
Teething Problems

Teething Problems

After losing his wife, a grieving man turns to a strange company promising to resurrect her, only to discover the terrifying consequences of meddling with the afterlife.

Nataly Fish

Me and My Teeth

Me and My Teeth

A witty and poetic short on the filmmaker’s journey through their mental—and dental—health, told through playful animations coupled with intimate tableaus of Quon’s day-to-day life.

Nataly Fish

Texas Teeth

Texas Teeth

Shot on Super 8 film, passage from "In A Narrow Grave" by Larry McMurtry. Texas Teeth explores the changing landscape of Texas, the car-centric culture, and the evolution of what it means to be a Texan by displaying the dichotomy between modern rural and urban roadways.

Nataly Fish

Les dents du singe

Les dents du singe

C'est l'histoire d'un homme qui va chez le dentiste pour se faire arracher une dent mais qui ignore que le dentiste vole les dents des pauvres pour les donner aux riches.

Nataly Fish

A Wolf Teeth Necklace

A Wolf Teeth Necklace

Algimantas Puipa directed this 1997 drama about a painter wrestling with childhood memories of his father being exiled to Siberia.

Nataly Fish

Les dents de fer

Les dents de fer

A little girl gets sick and a specialist has to be called....

Nataly Fish

God's Teeth

God's Teeth

One winter in the 1930’s somewhere in northern Finland, a first communion ceremony is interrupted by the arrival of mobile dental surgery. All the children in the village must have their teeth replaced with sets of dentures as a communion gift to prevent future problems. The fate of Juha’s teeth seems to be sealed, unless a higher power decides..

Nataly Fish

Our Teeth

Our Teeth

A promotional film Naši zubi (Our Teeth, 1951) was directed and written by Stjepan Velić, shot by Zdravko Mihelčić, backgrounds were drawn by Miroslav Bobuš, and Bogoslav Petanjek as the main cartoonist and animator. Some sequences of this film depict struggle of white blood cells with black bacteria, which, like an organized army, penetrate t..

Nataly Fish

False Teeth

False Teeth

In the film we meet the mystical Anna. She is an ambitious dentist with nothing on her mind but teeth and dentistry, a callous woman who seems to be living in her own world.

Nataly Fish

À pleines dents

À pleines dents

When the night is up, the ashamed vampire goes up to the butcher shop where the owner welcomes him and reconciles him with his nature. A tasty toast follows.

Nataly Fish

Teeth of Love

Teeth of Love

”A grand drama about love and self-sacrifice in the shadow of politically conservative China, on a search for its new identity after the Mao regime.” (From the 2007 Stockholm Film Festival catalogue.)

Nataly Fish

Charlie et ses grandes dents

Charlie et ses grandes dents

Charlie, a little boy with ridiculous big teeth, always hides behind his scarf to avoid his bully classmates. But one day, his scarf flies away into the forest, and pushes him to start on a magical journey!

Nataly Fish



A couple of thiefs from a battlefield have a strange encounter that will change them forever.

Nataly Fish

The Forest of Hands and Teeth

The Forest of Hands and Teeth

In Mary's world there are simple truths. The Sisterhood always knows best. The Guardians will protect and serve. The Unconsecrated will never relent. And you must always mind the fence that surrounds the village; the fence that protects the village from the Forest of Hands and Teeth.

Nataly Fish

Cutting My Teeth

Cutting My Teeth

This film mainly records the story of two adolescent children receiving primary education of Peking Opera in Shanghai Opera School in a documentary form. As they are in their adolescence, they gradually form their own plans and ideals for the future. On this unusual learning path, they face the problem of choice between reality and ideals, and grad..

Nataly Fish

Black Skin and White Teeth

Black Skin and White Teeth

A story of three childhood friends who grow up to live starkly different lives, and how their lives intersect - one being a cop, one a gang leader, and one a destitute gambler.

Nataly Fish

Le Sadique aux dents rouges

Le Sadique aux dents rouges

Daniel sort d'une clinique psychiatrique ou il fut interné pour son obsession vampirique. Malgré l'amour de sa tendre fiancée, Daniel se laisse de plus en plus envahir par ses fantasmes et recouvre sa seconde personnalité de vampire.

Nataly Fish

The Women Who Brush Their Teeth Outside

The Women Who Brush Their Teeth Outside

Jin-soul, who is just beginning to gain a reputation as a writer with her novel, Human in a Natural State, meets a woman, named Nan-ryeong, at a reading session held at a local bookstore in Gangneung. Nan-ryeong has also written a novel, titled 'The Women Who Brush Their Teeth Outside', influenced by Jin-soul. Jin-soul, who feels a strange sense of..

Nataly Fish

La lune avec les dents

La lune avec les dents

William mène une vie volontairement en marge, en travaillant dans un bowling et subsistant de petits larcins, ce qu’il cache à Noëlle, une fille de bonne famille, avec laquelle il engage une relation malgré tout ce qui les sépare. La jeune femme est épiée par un apprenti policier, dont elle refuse les avances. William affronte son rival et..

Nataly Fish

Green Teeth

Green Teeth

The film is in the spirit of children's horror stories: a new Director came to one school, and the life of a lazy person changed.

Nataly Fish

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