
Easy Land

Easy Land

Follows a Serbian refugees mother and daughter, as they struggle to navigate the many obstacles facing newcomers to Canada.

Nataly Fish

The Haunted Landscape

The Haunted Landscape

The narrator, living on the day of August 13, 2080, discovers several video files containing scenery and voices from 58 years ago. The past ordinary life in the video, seem like utopia to her.

Nataly Fish

Strange Stories of Liao Zhai - The Land of Lan Ruo

Strange Stories of Liao Zhai - The Land of Lan Ruo

The Tree Demon of Black Mountain wrecked the three realms, and was later sealed by the four demon spirits symbiotic old and sick. The only person in the world, Pu Songling, can unlock the four seals by writing. Pu Songling writes "Painted Skin", "Ying Ning" and "Xiao Xie", opening the first three doors of the old and sick to release the Black Mount..

Nataly Fish

Emergency Landing

Emergency Landing

Damir Yusupov could never have imagined that one day he would be hailed as a hero. As a child he dreamed of flying and was certain that he would follow in the footsteps of his aviator father, but fate seemed to have other plans for him. As years went by, even those closest to him lost hope, but Damir finally managed to make his dream a reality and ..

Nataly Fish

A Lonely Woman in a Lonely Land

A Lonely Woman in a Lonely Land

Onna Hitori Daichi wo Yuku (A Lonely Woman in a Lonely Land, Kinuta Production, 1953) was the second feature film directed by Kamei Fumio, who is known as a master of documentary films, and followed his “Haha Nareba Onna Nareba(Become a Mother, Become a Woman)” (1952).

Nataly Fish

The Land of Seonghye

The Land of Seonghye

A film that traces the hard life of 29-year-old woman Seonghye for a significant portion of running time. After graduating from college, she worked as an intern in a large company. When the protest against sexual harassment was ignored, she reported to the Human Rights Commission and left the company. She currently is unable to work elsewhere and l..

Nataly Fish

Land Uncharted

Land Uncharted

In the 1930s a trio of unlikely adventurers set off to find a heretofore uncharted land. It has existed in stories and myths for centuries and is believed to be somewhere around the North Pole. Hounded by an overambitious agent of the USSR, the explorers end up finding much more than they ever expected.

Nataly Fish

Koudelka Shooting Holy Land

Koudelka Shooting Holy Land

Le photographe tchèque Josef Koudelka a grandi derrière le rideau de fer et a toujours voulu savoir « ce qu'il y avait de l'autre côté ». Quarante ans après avoir capturé les images emblématiques de l'invasion soviétique de Prague en 1968, le légendaire photographe Magnum débarque en Israël et en Palestine. En voyant pour la première ..

Nataly Fish



After the raging fire, landmarks are rediscovered, artificial frontiers carved into the earth. They are stones founded in history by almost extinct ways of doing, where word is law. As nature renews itself, Helena reestablishes the limits of her property and preserves a legacy in which the material is mixed with the human, returning to the roots of..

Nataly Fish

The Floating Landscape

The Floating Landscape

Maan has recently lost her lover, Sam, a painter who died tragically of an incurable disease. Before his death, he was remembering a beautiful landscape from the days when he was still a boy living in Qingdao in China. Maan goes to Qingdao to find this landscape. There, she meets Lit (Liu Ye), a postman who will help her to find that place. A relat..

Nataly Fish

Deux hectares de terre

Deux hectares de terre

Un paysan du Bengale, Shambhu, refuse de vendre son lopin de terre à un riche propriétaire terrien qui en a besoin pour construire une usine. Furieux, le propriétaire lui réclame alors le paiement immédiat de ses dettes. Le tribunal ne lui ayant accordé que trois mois de délai, Shambhu se rend à Calcutta dans l’espoir d’y trouver un tra..

Nataly Fish

Moon Landing

Moon Landing

Nataly Fish

Les Aventures extraordinaires de Mr West au pays des bolcheviks

Les Aventures extraordinaires de Mr West au pays des bolcheviks

Un citoyen américain, Mr West, visite l'Union soviétique. Tétanisé par l'influence de la propagande capitaliste, il ne prévoit que misères et dangers et n'en devient que plus facilement la proie d'une bande d'escrocs qui renchérissent sur ses craintes. Par bonheur, une compatriote éclairée et une escouade de purs bolchéviks, animée des m..

Nataly Fish

Balloon Land

Balloon Land

The inhabitants, including the trees and rocks, of Balloon Land are made entirely of balloons. They come under attack from the evil Pincushion Man. With the help of a quickly inflated army, they manage to fend off the attacker.

Nataly Fish

Terra Nullius, confessions d’un mercenaire

Terra Nullius, confessions d’un mercenaire

Paulo de Figueiredo, un mercenaire portugais de 66 ans, s’exprime sur son passé et nous livre un récit personnel et officieux sur les conflits auxquels il a assisté dans divers pays et continents, à la marge de deux mondes : celui du pouvoir et celui des révolutions. Paulo parle de lieux et de faits anonymes, de fragments de violence, de cru..

Nataly Fish

Nomad Land

Nomad Land

The journey of a camera as it moves from person to person, discovering the streets of Mumbai

Nataly Fish

Broken Land

Broken Land

Manuela retourne chez elle, dans un village colombien rural et violent, pour renouer les liens familiaux avec sa mère et son oncle Darío. Après la mort par noyade de son fils aîné, la décision de sa mère sur la manière d'enterrer le garçon déterminera le sort de tous.

Nataly Fish

The Landlady

The Landlady

Looks back 20 years into the past of an elderly woman who died of heatstroke and paints a picture of a solitary woman's genuine despair.

Nataly Fish

Ursus dans la terre de feu

Ursus dans la terre de feu

Ursus protège un peuple de bergers contre le roi Lothar, leur voisin. Ce dernier a pour conseiller Hamilcar qui, aidé par Mila, nièce du roi, veut usurper son trône. Hamilcar détruit le village des bergers, tue le roi et tente aussi d’éliminer Diane qui, poursuivie par les soldats, tombe dans un lac…

Nataly Fish

The Trip to Squash Land

The Trip to Squash Land

The earliest recognized film by Lars Trier (made in his youth before he adopted the "von") is this stop motion cartoon, Turen til Squach land… En Super Pølse film (Trip to Squash Land… A Super Sausage film).

Nataly Fish

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