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Nataly Fish



Après une expérience scientifique ratée, Sam, un jeune homme timide, se retrouve dans un monde au ralenti. Il est alors le seul à pouvoir rétablir le cours du temps. Il va devoir se surpasser pour affronter tous les obstacles sur son chemin, et notamment sauver des vies, comme celle de Nathalie, sa collègue de travail dont il est secrètement..

Nataly Fish

For The Love of a Chanel Bag

For The Love of a Chanel Bag

What happens when love is unrequited, misdirected or misinterpreted? Chanel—is it more beautiful than even young love? Watch Annabelle Dexter Jones and Keilani Asmus in a short film that ponders some of life's most enduring questions like where do loyalties truly lie and how much will a girl put up with for one exceptional Chanel tote?

Nataly Fish

The Neptunes: The Eighth Planet

The Neptunes: The Eighth Planet

A documentary on the studio sessions for The Neptunes' chart topping 2003 album, The Neptunes Present... Clones. Originally bundled as a bonus DVD in limited edition releases of the album.

Nataly Fish



Walking through the alpine woods, a young girl in a striking red hood sees a big, bad-looking wolf. Luckily the wolf just wants a nap--until, snap, the girl steps on a twig.

Nataly Fish

Moment Sami

Moment Sami

Deux éleveurs de rennes se rencontrent sur une petite colline dans une région montagneuse. Une histoire sur le besoin de compagnie sans nécessairement dire grand-chose, une friction entre éleveurs, et sur un silence embarrassant.

Nataly Fish

Cut in Half

Cut in Half

Two Muslim sisters and their family must cope with the eldest daughter's leukemia diagnosis and her decisions about life and death.

Nataly Fish

Air Maniacs

Air Maniacs

Zany flying in biplanes of the era.

Nataly Fish

November First

November First

Halloween has come and gone... what's a Shape to do?

Nataly Fish

Lad: A Yorkshire Story

Lad: A Yorkshire Story

Un adolescent noue une amitié avec un garde forestier dans les Yorkshire Dales après la mort de son père.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Putting on the Dish

Putting on the Dish

Two men sitting on a park bench think they have nothing in common, until one speaks to the other in the secret gay language of Polari.

Nataly Fish



After taking a Polaroid in a graveyard, a student is haunted by a creepy woman in black.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

376 Days (Nick Cave: Keep it Movin')

376 Days (Nick Cave: Keep it Movin')

Artist Nick Cave prepares for a career-spanning exhibition and a groundbreaking fashion performance celebrating gender identity.

Nataly Fish

La rivière sans retour

La rivière sans retour

David Stora summarizes in one lively minute "River of No Return" by Otto Preminger, with Marilyn Monroe.

Nataly Fish

The Donut

The Donut

A donut causes chaos.

Nataly Fish

Lost in Blue

Lost in Blue

Three adolescent girls explore the depths of youth, love and friendship in this anthology of coming-of-age shorts from three award-winning filmmakers.

Nataly Fish

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