
Undercover Porno

Undercover Porno

Nataly Fish

Undercover Jihadi

Undercover Jihadi

Undercover Jihadi follows the quest of Mubin Shaikh, a man who went from extremist militant to undercover operative, to expose a major terrorist cell in Canada and send 11 men to prison. Today, he's a well-connected international Counter-Terrorism expert and is on a mission to stop the radicalization of Muslim youth. We follow his journey into coun..

Nataly Fish

Undercover Mistress

Undercover Mistress

During a photo show, a man enjoys scaring a girl until she decides to leave the exhibition. The man runs after her along increasingly dark and isolated streets. A man and a woman? Which one is the dominant genre?

Nataly Fish

Mercury Undercover

Mercury Undercover

Documentary - MERCURY UNDERCOVER exposes the cause and effect of the well-hidden evidence of mercury contamination as seen through the eyes of doctors, scientists, environmental experts and mercury poisoned survivors. - Charlie Brown, Jonathan Emord, William Glaros

Nataly Fish

Undercover Blues

Undercover Blues

Nataly Fish

Operation Undercover 2: Poisonous Dragon

Operation Undercover 2: Poisonous Dragon

A police officer sent to infiltrate a gang and find evidence for a drug trafficking case finds his loyalties tested when he meets an unexpected ally.

Nataly Fish



Feng (Shawn Yue) is a former undercover cop whose post-assignment life has begun to rapidly disintegrate. Feng and former triad brother Fai (Sam Lee of Gen-X Cops) are caught using cocaine, and the ensuing melee leaves a police detective dead, with Fai fingered as the culprit. Fai must go on the run, but he no longer trusts Feng, who he believes ma..

Nataly Fish

Secret Undercover Agent: Wild Cats In Strip Royale

Secret Undercover Agent: Wild Cats In Strip Royale

Bunny and a new Honey as secret agents on three missions

Nataly Fish

Undercover Girls

Undercover Girls

They became good brothers who were close to each other, and their partners were particularly upset. In the world of the game, the two met the rich girl Xiao Baili because they did good deeds. George and Mi Gaobing released their previous suspicions and worked together to start a life-and-death battle with the Flying Dragon Gang... Long Zuozhi accid..

Nataly Fish

Macho Undercover

Macho Undercover

Tom Kostner is a macho man. He cheats on his two girlfriends, drives a flashy Cobra and works as an editor for a car magazine. He lives in a chic penthouse with his roommate, the bartender Ecki . But it is more appearances than reality: he is soon fired from the magazine. His girlfriend Manu catches him with his other girlfriend and leaves him too...

Nataly Fish

Confessions of an Undercover Cop

Confessions of an Undercover Cop

Mark Kennedy was an undercover police officer who spent eight years as a infiltrator and informer on environmental movements and other protest groups throughout Europe. Confessions of an Undercover Cop accounts the actions of Kennedy from his perspective, which reveals an insight into the dark, twisted psychology of a police informant and the metho..

Nataly Fish

Undercover Carp

Undercover Carp

Plongé dans la vie d'un gangster, Yu Cai n'a d'autre choix que d'endosser le rôle d'un membre de gang infiltré. En mission pour traquer le « Vaisseau Dragon », Yu Cai se retrouve obligé de plonger profondément dans les bas-fonds miteux de la ville. Prêt à tout pour gagner la confiance du chef du gang Black Dragon, Yu Cai va faire tout ce q..

Nataly Fish

Undercover 1000

Undercover 1000

Nataly Fish

Inside China : la prison digitale

Inside China : la prison digitale

Dans la région du Xinjiang, en Chine, des ouïghours sont détenus dans des « camps de rééducation » gérés par le gouvernement. Certains proches des victimes décident alors de s'infiltrer dans ces zones surveillées, afin d’avoir des nouvelles des disparus mais aussi pour révéler les liens étroits entr

Nataly Fish

Undercover in Belarus - Protest, Propaganda und Putins Einfluss
Dirty money : L'Infiltré

Dirty money : L'Infiltré

Un policier suspecte une organisation de blanchiment d'argent entre la Suisse et la Turquie. Thriller adapté de la vie du Tessinois Fausto Cattaneo, ancien spécialiste de la lutte anti-drogue ayant approché, en tant qu'agent infiltré, les plus grands noms du banditisme international des années 70 et 80, tels que le mafieux repenti Tommy Buscet..

Nataly Fish

Undercover Standup

Undercover Standup

Since childhood, Svetka Artyukhova was teased for being overweight, and she chose the best way to take revenge - she became a cop. Now no one dares to laugh at her. And the opera Artyukhova herself jokes only to scare the detainees. But on the instructions of her superiors, Svetka will have to go on a stand-up tour under the guise of an administrat..

Nataly Fish

Who Is Undercover

Who Is Undercover

In 1946, to prevent the Chinese civil war, Zhou Enlai who represented the Communists held a talk with the Chinese Nationalist Party, and George C. Marshall, who represented the Americans at Plum Village in Nanjing. A lost notebook stirred the already turbulent peace talk. The ripples alert the three sides and a battle of spy and anti-spy began. Ma..

Nataly Fish

Konno Anna – Undercover Investigator

Konno Anna – Undercover Investigator

An undercover investigator who wears an enamel suit and looks into the bust from the chest to catch the man's eyes. A mysterious trap was waiting for her to infiltrate. She sacrifices herself and is involved in the plot of an evil organization, but desperately confronts her to resolve the case.

Nataly Fish

Who Is Undercover

Who Is Undercover

In 1934, agents of the Kuomintang government round up suspects and torture them to find out which one is an undercover communist spy.

Nataly Fish

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