
The Little Hawk

The Little Hawk

A kitten and a young boy live in a small fisherman's hut. The boy's father calls him Little Hawk. The threesome are poor but happy, and the father goes to sea every day to fish. One day, there is a storm at sea and the father doesn't come home...

Nataly Fish



Georges de Dasetta, gentilhomme hongrois, triche au jeu avec la complicité de sa femme, la belle Marina. Celle-ci, écœurée de sa vie, devient la maîtresse d'un diplomate, René de Terrache et quitte son mari. Elle le retrouve un jour affaibli et malade et prise de pitié, lui revient.

Nataly Fish



Featured as part of the documentary theater project "Summer/Winter" 2019

Nataly Fish

The Dancing Hawk

The Dancing Hawk

"The Dancing Hawk" refers to the son of a peasant who senses he can climb to the job in troubled times by playing his cards right. His slavery to work match his ambitions, and gradually he reaches the social position he desires. But the costs have included a dehumanized soul and a loss of a moral conscience. People have had to pay for his advanceme..

Nataly Fish

Lepain Part 2: The Fight With Master Detective John Hawks
Hawk from the South

Hawk from the South

Criminals threaten Suro Mantoro’s North-South trade and his guards are defeated. One of the dead is Srikandi’s father so Srikandi pursues her martial arts studies by ascetic meditation. She also has a thin blade that is almost invisible to the human eye. Suro Mantoro and Fatimah, whose father was also killed, want to advance their skills but th..

Nataly Fish

Hawk of the North

Hawk of the North

During the latter part of the 16th Century, Japan's Warring States era was coming to a close. After crushing almost all of his enemies, Date Masamune aka the "Hawk of the North" sets his eyes on Hatakeyama's lands. The young warlord is about to face his greatest challenge.

Nataly Fish

Darna and the Hawk Woman

Darna and the Hawk Woman

This is the second movie featuring Darna, but now she is facing another villainess, Ang Babaeng Lawin, played by Elvira Reyes.

Nataly Fish

The Hawker

The Hawker

In a house by the side of the road that also operates as a taverna for passersby, a couple leads a dull and uneventful life. One day, a hawker talks the woman into buying colored tablecloths for her taverna on credit, and that changes things ...

Nataly Fish

The Beautiful Hawk

The Beautiful Hawk

One of three titles released the same year, with the same title based on the same story. This is the P.C.L. (Toho) Version

Nataly Fish

Tiankeng Hawk Hunting

Tiankeng Hawk Hunting

Nataly Fish

Silver Hawk

Silver Hawk

Lulu Wong, a rock star and philanthropist, fights injustice as her superhero alter-ego Silver Hawk. When the criminal baddie Wolfe sets a plan in motion to dominate the world through cell phone signals, Silver Hawk joins forces with police detective Richman to save the world.

Nataly Fish

Rodan !

Rodan !

Dans la ville minière de Kitamatsu, les ouvriers craignent pour leurs vies. Le puits est devenu trop profond, causant inondation et éboulements dans les boyaux d'extraction. Deux mineurs disparaissent alors dans les sous-sols, puis les policiers partis à leur secours sont retrouvés mutilés. La nuit, Shigeru et Kyo, deux proches de l'un des dis..

Nataly Fish

Angels One Five

Angels One Five

Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un jeune lieutenant de la Royal Air Force s'attire les foudres de son chef d'escadron quand il accidente gravement son avion de chasse, se blessant du même coup. Cloué au sol, c'est dans la salle des opérations qu'il va devoir participer à la bataille d'Angleterre. Le turbulent pilote n'aura de cesse de repre..

Nataly Fish

Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concert

Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concert

Un événement musical mondial all-star en direct du Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concert de Londres mettant en vedette les plus grands noms de la musique réunis pour célébrer la vie, la musique et l'amour de Taylor Hawkins, l'une des figures les plus appréciées de la musique moderne.

Nataly Fish

Ali Baba and the Seven Saracens

Ali Baba and the Seven Saracens

A rebel leader returns to his city for a final confrontation with the evil king he is fighting. However, he finds himself attracted to the king's beautiful niece.

Nataly Fish

Date Masamune the One-Eyed Dragon

Date Masamune the One-Eyed Dragon

The life, adventures and exploits of warlord Date Masamune the One-eyed Dragon: his early youth as an aggressive warrior, the battles he won until subduing almost all his enemies, the lonely comprehension of knowing that he actually can not take over the whole country because he was born too late.

Nataly Fish

Red Hawk: Weapon of Death

Red Hawk: Weapon of Death

The land of Chungwon is in a state of chaos – the government is all but powerless to stop the many rival gangs that each want to carve a kingdom for themselves, the Camillia Blossoms being the most powerful of them. Having seen what terror his fellows are unleashing, Danyoung, a highly skilled martial artist of The Five Dragons, sets out to fight..

Nataly Fish

Hawk's Eyes

Hawk's Eyes

Abu al-Wafa soldier of the border weapon lives with his old father Darwish, who was also guarding the border and his wife Saadi, who does not have a child, yet he thinks that he is sterile, so as not to embarrass her, but Tairh ignorance! She is frustrated when she finds out the truth and Salem, the drug dealer, is being bribed to Abu Al-Wafa for a..

Nataly Fish

The Cry of the Nighthawk

The Cry of the Nighthawk

n this episode of adventure serial The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu, intrepid sleuths Nayland Smith and Dr Petrie investigate the strange death of a man from Forest Hill found with his face covered with scratches; their enquiries lead them once more to the Devil Doctor, Fu-Manchu. Meanwhile, Petrie’s stiff upper lip begins to quiver, as he grows dang..

Nataly Fish

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