaqué à coup de mortiers d'artifice et de barres de fer à Champigny-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne) : en France, pas une semaine sans qu'un fait divers nous rappelle que les représentants de l'État sont les victimes d'une violence extrême. Dans certaines zones sen..

Nataly Fish

Casual Violence - Hang the Suits

Casual Violence - Hang the Suits

Sketch villains Casual Violence bring together their 10 year back catalogue of sad and sinister comedy for your viewing pleasure. Expect menacing Remembrance Day poppy volunteers, vicious ventriloquists and nasty narrators, and your expectations will probably be met.

Nataly Fish

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