
The Horizon Guide to AI

The Horizon Guide to AI

The BBC's Horizon programme began in 1964, and since then has produced films looking at computer technology and the emergence of 'artificial intelligence'. Our dreams always begin with ideology and optimism, only for this optimism to be replaced with suspicion that AI machines will take over. However, as the Horizon archive shows, throughout each ..

Nataly Fish

A Breach in the Horizon

A Breach in the Horizon

Mexican feature film

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New Horizon is A Wave

New Horizon is A Wave

A film by Ewa Partum

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2013 Linked Horizon Luxendarc BD

2013 Linked Horizon Luxendarc BD

Revo Linked BRAVELY DEFAULT Concert was held on November 25, 2012 at the Yokohama Arena, and featured music from Luxendarc Shoukikou, Luxendarc Daikikou and the Bravely Default: Flying Fairy Original Soundtrack. (VGMDB)

Nataly Fish

Woof! A Horizon Guide to Dogs

Woof! A Horizon Guide to Dogs

Nataly Fish

The Blue Horizon We'll Never See

The Blue Horizon We'll Never See

It’s a sunny day, a white car is driving on the road. There is nothing ahead, Lok and Rainie were on their way to their destination. The scenery outside the car, with that broken radio, until the car couldn't drive anymore. They went to a beach, watching the sunset slowly, and the blue horizon they’ll never see.

Nataly Fish

Horizon - My Amazing Brain: Richard's War
Horizon: How Big is the Universe
Horizon: The Age of Big Data

Horizon: The Age of Big Data

Nataly Fish

Horizon: Did Cooking Make Us Human
Red Star Line Spektakelmusical: De Gouden Horizon

Red Star Line Spektakelmusical: De Gouden Horizon

1923: Millions of people cross from Europe to the US In the search for a better life.

Nataly Fish

Horizon: How Small Is the Universe?
The New Horizon

The New Horizon

A bright outlook in Birkenhead for a thriving British enterprise.

Nataly Fish

Blink: A Horizon Guide to the Senses

Blink: A Horizon Guide to the Senses

Touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste - our senses link us to the outside world. Dr Kevin Fong looks back through 40 years of Horizon archives to find out what science has taught us about our tools of perception - why babies use touch more than any other sense, why our eyes are so easily tricked and how pioneering technology is edging closer to th..

Nataly Fish

Message of the Forest. Towards 'O Horizon'

Message of the Forest. Towards 'O Horizon'

Message of the Forest can be heard as an ode to the Sal Forests of West Bengal, or a song for the weathering of parent rocks, or an incantation inspired by Rabindranath Tagore’s vision of a world cam- pus that would become Visva-Bharati in Santineketan in West Bengal in 1921.

Nataly Fish

Impact! A Horizon Guide to Plane Crashes

Impact! A Horizon Guide to Plane Crashes

Dallas Campbell delves into the Horizon archives to chart the deadly disasters that have paradoxically helped make air travel today the safest it has ever been. It's a macabre paradox, but almost every advance in aviation safety has been driven by a crash.

Nataly Fish

The Mystery of Murder: A Horizon Guide

The Mystery of Murder: A Horizon Guide

There are about 600 murders each year in the UK. So, what drives people to kill? Are some people born to kill or are they driven to it by circumstances? Michael Mosley delves into the BBC archives to chart scientists' progress as they probed the mind of the murderer to try to understand why people kill, and to find out whether by understanding mur..

Nataly Fish

Bring Me The Horizon Live At Reading And Leeds

Bring Me The Horizon Live At Reading And Leeds

The metalcore icons perform a riotous headline set.

Nataly Fish

BBC Horizon: The Mysteries of Dark Energy
L'Amour à l'horizon

L'Amour à l'horizon

Emily Bennett et Kenton Rhodes sont deux brillants avocats spécialisés dans les affaires de divorces. Eux-mêmes divorcés, ils se rencontrent par hasard lors d'un mariage. Ils tombent sous le charme l'un de l'autre et ne tardent pas à devenir amants. Alors qu'ils filent le parfait amour, ils se retrouvent opposés au tribunal lorsqu'ils doivent..

Nataly Fish

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