
Ma femme… s'appelle Maurice

Ma femme… s'appelle Maurice

Maurice, bénévole dans une association caritative, débarque au domicile de Georges, un agent immobilier infidèle qui a des soucis conjugaux. Pour se débarrasser de sa maîtresse Emmanuelle, reconquérir sa femme Marion et éviter la confrontation entre elles, Georges va habilement faire passer Maurice pour son épouse.

Nataly Fish

Les enfants d'Abraham

Les enfants d'Abraham

Après le suicide de son père bien-aimé, le biologiste Daniella Logan rend visite à sa mère catatonique dans un établissement psychiatrique pour raconter l'événement tragique et sa mère appelle son "Joséphine". Daniella se rend au cimetière et constate que la tombe de son père avait été ouverte et son corps a été profané. Elle déci..

Nataly Fish

Garder Ton Nom

Garder Ton Nom

Fabrice a grandi dans l'admiration d’un père charismatique sans avoir d’autre choix pour briller à ses yeux que de suivre ses pas : devenir le caïd de la région et défendre sa terre coûte que coûte. Mais aujourd’hui sa femme Lætitia le pousse à partir pour se libérer de l’emprise de son père. Tiraillé entre son besoin d’émanc..

Nataly Fish

Qu’il est étrange de s’appeler Federico

Qu’il est étrange de s’appeler Federico

À l’occasion du vingtième anniversaire de la disparition d’il Maestro, Qu’il est étrange de s’appeler Federico est un film hommage à Federico Fellini, à son art, sa personnalité. Ettore Scola fait revivre leur rencontre au journal Marc’Aurelio dans les Années 50, leurs amis communs, parmi lesquels Marcello Mastroianni, et surtout l..

Nataly Fish

Casino Royale -My Name's Bond-

Casino Royale -My Name's Bond-

Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe 2023 production based on the novel by Ian Flemming. It’s 1968 and the world is in the grip of the Cold War centered on the United States and the Soviet Union. In Paris, anti-establishment protests known as “May 1968” break out, mainly among students and workers. After they are suppressed, the radicals merge into an un..

Nataly Fish

Le Ravi

Le Ravi

Rocco Papaleo, an optimistic and kind man from a mining town in Alaska, gets away from his company during a trip to Chicago and is increasingly disillusioned in the face of the city's hostility.

Nataly Fish

Death in the Name of Birth

Death in the Name of Birth

Russian horse breeder Krasin arrives to 30s Kyrgyzstan to open the first Soviet stud farm here and breed a new breed of horses by crossing Don Argamaks and local Karabairs.

Nataly Fish

In the Name of God

In the Name of God

The film is about the difficult situation in which the Pakistanis in particular and the Muslims in general are caught up since 9/11. There is a war going on between the Fundamentalists and the Liberal Muslims. This situation is creating a drift not only between the Western world and the Muslims, but also within the Muslims. The educated and modern ..

Nataly Fish

In the Name of Life

In the Name of Life

Nataly Fish

Song Without a Name

Song Without a Name

Pérou, au plus fort de la crise politique des années 80. Georgina attend son premier enfant. Sans ressources, elle répond à l’annonce d’une clinique qui propose des soins gratuits aux femmes enceintes. Mais après l’accouchement, on refuse de lui dire où est son bébé. Décidée à retrouver sa fille, elle sollicite l’aide du journali..

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Nobody

My Name Is Nobody

Nobody (Nick Cheung) is a top gambling whiz who falls in love with blind model Candy (Shu Qi). Nobody uses his skills to fix card games in Shenzen, but when Candy's father (Hui Siu-Hung) gets involved, Nobody turns on his bosses - with devastating results. A fallen man, Nobody struggles back to reclaim his pride and reputation, but will Candy ultim..

Nataly Fish

Your Name Poisons My Dreams

Your Name Poisons My Dreams

Angel Barciela and the police inspector Francisco Valduque meets after several years in the funeral of Buendía engineer. Both expect to see Julia, the daughter of the deceased and one of those involved in the investigation.

Nataly Fish

Au nom du père

Au nom du père

Dans les années cinquante, dans un collège religieux, l'arrivée d'un élève rebelle et anticonformiste provoque des tensions.

Nataly Fish


Mallory "M" comme la mort

Retired Colonel Harper wishes to retire to his ranch, but the malicious Bart Ambler also has an interest in the property. Harper and his partner, half-breed Larry Mallory, now have a fight on their hands.

Nataly Fish

In the Name of God

In the Name of God

The film explores the campaign waged by the Hindu right-wing organisation Vishva Hindu Parishad to build a Ram temple at the site of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, as well as the communal violence that it triggered. A couple of months after Ram ke Naam was released, VHP activists demolished the Babri Masjid in 1992, provoking further violence.

Nataly Fish

Jealousy Is My Middle Name

Jealousy Is My Middle Name

Quiet, intelligent, solemn and recently dumped by his girlfriend, graduate student Lee Weon-san takes a job at a literary magazine, ostensibly to supplement his income, but really to get close to the editor - the reason he’s now single. The editor, unaware of who Lee is, takes a shine to him and makes him his personal assistant.

Nataly Fish

Au Nom du Fils

Au Nom du Fils

Elisabeth a tout pour être heureuse (lui) semble-t-il. Une famille aimante, portrait craché d'une famille modèle, un rôle actif et apprécié au sien de sa communauté, et surtout, une foi inébranlable. Alors que la Paroisse doit se serrer la ceinture pour subvenir à ses frais de fonctionnement, Elisabeth accueille au sein de son foyer le pè..

Nataly Fish

Queer Movie Candy: The name of the boy we loved

Queer Movie Candy: The name of the boy we loved

Introverted and passive gay boy Candy. He searches for love, but the world around him is cold. Who can save him?

Nataly Fish

His Name Was King

His Name Was King

The Benson brothers, who are smuggling guns across the Mexican border, kill King's brother and rape his wife. King must stop their illegal activities, find who is behind them and gain revenge for his family.

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Shruthi

My Name Is Shruthi

Shruthi embarks on a career in an advertising agency in Hyderabad, sharing accommodations with a friend in the city. However, a routine return to her room during a commercial shoot unveils a series of startling events, thrusting her into the perilous realm of the feared medical mafia.

Nataly Fish

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