
Kung Fu Arts

Kung Fu Arts

The emperor's right hand man frames the princess's fiancé, King Chi, who goes into hiding for ten years, vowing revenge. Meanwhile, the princess is married to King Chi's monkey.

Nataly Fish

At the Risk of Life

At the Risk of Life

Forced by her father into keeping a doll that she knows is filled with drugs, Mi-yeon secretly goes to the police for aid. She soon requires their protection as the drug dealers learn the location of their missing stash.

Nataly Fish

La Fureur des Maîtres de Shaolin

La Fureur des Maîtres de Shaolin

Un grand maître est attaqué et enlevé par des inconnus. En s'interposant, le Grand Prêtre est gravement blessé mais réussi à révéler au frère du grand maître le nom d'une personne qui l'aidera à le retrouver et lui donne comme seul indice le collier qu'il a arraché à l'un des inconnus.

Nataly Fish

Journey to the Lost City

Journey to the Lost City

An exotic dancing girl of India inflames the passions of a traveling draftsman.

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Hu nian qi an

Hu nian qi an

Nataly Fish

From the Same Family

From the Same Family

The rise and fall of a triad boss in Tsimshatsui.

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Trap of Suicide Kilometer

Trap of Suicide Kilometer

Klima, Deputy Minister of Industry of the Republic of Alabanda, has come to Japan to purchase materials for the water dam construction. Kitami, who called himself a salesman and met with Klima, acts as his bodyguard. However, Kitami learns that a large number of industrial cylinders unrelated to dam construction have been purchased, and Klima secre..

Nataly Fish

The Cheyenne's Bride

The Cheyenne's Bride

The chief of the Sioux and the Cheyennes having fought a duel to the death, there is enmity between the tribes. In consequence, when the son of the Cheyenne chief woos a daughter of the Sioux he is taken prisoner by the men of the latter tribe and about to be killed. He is saved, however, by the girl's interference, but her chief's contempt for her..

Nataly Fish

Palnati Brahmanayudu

Palnati Brahmanayudu

Palnati Brahmanayudu  is an Action based movie. In which,  Bhavani Prasad (Bala Krishna) lives in Karampudi. Sruthi, a girl who is going to get engaged to an NRI (Pruthvi), falls in love with Bhavani Prasad. When their marriage is about to happen, a lady called Siva Nageswari (Sonali Bendre) enter the premises of hall and shoots at Bhavani Prasad..

Nataly Fish

Tigre, hélicoptère de combat

Tigre, hélicoptère de combat

L'hélicoptère Tigre est un hélicoptère de reconnaissance et d'attaque (HRA) bimoteur franco-allemand entré en service en 2005. De jour comme de nuit, il assure la lutte contre des cibles terrestres ou aériennes lentes. Suivant ses versions, il assure des missions d'appui-destruction (Tigre HAD) et d'appui-protection (Tigre HAP). En 2020, l’..

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Les Griffes rouges de Shaolin

Les Griffes rouges de Shaolin

L'empereur Rao Tsaung de la dynastie des Tchings aimait beaucoup les tournois et organisait des duels parmi ses meilleurs combattants. ces combats étaient très populaires parmi toute la Chine et l'empereur fit construire un grand monument dédié aux héros des combats, le monument attirait tous les combattants valeureux du pays...

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Huli Banthu Huli

Huli Banthu Huli

Film starring M V Vasudeva Rao and Ramakrishna.

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Lo specchio, la tigre e la pianura

Lo specchio, la tigre e la pianura

A Silver Bear winning short documentary feature.

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Nataly Fish

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