
Through the Meat Grinder

Through the Meat Grinder

A woman grapples with normative gender roles in her marriage, as a monster grows within her.

Nataly Fish

The Corpse Grinders Collection

The Corpse Grinders Collection

A movie series about people grinding human corpses.

Nataly Fish



One evening, a group of high school graduates gather on their school playground, they talk, play games and drink alcohol. Feeling bored, they decide to break in the school. Stories of the creepy janitor scare the girls but the boys manage to persuade them. What started as innocent fun ends in a bloodbath when one of the students turns the night int..

Nataly Fish

Woman Grinder's Revenge

Woman Grinder's Revenge

Taiwanese horror film.

Nataly Fish

Grinding Machine

Grinding Machine

After her husband died, a mother buys a grinding-machine in order to make a living. Initially fascinated by the machine, her son starts getting irritated by its noise. He tries to destroy the machine to regain his childhood.

Nataly Fish

The Organ Grinde

The Organ Grinde

The current situation of the organ grinders in Mexico who have lost their former splendor. They have to adapt to an indifferent and noisy city.

Nataly Fish

Grindstone Hand

Grindstone Hand

Eugenia, a 6 year old survivor who has the ability to move between different points of spacetime, is the connection between the parts to align the lock of a door between the folds of time.

Nataly Fish

Hallo! Halloo! Grinder

Hallo! Halloo! Grinder

A housewife is particularly determined to get her cooking knife sharpened by a travelling grinder, terrifying her neighbors and assorted pedestrians as she chases the man down the street while waving the weapon

Nataly Fish

Day of the Organ Grinders

Day of the Organ Grinders

A day in the life of an 'organillero' as he plays his music in the streets of a Chilean city.

Nataly Fish

Planète terreur

Planète terreur

Dans une petite ville, William et Dakota Block, un couple de médecins, constatent que leurs patients sont soudains frappés par la gangrène et affectés par un regard vide et inquiétant… De son côté, Cherry, gogo danseuse, s’est fait arracher la jambe lors d’une attaque. Wray, son ex-petit copain, veille sur elle. Mais, Cherry a beau êt..

Nataly Fish



Ils ont cru qu’il était un simple ouvrier, un bouc émissaire idéal pour porter le chapeau d’un assassinat politique. Ils ignoraient qu’il s’agissait de Machete, un ancien agent fédéral hors pair, une légende… Laissé pour mort après son affrontement avec le puissant baron de la drogue mexicain Torrez, Machete s’est réfugié au T..

Nataly Fish

Boulevard de la mort

Boulevard de la mort

C’est à la tombée du jour que Jungle Julia, la DJ la plus sexy d’Austin, peut enfin se détendre avec ses meilleures copines, Shanna et Arlene. Ce trio infernal, qui vit la nuit, attire les regards dans tous les bars et dancings du Texas. Mais l’attention dont ces trois jeunes femmes sont l’objet n’est pas forcément innocente. C’est ..

Nataly Fish



Bunnyman est l'histoire d'un groupe d'amis revenant d'un week-end spontané à Las Vegas, et alors qu'ils traversent les régions reculées du sud de la Californie, ils se retrouvent soudainement dans un jeu écoeurant du chat et de la souris avec un camion-benne de cinq tonnes et , en cherchant de l'aide, tombe sur une famille cauchemardesque qui ..

Nataly Fish

Jewel of the Gods

Jewel of the Gods

While doing field work in Australia’s Gibson Desert, Snowy Grinder meets up with a weirdo named Archie. Together they set off to find the missing Dr. Jim Hartwell and Monomotapa, the Palace of Purple Diamonds...but they haven't accounted for the Gods.

Nataly Fish



A 20-something camping trip goes horribly wrong when a Maniac Serial Killer (Jed Rowen) and a Psycho Homeless Guy (William Alva) invite themselves. Beautiful Girls. Hot Guys. Lots of Blood.

Nataly Fish



The greatest collection of current underground movie trailers around!

Nataly Fish

Till Death Do Us Part

Till Death Do Us Part

The love between a middle aged dancer and a recovering alcoholic is tested when they become trapped in a seedy gentlemen's club and must battle the undead for survival.

Nataly Fish

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