
(Im)Possible Love

(Im)Possible Love

Dario (23) and Giovanni (25) have been engaged, in great secrecy, for about a year. Tired of this, they both confess their love affair to their respective mothers. One of them, however, does not react well at all.

Nataly Fish

L'impossible vérité

L'impossible vérité

Anna Forbes subit une agression et des abus sexuels de la part de son beau-père. Mais quand elle surmonte sa peur et raconte à son mari Marc ce qui s'est passé, il ne la croit pas, choisissant plutôt de croire son père qui nie tout. Alors qu'Anna devient de plus en plus désespérée et que ses actions deviennent de plus en plus erratiques, Ma..

Nataly Fish

Os Homens Impossíveis de Mari

Os Homens Impossíveis de Mari

Nataly Fish

Alcatraz, l'impossible évasion

Alcatraz, l'impossible évasion

En 1962, trois hommes se sont mystérieusement enfuis d'Alcatraz. Comment ont-ils fait ? Ont-ils survécu ? Pour la première fois, ces questions vont trouver des réponses.

Nataly Fish

(Im)possible to Stay

(Im)possible to Stay

Today, liberated Kherson experiences constant shelling from Russian troops, making it perilous to open the theater's doors and welcome people inside. The theater stands empty, or so it appears. However, the theater troupe is rehearsing a play in Kyiv. They no longer need scripted roles; instead, they portray themselves in a documentary-style show,..

Nataly Fish

Des héros par milliers

Des héros par milliers

19 juillet 1989. Le vol 232 d'United Airlines s'écrase. Avant le crash, le capitaine Al Haynes a eu le temps d'envoyer un message de détresse. Gary Brown et sa brigade d'intervention d'urgence parviennent à localiser l'avion et se rendent sur place où ils pourront sauver la vie de 184 passagers...

Nataly Fish

Pédalard boit l'obstacle

Pédalard boit l'obstacle

A biker causes chaos as he rides over every obstacle in his way.

Nataly Fish

The Trouble with Pirates

The Trouble with Pirates

Documentary telling the story of the piracy explosion, with unique access to the coastal towns of war-torn Somalia, the boardrooms of the City of London, the operation hubs on board warships in the Gulf of Aden and the heartbreak of a hostage situation gone wrong. (Storyville)

Nataly Fish

Mahatma Gandhi: Dying for Freedom

Mahatma Gandhi: Dying for Freedom

Indian freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on 30 January 1948. Why was he killed and what events occurred before and after his murder? This documentary shows how India was dogged by nationalism and religious conflict on its path to independence - and how these factors mark the country to this day.

Nataly Fish

Parallel Lines: Impossible Artifice

Parallel Lines: Impossible Artifice

Parallel Lines is a conceptual work composed and directed by Charly García, based on discovering what are formed when the two paralell lines come together.

Nataly Fish

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