
This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse

This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse

Zé do Caixão, the unholy undertaker, is back in town to continue his quest for the perfect woman, embarking on an even more brutal campaign of terror, aided and abetted by his hunchbacked assistant.

Nataly Fish

Les Grandes Familles

Les Grandes Familles

Noël Schoudler, chef d’une grande famille bourgeoise, dirige en autocrate un empire économique, dont les activités s’étendent de la banque et de la finance au monde de la presse en passant par le sucre. Les scrupules lui sont inconnus et il ne recule devant aucune manœuvre pour augmenter les profits de ses entreprises et la fortune de la f..

Nataly Fish

The Possessed

The Possessed

Hong Kong horror film.

Nataly Fish



An insane man is shot dead by two cops, Kung and Hsiao, after he refused to listen to them and stabbed a woman dead. After the encounter, the two cops always strange things and Hsiaos girlfriend is also haunted. To reduce the fear of hiring police a Taoist to sort out this problem ...

Nataly Fish



A widowed minister investigates a potential case of demonic possession involving a college student in this ghostly feature. The incident attracts the attention of Toby and Jim, radio talk show hosts who specialize in the paranormal.

Nataly Fish

32 Malasana Street

32 Malasana Street

Quartier de Malasaña, Madrid, Espagne, 1976. Alors que l'agitation politique ravage les rues de tout le pays, la famille Olmedo arrive dans la grande ville et s'installe dans son nouvel appartement. Ils découvrent bientôt qu'ils ne sont pas les seuls à arpenter ses couloirs.

Nataly Fish

La Papesse

La Papesse

Laurent, un homme qui désire détenir des pouvoirs magiques doit, pour parvenir à ses fins, subir une initiation parmi une secte. Les membres de la secte lui demandent d'emmener sa femme et de la leur abandonner.

Nataly Fish

Initiation into the Dance of the Possessed

Initiation into the Dance of the Possessed

Cérémonie d'initiation d'une femme songhaï à la danse de possession, dans le village de Firgoun au Niger.

Nataly Fish

Courtney Gets Possessed

Courtney Gets Possessed

A bumbling wedding party must battle the forces of hell when a bride becomes possessed by the Devil the night before her wedding.

Nataly Fish

The Possessed Hand

The Possessed Hand

To win a duel, a merchant makes a dangerous pact with an inscrutable spellcaster.

Nataly Fish

Le Maréchal de l'enfer

Le Maréchal de l'enfer

France, Moyen-Âge. De retour chez lui après avoir combattu contre les Anglais, le maréchal Gilles de Lancre est snobé à la cour, le roi lui refusant les honneurs qui lui reviennent. Revenu dans son château, Gilles retrouve sa maîtresse et décide de se consacrer à ses recherches sur la pierre philosophale. Il reçoit alors un soi-disant alc..

Nataly Fish

Amityville III : Le démon

Amityville III : Le démon

Quelque chose de très étrange se passe dans cette maison et pourtant John Baxter, un journaliste, décide de l'acheter.

Nataly Fish



Copenhague, a la tombee de la nuit. Un mysterieux voyageur roumain arrive a l'aeroport. La ville se retrouve soudainement plongee dans l'obscurite par une coupure generale de courant. Lorsque l'electricite est retablie, l'etranger est admis dans un hopital et meurt d'une infection presentant des similitudes avec les symptomes du virus Ebola. Ce dec..

Nataly Fish



A teacher must put aside his personal traumas to rally his school in a fight for survival against a group of violent, possessed students.

Nataly Fish

A Woman Possessed

A Woman Possessed

An evil princess who kills her lovers is condemned by the Inquisition. Four centuries later she returns with the help of a vampire and tries to live forever in the body of an identical woman.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

The Possessed

The Possessed

A woman is impregnated by an evil spirit but thinks the ex-husband is the father. She gives birth five months later than she should, which is just the beginning of her troubles. A Buddhist monk is eventually called in to help.

Nataly Fish

Possessed Grandmother in the Eerie House

Possessed Grandmother in the Eerie House

A follow-up to Nenek Lampir ("The Possessed Grandmother"). Rusimini is possessed by the spirit of her baby that she abandoned after birth and finally dies a tragic death. Her "imperfect" death (without peace) is used by the devil to wreak havoc. People are influenced to commit sin and then murdered, as if that is the only way for a "perfect" death ..

Nataly Fish

Possessed by a Thousand Demons

Possessed by a Thousand Demons

"The possessed is a very poor woman, ravaged by delusions and ghosts, until, driven by mysterious voices, she suddenly becomes another person, young, beautiful, insinuating. Her exploits make her the subject of a police chronicle. She seduces teenagers, attacks men, she becomes an insatiable wolf who arouses the wrath of the whole community against..

Nataly Fish

The Possessed

The Possessed

Two teenagers goes to the countryside to investigate the world of fortune-telling.

Nataly Fish

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