
Sea Ghost - La créature des abysses

Sea Ghost - La créature des abysses

Après une tempête impressionnante, la plate-forme de forage Sea Ghost semble désertée. C'est en tout cas la constatation des hommes qui y accostent quelques heures plus tard pour une opération de ravitaillement. Ils sont loin de s'attendre à ce qu'ils vont alors découvrir entre les murs du bâtiment marin...

Nataly Fish

Ghost Machine

Ghost Machine

Deux techniciens doivent affronter un esprit vengeur qui a infecté leur logiciel militaire volé.

Nataly Fish

Ghosts of Hamilton Street

Ghosts of Hamilton Street

In this award-winning student film, a troubled writer questions his sanity as people in his life vanish without a trace - and it seems he's the only one who realizes it. Each disappearance catapults him into a version of the world in which that person never existed at all, and once he realizes the specific order to this phenomenon, he must try to s..

Nataly Fish

Ghost Book

Ghost Book

Kazuki, Taichi et Sosuke sont amis dans la même école et découvre un livre fantôme qui va les entraîner dans un monde de mystères.

Nataly Fish



A la suite de son déménagement, Risa fait la rencontre de trois enfants avec qui elle se lie d'amitié. Elle ignore encore qu'il s'agit d'esprits errants...

Nataly Fish

Thirteen Erotic Ghosts

Thirteen Erotic Ghosts

When a Reality-Based TV crew arrives at the creepy old "Waufle House School for Wayward Girls" to prove once and for all if the place is really haunted by the restless Ghosts of Young Lovelies, they get quite an eye-full. Armed with special GHOST-GOGGLES that allow them to see the spirits up close and personal, the crew slowly succumbs to the charm..

Nataly Fish

Ghosts of Attica

Ghosts of Attica

Documentary about Attica prison riot and lawsuits to get compensation for the victims of these events.

Nataly Fish

The Valley of Ghosts

The Valley of Ghosts

'Detective loves daughter of artist suspected of murdering blackmailer.' (British Film Catalogue)

Nataly Fish

Talking To Ghosts

Talking To Ghosts

Après avoir perdu un enfant, une jeune femme décide de prendre sa vie en main. Mais les choses vont de mal en pis alors qu'elle se retrouve empêtrée dans un accord d'armes sur le marché noir qui a mal tourné.

Nataly Fish

Ghosts Can't Do It

Ghosts Can't Do It

Elderly Scott kills himself after a heart attack wrecks his body, but then comes back as a ghost and convinces his loving young hot wife Kate to pick and kill a young man in order for Scott to possess his body and be with her again.

Nataly Fish

Brooklyn Dodgers: The Ghosts of Flatbush

Brooklyn Dodgers: The Ghosts of Flatbush

The Brooklyn Dodgers, from Jackie Robinson's breaking baseball's color barrier to their move to Los Angeles, a dozen years later. The Dodgers epitomize the diverse working-class, in contrast with the white uptown Yankees, and come oh-so-close to winning the World Series before it finally happens in 1955. By then, Ebbets Field is crumbling, ticket s..

Nataly Fish



Nanani Hoshino, jeune cadre japonaise dans une grande entreprise, rencontre de manière tout à fait fortuite Kim Jun-ho, Coréen et potier de métier. Au fil du temps, de tête-à-tête en tête-à-tête, ils réalisent qu’ils sont très amoureux l’un de l’autre et finissent par se marier. Tout semble aller pour le mieux dans le meilleur des..

Nataly Fish

Ghosts of Winterborne

Ghosts of Winterborne

The Devil of Winterborne has only recently been exorcised by PROBE. But when the body of its last victim disappears, and a book of black magic spells is stolen from a local museum, Liz Shaw begins to wonder if the ghosts of the past have really been laid to rest. Forced into an unholy alliance with the school’s disgraced headmaster, Liz must fi..

Nataly Fish

The Ghost Lovers

The Ghost Lovers

Un homme rencontre sa femme tous les soirs. À son insu, elle a été tuée bien avant leur mariage. Une servante découvre son secret et essaie d'organiser un exorcisme avant que la tragédie ne frappe.

Nataly Fish

Emmanuelle - The Private Collection: The Sex Lives Of Ghosts

Emmanuelle - The Private Collection: The Sex Lives Of Ghosts

Old friends of Emmanuelle’s visit her at the haunted villa she has rented for the summer. After holding a séance, the ghosts of the previous owner and his mistresses begin to possess the group, and open them up to the possibilities of love that lies dormant in the group.

Nataly Fish

Rise of the Ghosts

Rise of the Ghosts

A group of friends venture into a school for girls which has the reputation of having a haunted sub-level basement. The souls of the girls remain trapped in the basement, tormented by an evil supernatural being.

Nataly Fish

Three Live Ghosts

Three Live Ghosts

An investigator is asking Mrs. Gubbins about a William Foster, who was a friend of her stepson Jimmy. Both are listed as killed in action during the Great War. It is Armistice Day, 1918, and the war is over. Who should be strolling down the street but Jimmy Gubbins, Bill 'Jones' and another man who has lost his memory. They are ghosts as the offici..

Nataly Fish

Ghosts... of the Civil Dead

Ghosts... of the Civil Dead

La vie de petits malfrats et de grands criminels dans une prison ultra-moderne construite en plein désert australien. Le film est fondé sur des évènements réels qui se sont produits dans des prisons d'Amérique et d'Australie au cours des dernières années.

Nataly Fish

Chasing Ghosts

Chasing Ghosts

Lucas Simons, an 11-year-old filmmaker, is obsessed with death after the loss of his brother. When Lucas accidentally captures a mysterious presence in one of his films, he inadvertently becomes a YouTube phenomenon, and must learn to live life in the spotlight while also learning how to once again start living life to its fullest.

Nataly Fish

Ghosts vs. Aliens

Ghosts vs. Aliens

Horror, gag, entertainment by Keisuke Toyoshima of "Heller master Shimizu Takashi ×" "Kaidan New Ear Bag Nobuhiro" !! "Kaidanui watching me ..." and "My alien" are included.

Nataly Fish

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