
A Norml Life

A Norml Life

A documentary on the current state of medical marijuana in America. Personal stories from patients, doctors and caregivers verify its medical effectiveness while leading activist rally support to end prohibition.

Nataly Fish

La Preuve Scientifique de l'Existence de Dieu

La Preuve Scientifique de l'Existence de Dieu

D’anciens objecteurs de conscience aux caractères bien trempés se retrouvent pour faire un documentaire sur leur passé de militants. Nous sommes à la veille d’une votation fédérale sur l’interdiction d’exporter des armes et le petit-fils d’Alain, l'un d'entre eux, meurt accidentellement au service militaire. Le groupe n’a plus qu�..

Nataly Fish

1 March Registration

1 March Registration

This is the story of the struggle of the pioneers of the March independence movement, which led 20 million Koreans to rebel on March 1, 1919.

Nataly Fish

Jesus of Malibu

Jesus of Malibu

Jesus and Mindy set off on a spiritual journey to discover truth. Their quest takes them across the U.S. into the desert. As they individually search for purpose and meaning in their lives, their worlds intertwine and they embark on a journey to find a way to change the world.

Nataly Fish

The Frozen Inferno

The Frozen Inferno

A small band of survivors unwillingly add a new member to their quickly dwindling population, with disastrous results.

Nataly Fish

Mickey's Rebellion

Mickey's Rebellion

A.k.a. "Mickey's Revolution". Needing to raise money for their caddy friend, Mickey and the gang put on a show.

Nataly Fish

Grenada: The Future Coming Towards Us

Grenada: The Future Coming Towards Us

Examines the aims and accomplishments of the New Jewel Movement and the reasons for the Fall 1983 U.S. military invasion. The film puts these events in perspective by tracing Grenada's early history, from the annihilation of the indigenous Carib Indians by the European colonial powers which vied for control of the region and then imported African s..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Cantares de una revolución

Cantares de una revolución

Nataly Fish

Comrade, Where Are You Today?

Comrade, Where Are You Today?

In 1988, 20-year-old Kirsi Marie Liimatainen travels from Finland to the GDR, to study Marxism-Leninism at the International Youth Academy. In summer of´89 the course ends and the students spread out over the world. Afew months later, the Berlin Wall falls. 24 years later Kirsi, sets out on a cinematic journey to Nicaragua, South Africa, Chile, Bo..

Nataly Fish

Human Traffic 2

Human Traffic 2

Moff is out on ‘Weekend-Leave’ from a weed-dealing bust and returns to Cardiff to the party: Now a post-Rave apocalypse in the New World Order. Moff attempts to get the Rave generation out of their mental-prisons and back together again for an old-school Rave: The Revolution.

Nataly Fish

여자의 혁명

여자의 혁명

Nataly Fish

The Underground Rock and Roll in China

The Underground Rock and Roll in China

A documentary film about an underground rock concert in Xiangshan, Beijing, 2002. The concert lasts for three days and three nights. This documentary goes "underground" to uncover an independent punk/rock scene in China. The scene is alive and well, attracting bands and spectators from around the country to Beijing, the informal headquarters of the..

Nataly Fish

Jeu de dames

Jeu de dames

Venu chercher l’isolement dans son manoir, sur une île bretonne, l’écrivain misogyne Pierre Bangor a la désagréable surprise d’y trouver quatre cover-girls installées dans leur exubérance et leurs artifices. Les réactions de celles-ci vont devenir le point de départ d’un roman mais le manuscrit tombe entre les mains d’une institut..

Nataly Fish

Born Under the Red Flag: 1976–1997

Born Under the Red Flag: 1976–1997

CHINA: A CENTURY OF REVOLUTION is a six-hour tour de force journey through the country's most tumultuous period. First televised on PBS, this award-winning documentary series presents an astonishingly candid view of a once-secret nation with rare archival footage, insightful historical commentary and stunning eyewitness accounts from citizens who s..

Nataly Fish

Agroecology In Cuba

Agroecology In Cuba

100 years after the Russian revolution, the film invites us to think about agroecology as an option and a necessity in the construction of food sovereignty, taking the experience of Cuba as a world reference and inviting us to think that another type of field is possible.

Nataly Fish

Syria: Children on the Frontline

Syria: Children on the Frontline

The story of five young children whose lives have been changed forever by the civil war in Syria.

Nataly Fish

Rock 'n' Roll Made in Mexico

Rock 'n' Roll Made in Mexico

From its emergence in the 1950s to its 1971 banning and subsequent legalization more than a decade later, rock 'n' roll music has played an important -- and controversial -- role in Mexican culture. This documentary traces that history. Through interviews with some of the country's most influential rockers -- including Javier Batiz, Fito De la Parr..

Nataly Fish

Once upon a time in Ukraine

Once upon a time in Ukraine

Whilst the first shots ring out between pro-Russian government forces and members of the opposition in the winter of 2013, young Nina leaves Crimea. She was raped by a corrupt policeman, her friend was killed, and now she seeks refuge with the protesters on Maidan Square. Revolutionary chaos prevails, and it‘s not at all clear who remains loyal t..

Nataly Fish

Muzyka revolyutsii

Muzyka revolyutsii

Dark animation film on the revolution.

Nataly Fish

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