
Pablo of Medellin

Pablo of Medellin

Pablo, Angel o Demonio est l'histoire inédite d'un homme qui a changé notre monde pour toujours. Il a créé l'entreprise multinationale de trafic de cocaïne et, par la terreur, a mis un pays à genoux, mais par une générosité altruiste, il a transformé la vie de son peuple, les plus démunis.

Nataly Fish

Santo et Blue Demon contre Dracula et le loup-garou

Santo et Blue Demon contre Dracula et le loup-garou

Le comte Dracula et son acolyte loup-garou Rufus Rex élaborent un plan machiavélique pour dominer le monde. Seul capable d'empêcher le pire d'arriver, le célèbre catcheur Santo, affublé de son ami et néanmoins rival Blue Demon, décide d'intervenir afin de déjouer les ambitions des deux monstres...

Nataly Fish

Legend of the Demon Seal

Legend of the Demon Seal

Working as an ordinary artist on Bai Ze's comic project The Legend of Demon Sea has aspiring artist Feng Xue feeling like wasted talent. To vent his frustration, he begins another version the project, filling the illustrated adventures of an alchemy master with mythic parallels to his daily grind. With his comics Feng takes vengeance whenever he's ..

Nataly Fish

Dial D for Demons

Dial D for Demons

A group of six yuppies goes to Lantau for a fun holiday, and the result is anything but. The Chinese title—"The Evil Curse of the Burning Charcoal"—is more descriptive than the international title. The picture opens with a young lady's suicide by inhaling the carbon monoxide fumes of her charcoal burner and making big headlines in the tabloid p..

Nataly Fish

Demon Fighter Kocho

Demon Fighter Kocho

Spirits begin terrorizing a school and it is left up to the sexy student Kocho Enoki to use her attractive body and magical powers to defeat the attackers. Teamed with her sister and Kosaku, their human decoy, they attempt to free the school from the spirits. Unfortunately a female spirit arrives who is immune to Kocho's sexy charms.

Nataly Fish

Vanquishing the Demons

Vanquishing the Demons

Afin d'empêcher le démon Rakshasa de descendre dans le monde et de le transformer en un purgatoire glacé, Huihai, un disciple du temple Shaolin, entreprend un voyage pour trouver le héros qui vaincra le dragon. L'amoureux d'enfance Shangguan Lingsu est toujours là pour protéger et aider Hui Hai à briser les démons et à apprendre l'esprit d..

Nataly Fish

The Journey to The West: Demon's Child

The Journey to The West: Demon's Child

Il y a 500 ans, le Roi Singe a fait une émeute dans le Palais Céleste, renversant accidentellement le poêle du ciel et provoquant la chute du Feu Céleste dans le monde. Afin de sauver le peuple, la princesse Fan de Fer fit de son mieux pour supprimer le feu, mais le garçon rouge dans son ventre fut érodé par le vrai feu de la samida et devin..

Nataly Fish

Demon Sealer Bureau

Demon Sealer Bureau

A hundred years ago, Immortal Master Yu Xu sealed beasts in eight states, and the Southwest scared tree turned into wilted wood (a spiritual source). In the 40th year of the Zhao Dynasty, Gu Niantong, a perished cult, wanted to break the seal of the Immortal Master, to refine the sacred tree and turn it into a tree demon to poison all living beings..

Nataly Fish

The Demon of Mount Oe

The Demon of Mount Oe

À la fin de l’ère Heian. Un démon vient hanter Nagisa,la favorite du régent Fujiwara no Michinaga. Ce dernier demande à son général Minamoto no Yorimitsu de retrouver le démon dans son repère du mont Ôe et de s’en débarrasser. Un grand film historique dont le casting réunit les acteurs les plus célèbres des studios Daiei.

Nataly Fish

The Demons of St. Petersburg

The Demons of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg, 1860. A member of the imperial family is assassinated. A few days later, the writer Fëdor Michajlovic Dostoevskij meets with Gusiev, a young man committed to a psychiatric hospital. Gusiev confesses that he took part in the terrorist plot and reveals that his fellow conspirators are planning to kill another of the Tsar’s relative..

Nataly Fish

Santo and Blue Demon Against the Monsters

Santo and Blue Demon Against the Monsters

Bruno Halder a sinister scientist seeking revenge against his brother and niece is resurrected by Waldo his faithful sidekick. Besides his minions of zombies Halder enlists the help of Wolfman, Franquestain, a Vampire, a Mummy and a Cyclops. Once again the survival of mankind is put in the hands of Santo

Nataly Fish

Les démons

Les démons

Félix, dix ans, enfant imaginatif et sensible, termine son année scolaire dans une banlieue d’apparence paisible. Félix a peur de tout : du possible divorce de ses parents, des pervers qui s’en prennent aux petits garçons, des voisins louches, et même du sida. Peu à peu, les démons imaginaires de l’enfant côtoient les démons d’un m..

Nataly Fish

GARO Special: Beast of the Demon Night

GARO Special: Beast of the Demon Night

In the aftermath events of GARO: Chapter of the Black Wolf, Saejima Kouga sets out to the northern district upon reassignment. While hunting down Horrors, a young priestess named Rin informs Kouga that she's been sent by Priest Amon to save a presumed dead friend in the Makai realm within Kantai, Jabi. Kouga teams up with Rin in a quest to save Jab..

Nataly Fish

The Demon Suppressors: West Barbarian Beast

The Demon Suppressors: West Barbarian Beast

For forty years, the people of the Zhao Dynasty have known peace. But that peace is threatened when ominous whispers from the West, of the appearance of a barbarian Beast Lord, begin to spread across the land. Setting off for the West, Wu Chang, Xiao Zhen, and the rest of the Suppression Team know that failure in this mission is not an option. Faci..

Nataly Fish

Sex Demon Human 1 - Estrous Cycle

Sex Demon Human 1 - Estrous Cycle

Aoi (Miori Hara), who is on the way home, is attacked by a mysterious beast man and is killed after being fucked. At the strange research center specializing in cases that cannot be elucidated by ordinary recognition, commonly known as "Kisoken," the staff members Hongo and Maki (Yukine Sakuragi) are inspected. Then, the same infectious virus as th..

Nataly Fish

Moment of Demon

Moment of Demon

Filled with guilt over his forbidden desires, a young man leaves home and his studies. He finds a new smaller place to stay, a low-paying but satisfying job and a girlfriend. Then his mother, unable to fight her forbidden desires, shows up.

Nataly Fish

The Case of the Four Demon Coffins
Demonte Colony

Demonte Colony

Four friends go into a haunted mansion on a whim but they do not realize that they have returned home with an evil spirit, from which escape might be impossible.

Nataly Fish

Demon Game

Demon Game

A group of young people pushed by circumstances to an unknown fate controlled by a human demon, represented by a malicious electronic application that infiltrates their smartphones and controls their lives and guides them to the amateur.

Nataly Fish

La rage du Démon

La rage du Démon

Une enquête qui revient sur les traces des émeutes violentes causées, tout au long des XIXe et XXe siècles,par un film rare, fascinant et dangereux : La Rage du démon, attribué au cinéaste Georges Méliès. Au travers d'entretiens avec des journalistes, cinéastes, historiens, experts et psychologues, ce documentaire lève le voile sur le fi..

Nataly Fish

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