
Donkey On The Tree 2:  Stubborn Donkey goes on
Donkey Magistrate: Big Things and Little Things
Donkey Magistrate: A Crooked Hit
The Goat And The Donkey

The Goat And The Donkey

A tale about how Donkey came to visit Goat and they went skiing together.

Nataly Fish

Donkey Magistrate: The Grafting of Flowers
Donkey Magistrate: Sour and Hot Daughters
Une drole de bourrique

Une drole de bourrique

Maddalena, jeune veuve de Zigliara, petite commune de Corse, voit reparaître son âne perdu depuis des mois. Mais le jour même, au village voisin

Nataly Fish

VIP Donkey

VIP Donkey

When a donkey in a small village gets badly wounded, his dirt poor owner is unable to treat him. The donkey's condition attracts the attention of a sensitive activist and the case soon turns into a full-blown media story involving local politics.

Nataly Fish

Voyage avec un âne dans les Cévennes

Voyage avec un âne dans les Cévennes

Raconté avec une précision historique minutieuse, François Marret reproduit les douze jours de voyage de Robert Louis Stevenson à travers les Cévennes en 1879. Capturant l'esprit, l'émerveillement et la perspicacité de Stevenson dans la nature humaine, ce film fait revivre le passé comme jamais vu auparavant.

Nataly Fish



Fionn, a young fisherman, risks everything to help a friend.

Nataly Fish

The Hunched Donkey

The Hunched Donkey

After his mother's death, a young man edits the family's home videos to bring back her image. As he delves into the occult he begins to reveal the paradoxical magic of memories and cinema.

Nataly Fish

How the Donkey Sought Happiness

How the Donkey Sought Happiness

After an apple falls on a donkey's head, he loses his memory and goes off to search for his fortune

Nataly Fish

The Old Donkey

The Old Donkey

Winter in the northern Chinese province of Dansu. In order to build a chemical factory, poor farmers in the village of Gaotai are driven off their land by a local businessman and the party bosses of the communist village council.

Nataly Fish

A Donkey Got a Bit Sulky

A Donkey Got a Bit Sulky

In this animated musical short, a traveling donkey becomes upset at minor inconveniences, each of which his chipper young master is only too happy to accommodate.

Nataly Fish

The Donkey

The Donkey

A man and his young son travel through the countryside to take their donkey to a horse auction. Unfortunately every person they pass has a different opinion on how this should be accomplished, leading to disastrous results when the dim-witted father abandons common sense in an attempt to please everyone.

Nataly Fish

Winged Donkey

Winged Donkey

How a baby ant turned into a kind donkey.

Nataly Fish

L' Ane Domestique

L' Ane Domestique

After several lousy servants, a man has had enough and gets himself a donkey as employee instead.

Nataly Fish

L'âne qui a bu la lune

L'âne qui a bu la lune

Nous sommes dans un petit village des Corbières. Un vieil homme, le conteur assis sur le pas de sa porte, puis accompagné d'un jeune enfant avec qui il dialogue, nous livre cinq contes de son répertoire. Il y met à la fois toute sa malice, son savoir, sa sagesse et cette part d'auto-dérision sans laquelle l'esprit paysan ne serait pas ce qu'il..

Nataly Fish

Alim and His Donkey

Alim and His Donkey

Young boy treating his donkey in a cruel manner sooner or later realizes that animals also should be treated kindly.

Nataly Fish

All Men Are Donkeys

All Men Are Donkeys

Three women run a women's self-help group and think themselves superior to their respective husbands. As a result, the men join hands with an unemployed youth to teach their wives a lesson.

Nataly Fish

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