
Detective Tex: Circumstantial Evidence

Detective Tex: Circumstantial Evidence

Tex, a famous detective, recounts the story of how he went into the crime business: While visiting his old friend, Jack Nelson, a dispute breaks out between Nelson and his butler. Later that night, Nelson is murdered, and the next morning the murder weapon, a knife, is discovered next to the body. Edna, the victim's wife, seizes the knife, and Tex,..

Nataly Fish

Bigfoot: The Evidence Files

Bigfoot: The Evidence Files

You say you don't believe in Bigfoot, but hundreds of researchers in the field can?t be ignored any more. Bigfoot is real and the evidence is in! Over 20 researchers and witnesses have come together to present some of their greatest findings in support of this elusive creature that was mostly, until now, believed to be mythical. Evidence such as tr..

Nataly Fish

Jesus The Evidence

Jesus The Evidence

Who was Jesus? Was He born of a virgin? Did He perform miracles? Did He die and rise from the dead? Is He the Son of God? For the first time, 40 historians, scholars and scientists examine the Man and His claims: The Messianic prophecies, the virgin birth, the miracles, the teachings; His death and resurrection. Watch re-creations of the life of Ch..

Nataly Fish

Alien Implants: Evidence of UFO Abductions and Encounters

Alien Implants: Evidence of UFO Abductions and Encounters

Alien Implants are a physical object placed in a human body after they have been abducted by Aliens. Dr. Leir will discuss some of his latest implant surgeries and the physical evidence born from data received from numerous first rank laboratories in this documentary.

Nataly Fish

Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence For Catastrophe

Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence For Catastrophe

On May 18, 1980, the volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helens opened a new window of understanding about the geologic history of our planet. Join geologist Steve Austin as he reveals the fascinating results of his field investigations of Mount St. Helens and Spirit Lake.

Nataly Fish

Patterns of Evidence: The Journey Home

Patterns of Evidence: The Journey Home

Tim shares how the Lord led his life on a journey to make the Patterns of Evidence films. Learn how you can join the journey to educate others about the historical credibility of the Bible. I like to look at past family photos because they bring back memories. Some of these memories are happy and get better with time, and some are not so happy. Th..

Nataly Fish

New Evidence

New Evidence

Shadows of people inhabit a wintry road, casting darkness over the tracks. What happens when this substance is washed away by fleeting reflections and blended into new matter, color and forms? And sound: feet tramping endlessly round, round like hands on a clock. This is happening now... - Sue Anne Moody

Nataly Fish

U.F.O.s: The Best Evidence

U.F.O.s: The Best Evidence

Explores terrifying tales of alien abductions, disturbing animal mutilation cases and mysterious crop formations.

Nataly Fish

Video X: Evidence

Video X: Evidence

This shocking video presents the actual home video footage shot by Kentucky killers Dwayne Foote and Darla-Jean Stanton as they embark on a deadly rampage. Watch in awe as the heartless lovers stumble into a situation that triggers one of the most violent crime sprees America has ever seen. Recently discovered by the authorities, this footage is ha..

Nataly Fish

Who Killed Diana?: The Evidence

Who Killed Diana?: The Evidence

It seems the whole world loved Princess Diana. Her death was one of the most solemn moments in history. Jon King, author of Princess Diana: The Evidence, shares his experiences and evidence that exposes what may be the crime of the century. He reveals many of the minute details, that when looked at together, do not add up to the official explanatio..

Nataly Fish

UFO UK: New Evidence

UFO UK: New Evidence

Are aliens really out there? You've heard tales of little green men from other planets, but these are normally consigned to urban legends and sci-fi fables. However, a dossier of files released by the Ministry of Defence last year proves just how seriously some of these close encounters are taken by the government. Discover the truth in UFO UK: New..

Nataly Fish

Mike Keneally & Marco Minnemann - Evidence of Humanity

Mike Keneally & Marco Minnemann - Evidence of Humanity

One bright morning, world-renowned drummer Marco Minnemann settled down behind the DW kit in his secluded hideaway, punched the record button, and proceeded to pound out an astounding 52-minute improvised solo. When it was finished, he christened it Normalizer 2 and offered it as a sort of gift to a handful of his favorite guitarists, relishing the..

Nataly Fish

Best Evidence: Top 10 U.F.O. Sightings
Evidence of Rapid Fossilization

Evidence of Rapid Fossilization

Dr. Andrew Snelling graphically illustrates how fossils - the vestiges of once-living organisms - form rapidly, not over millions of years. To be preserved with the amazing detail we often see, animals and plants "locked" in the rock record had to be buried rapidly, and fossilization had to be rapid as well. Fossils are often found in huge numbers ..

Nataly Fish

Evidence of a Dream

Evidence of a Dream

Historical documentary centered around the Central Pacific Railroad and it's effects on California and the United States. Made for the California State Railroad Museum to act as an introduction to the museum.

Nataly Fish

A Preponderance of Evidence

A Preponderance of Evidence

The stories of three women intertwine in voiceover to Sandra Davis' collage of contradictory images: a Florida swamp, mermaids, the majestic medieval architecture of Europe, Anita Hill before Congress and abstract color and light, interspersed with bits of 1950s educational films. These are shocking testimonies about the burden of female identity: ..

Nataly Fish

What Is the 'Best' Evidence That God Created

What Is the 'Best' Evidence That God Created

The most popular talk by one of AIG's most popular speakers! Audiences nationwide have been thrilled with this energetic, eye-catching presentation on some of the most astounding evidences of God's handiwork. Carl Kerby builds to an unforgettable conclusion: the life-changing truth that the best evidence is God's Word itself!

Nataly Fish

Trace Evidence

Trace Evidence

The "Trace Evidence" video trilogy explores the geological, meteorological, and hydrological appearance of nuclear evidence secreted within the molecular arrangement of matter. Its focuses upon three events: the unearthing of ancient nuclear reactors at the uranium mine site in Oklo, Gabon in 1972, the discovery of Chernobyl’s airborne contaminat..

Nataly Fish

OVNIS, les meilleurs preuves

OVNIS, les meilleurs preuves

Les preuves scientifiques sur les ovnis existent. Il suffit de se pencher sèrieusement sur le sujet pour se rendre compte de l'importance de ces preuves une fois regroupées. Detections radar, videos militaires, documents déclassifiés de la cia à propos des ovnis, temoignages de personnes crédibles telles que des militaires ou policiers, video..

Nataly Fish

A Search for Evidence

A Search for Evidence

Looking for evidence that her husband may have been unfaithful, a woman is in a hotel, accompanied by a witness, and they are peeking through the keyholes at the guests. After looking at a couple of rooms inhabited by strangers, they see a tray of drinks taken into room #9, but the room turns out to be occupied by a group of men playing cards. Stil..

Nataly Fish

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