
You Wrote to Me...

You Wrote to Me...

Yuri Zvyagin - a psychologist and host of TV show decides to help one of the watchers and flies to her remote town.

Nataly Fish

Are You Listening to Me?

Are You Listening to Me?

Entendre et écouter, deux termes aux significations si proches mais aux implications si différentes. S'ils sont seulement entendus, les mots ne sont qu'un amas de lettres, mais s'ils sont vraiment écoutés, ils recèlent d'infinies nuances de sens, capables de révéler le moi, les états d'âme et le désir d'attention.

Nataly Fish

John Mellencamp:  It's About You

John Mellencamp: It's About You

It's About You is a 2012 music documentary film directed by father and son duo Ian & Kurt Markus. The films focus regards John Mellencamps 2009 tour with Bob Dylan and Willie Nelson and the recording of his new album in the month and a half of the tour. The film was shot entirely in the Super 8 format.

Nataly Fish

Will You Look at Me

Will You Look at Me

As a young Chinese filmmaker returns to his hometown in search for himself, a long due conversation with his mother dives the two of them into a quest for acceptance and love.

Nataly Fish

L'Enfant au violon

L'Enfant au violon

À 13 ans, le jeune violoniste Xiao Chun est déjà considéré comme un virtuose, pour la plus grande fierté de son père, Liu Cheng, qui décide de l'emmener à Pékin tenter sa chance dans des concours. Pour payer les leçons de son fils, Liu Cheng accumule les petits boulots et sacrifie toutes ses économies. Entre son amitié pour Lili, sa vo..

Nataly Fish

You, Me and Us

You, Me and Us

Aya et Louis se sont aimés, ont eu une fille ensemble et se sont séparés. Chacun a refait sa vie de son coté... Mais il y a des histoires qui ne s’oublient pas facilement.

Nataly Fish

You Told Me, You Love Me

You Told Me, You Love Me

Former swimming champion Johanna, now a pensioner, finds her life changes completely when she answers a lonely hearts ad and meets writer Johannes.

Nataly Fish

You're Killing Me Susana

You're Killing Me Susana

An actor's world comes crashing down after he learns that his wife has left him.

Nataly Fish

You Owe Me One

You Owe Me One

A family of three, plus the maid and daughter's boyfriend look pretty normal on the outside. But in actuality, they are all having affairs with each other. The boyfriend is sleeping with the mother and daughter, and the father is sleeping with the maid. Do they all know about each other's affairs?

Nataly Fish

Merci ma tante

Merci ma tante

Young Alvise's body is paralyzed, or at least he thinks so. He is infatuated by his beautiful aunt Lea. What starts as innocent therapy and care soon develops into strange erotic and psychological battle between them.

Nataly Fish

To You, For Me

To You, For Me

A short film about making relationship choices, and second chances.

Nataly Fish

You Tell Me

You Tell Me

After 20 years Moni (38) returns home to her sister Silke who has been attacked by a stranger. Moni is willing to do anything possible to find the attacker and to protect her sister. But is that really what Silke (34) wants? And if so, who is actually the one, to be protected? And above all, protect from who? And which role does the offender René ..

Nataly Fish

Karel, Me and You

Karel, Me and You

Nataly Fish

The Day I Met You

The Day I Met You

Zeca tries to get up early to catch the bus and arrive an hour and a half later at the neighboring town’s school, where he works as a librarian. Waking up early is evermore difficult: something prevents him from maintaining his routine. One day, Zeca meets Louisa.

Nataly Fish

You Me Lenin

You Me Lenin

One day waves bring a wooden statue of Lenin to a small town by the Black Sea. The statue is erected in the town square by the Municipality with the hope that it would attract tourists to the town. As an official opening ceremony is planned with the participation of the Prime Minister and a Russian delegation, the statue gets stolen. Two police inv..

Nataly Fish

8 things that you don't know about men
L'amour sur mesure

L'amour sur mesure

Amanda tient une boutique de vêtements de seconde main depuis une rupture amoureuse. Elle était auparavant créatrice de robes de mariée. Elle rencontre James, un photographe de mariage un brin cynique, qui lui propose de travailler avec lui. Amanda se montre d'abord réticente, puis se prend au jeu, aux dépens de son petit ami.

Nataly Fish

You Burn Me

You Burn Me

An adaptation of “Sea Foam”, a chapter from Cesare Pavese’s “Dialoghi con Leucò” published in 1947. The ancient Greek poet Sappho and the nymph Britomartis meet beside the sea and have a conversation about love and death. Sappho is said to have thrown herself into the ocean from lovesickness. Britomartis apparently tumbled off a cliff an..

Nataly Fish

Why Did You Make Me Love You?

Why Did You Make Me Love You?

Dalia abandoned her beloved Hisham, which made him get over her and become friends and he got involved with Noha.

Nataly Fish

Si tu tues, appelle-moi

Si tu tues, appelle-moi

Raffinés, souvent millionnaires, les narco avocats évoluent au sein d’un territoire où se rejoignent la loi, le crime organisé et la corruption. Ils sont des passeurs, les acteurs visibles de la connivence entre les organisations criminelles et les structures juridiques, politiques et financières des pays broyés par la narco violence.

Nataly Fish

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