


Alexa is very attentive to her customer's requests, but soon realizes that prostitution has limited long term career potential...

Nataly Fish

Selling Body

Selling Body

Na-young becomes a prostitute when her heart is broken and then she is sexually violated by Jung-han, a street thug.

Nataly Fish

Moi, Christiane F, droguée, prostituée… : une génération perdue

Moi, Christiane F, droguée, prostituée… : une génération perdue

RFA, 1978. La publication d'un livre choquant relatant la vie misérable de jeunes toxicomanes vivant et mourant dans les gares et les toilettes publiques du pays provoque un choc social brutal : l'histoire de Christiane F., une jeune fille de treize ans qui se prostitue pour acheter de l'héroïne, et des enfants de la gare du zoo de Berlin.

Nataly Fish

Black Hornet

Black Hornet

To free his girlfriend from her contract with a greedy madam, Shang Li (Don Wong) teams up with a cold-blooded thief called the Sparrow (Chiang-lung Wen) to hijack a large shipment of silver. But when the heist suddenly goes bad, Shang Li finds himself with blood on his hands and a price on his head. Martial arts superstars Angela Mao and Lieh Lo a..

Nataly Fish

Zig Zig

Zig Zig

Marie et Pauline sont deux chanteuses de cabaret qui rêvent de s'acheter un chalet dans la montagne. Pour réaliser leur rêve, les deux femmes deviennent des prostituées.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

To Be a Rose

To Be a Rose

Receiving strange clients in her room, a girl looks back at her teen years when she was raped by her boyfriend.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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