
L'Héritier à 4 Pattes

L'Héritier à 4 Pattes

Bobo Shand, 28 ans, a été perdu dans les bois lorsqu'il était enfant. Il a été élevé par des loups. Bobo est décou vert par un savant, Penny, qui souhaite le réintégrer dans la société. Il s'avère que Bobo est issu d'une famille fortunée et qu'il héritera d'une fortune lorsqu'il recouvrera un comportement civilisé.....

Nataly Fish

Like Someone in Love

Like Someone in Love

Un vieil homme et une jeune femme se rencontrent à Tokyo. Elle ne sait rien de lui, lui croit la connaître. Il lui ouvre sa maison, elle lui propose son corps. Mais rien de ce qui se tisse entre eux en l’espace de vingt-quatre heures ne tient aux circonstances de leur rencontre.

Nataly Fish

Une histoire d'amour à Noël

Une histoire d'amour à Noël

Sarah Reed et Liam Clark se connaissent depuis toujours mais ont toujours été en compétition l'un avec l'autre. Aujourd'hui, ils sont chacun maire d'une partie de la ville de Riverton. Un concours du meilleur esprit de Noël est organisé. Toute la ville y participe mais Sarah et Liam veulent tout faire pour gagner…

Nataly Fish

My Opa Likes Round Numbers

My Opa Likes Round Numbers

My Opa Likes Round Numbers

Nataly Fish

The Place I Like to Call

The Place I Like to Call

Collage, cut-out, stop-motion, digital and analogue techniques combine with tribal rhythms, chanting and dancing in a joyous love-letter to home.

Nataly Fish

How To Dress Like Me

How To Dress Like Me

Since 1979, Rose Chong Costumiers have been dealing in elaborate and vibrant maximalist attire for hire. In 40 years, it has established itself as an iconic and legendary Melbourne staple among the Inner-North's queer scene. But neither Rose Chong's nor fancy-dress are as simple as they first seem according to Dan, one of the long-time "Chongettes"..

Nataly Fish

L'amour aime les hasards

L'amour aime les hasards

Une série de coïncidences unit deux amants maudits jusqu'à ce que le destin les sépare. 25 ans plus tard, ils se recroisent dans les rues d'Istanbul.

Nataly Fish

I Like to Play Games

I Like to Play Games

Michael is looking for a woman who likes to play games, but when he finds Suzanne, she might just be more than he bargained for.

Nataly Fish

Just Like in the Movies

Just Like in the Movies

A divorced private eye keeps in touch with his son and spies on an actress who has jilted him.

Nataly Fish

Ma vie commence en Malaisie

Ma vie commence en Malaisie

Après la guerre, Jeanne Paget quitte à nouveau Londres pour retourner en Malaisie. Il lui faut revoir ce pays où elle a tant souffert. Secrétaire militaire, au moment où les Japonais envahissent la Malaisie, elle reçoit l'ordre de se replier. Mais tandis que ses compagnes gagnent le dernier train, elle s'attarde pour recevoir un coup de tél�..

Nataly Fish

Most Likely to Murder

Most Likely to Murder

Billy, the coolest kid in high school, comes back to his hometown 15 years later to find he’s no longer cool and the girl he still has feelings for now dates the former town outcast. Billy becomes obsessed with proving the outcast is a murderer.

Nataly Fish

I Like to Play Games Too

I Like to Play Games Too

An advertising agent comes up against a client she is unable to manipulate through her seduction games.

Nataly Fish

Haunted Transylvania: Party Like A Zombie

Haunted Transylvania: Party Like A Zombie

Halloween is finally here and there's so much fun to be had in Monster Town. Brains the adorable zombie and Woof the werewolf pup travel up and down Monster Town trying to solve the spooky mystery of the missing magic potion.

Nataly Fish

Hořké pivo, sladký likér

Hořké pivo, sladký likér

Nataly Fish

They Look Like People

They Look Like People

Soupçonnant les personnes qui l'entourent de se transformer en créatures maléfiques, un homme cherche à comprendre s'il doit protéger son seul ami d'une guerre imminente ou de lui-même.

Nataly Fish

Frankie Boyle: Hurt Like You've Never Been Loved

Frankie Boyle: Hurt Like You've Never Been Loved

This notoriously controversial comedian delivers devastating social commentary by way of one-liners about the economy, corruption and more.

Nataly Fish

Other, Like Me

Other, Like Me

Hull, England, 1970. In a run-down commune in a tough port city, a group of social misfits - mostly working class, mostly self-educated - adopted new identities and began making simple street theater under the name COUM Transmissions. Their playful performances gradually gave way to work that dealt openly with sex, pornography, and violence. COUM l..

Nataly Fish

Hummer MOAB - Like Nothing Else

Hummer MOAB - Like Nothing Else

Adventure into the West with a squad od H1 Hummers as they drive deep into the red rock trails of Moab, Utha. Can the Hummers - lead by Dan Micks, Moab's premiere 4x4 trail guide and Bill Damm, the world's foremost Hummer photographer - tackle Poison Spider, Golden Spike and Gold Bar trails without any major breakdowns? Experience the perils of Lio..

Nataly Fish

Blue Like Jazz

Blue Like Jazz

A young man must find his own way as his Southern Baptist roots don't seem to be acceptable at his new liberal arts college.

Nataly Fish

I Don't Like Younger Men

I Don't Like Younger Men

Won-gi lost his wife a long time ago and is running a pension outside of the city. Then one day, Won-gi's daughter and her friend Se-yeong stays in the pension during a break from their school in Seoul. However, Won-gi finds himself attracted to the friend who is so much like his dead wife. Then he crosses a line that he shouldn't have crossed...

Nataly Fish

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