
Thomas Wooden Railway: Oliver's Eleven

Thomas Wooden Railway: Oliver's Eleven

This movie turned out better than I expected and I hope you enjoy it

Nataly Fish

Under the Olive Tree

Under the Olive Tree

A young shepherd returns home after the Second World War having been held in a prisoner of war camp. He finds that the local landowner has stolen his sheep and his girlfriend. When he also assaults and murders his sister, the shepherd takes revenge.

Nataly Fish

The Olive Harvest

The Olive Harvest

Upon his release from an Israeli prison, Mazen begins to fall in love with Raeda, his friend since childhood who is already engaged to Taher, Mazen's younger brother.

Nataly Fish

Marius et Olive à Paris

Marius et Olive à Paris

Parisian adventures of a fearless couple of friends and their return to their home in Marseille after a happy double marriage.

Nataly Fish

The Olives

The Olives

short film that was shown at Thessaloniki International Film Festival, in 1964

Nataly Fish

Jamie Oliver's Eat to Save Your Life

Jamie Oliver's Eat to Save Your Life

Jamie Oliver brings the truth about junk food to a captive audience of fast food junkies. It will be a graphic and uncompromising revelation of the food we eat and what it does to us. Eat To Save Your Life will have a scale, ambition and attitude that's appropriate for a centerpiece show.

Nataly Fish

Green Olive

Green Olive

Teresa, a former Cuban combatant, fixes her television to see Obama's arrival in Cuba. She reacts to this historic moment, which leads her to remember her life as a militant and her personal life.

Nataly Fish

The Colour of Olives

The Colour of Olives

Like many Palestinian families, the Amers live surrounded by the infamous West Bank Wall where their daily lives are dominated by electrified fences, locks and a constant swarm of armed soldiers. Through director Carolina Rivas' sensitive lens, we discover the private world of all eight members of the family. As their dramas unfold, we catch a glim..

Nataly Fish

Olive passager clandestin

Olive passager clandestin

Charmed by a pretty girl, Olive follows her on board a dirigible. There, he discovers the belle, named Pearl, has a husband. Never mind such an insignificant detail, Olive tells himself as the dirigible takes off with a stowaway among the passengers. Unfortunately a storm breaks and the captain, realizing that there are thirteen people on board, de..

Nataly Fish

The Olive Branch

The Olive Branch

Directed by Ghaleb Chaath.

Nataly Fish

This Is Not an Olive Tree

This Is Not an Olive Tree

A theoretical exercise can stem from a physical one: using the camera as if it was the vibrating device placed on the olive trees for the harvest of its fruit, the final result is a series of original and intriguing images. The camera shakes, gets in and out of focus, and we don’t exactly know what is happening. At first this is a strange disorie..

Nataly Fish

All Live, Olive

All Live, Olive

Wizdan lives in the rural village of Sebastia. Both their parents are olive farmers. With the expansion of Israeli settlements, Wizdan's and Nidal's parents are losing their farmland, but the problem is not theirs alone. But many Palestinians have been living in refugee camps for almost 70 years, and the fourth generation of refugees are growing up..

Nataly Fish

Virgin & Extra: The Land of the Olive Oil

Virgin & Extra: The Land of the Olive Oil

Olive oil is arguably the most essential ingredient of the Mediterranean diet. In the stunning southern Spanish city of Jaén, olive oil is a way of life. Recently, a revolution broke out in this region sparking a new appreciation for Jaén’s emblematic Picual olive oil that was pivotal in bringing this city to the zenith of olive oil productio..

Nataly Fish

Les États-Unis, l'histoire jamais racontée

Les États-Unis, l'histoire jamais racontée

Les Etats-Unis : superpuissance mondiale, terre de liberté, empire économique. Quels sont les événements qui ont contribué à écrire l’histoire de cette grande Nation ? Créée, produite et narrée par le réalisateur Oliver Stone, cette série documentaire dévoile l’histoire américaine de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale à nos jours comme e..

Nataly Fish

Le Fils du marchand d'olives

Le Fils du marchand d'olives

Pour leur voyage de noce, Mathieu et Anna sont partis en Turquie. Caméra au poing, pour enquêter sur Garabed, le grand père arménien de Mathieu, qui a échappé au génocide de 1915. Un road trip à travers le pays, marqué par des rencontres, mêlant animation, film d’investigation et documentaire historique pour rapporter la vision que se f..

Nataly Fish

Flowers from the Mount of Olives

Flowers from the Mount of Olives

Right alongside Jerusalem, in a Russian Orthodox Convent in the Mount of Olives, in the middle of the Arab quarter, lives the 82-year-old Estonian nun Mother Ksenya.

Nataly Fish

The Dance of Olive Trees in the Wind

The Dance of Olive Trees in the Wind

In a collaboration between artist Sarah Ibrahim and Mohammed AlFaraj, the film provides artistic documentation of their experiences in improvisation and trying to draw inspiration from olive tree fields and neglected brick factories around the village of El Brock in Catalonia. A state in which the body dances like a tree in the wind, to the melodie..

Nataly Fish

Women picking up olives

Women picking up olives

Recording of two women picking up olives in a park in Palma (Mallorca).

Nataly Fish



À 15 ans, Oliver Tate a deux gros problèmes : il rêve de coucher avec sa petite amie et sa mère est en train de se laisser séduire par un gourou. Pour empêcher le pire et réussir le meilleur, Oliver n’a que deux atouts : un vocabulaire incroyablement riche et une immense confiance en lui…

Nataly Fish



Oliver, dit « Twist », orphelin, survit seul dans la rue, entre grafitti et escalade. Alors qu'il fuit la police, il rencontre un groupe d'individus uniques et marginaux. Il trouve surtout la famille qu'il a perdu il y a longtemps. Utilisant ses talents, il va aider sa nouvelle famille à voler un précieux tableau.

Nataly Fish

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