
Get Outta Here

Get Outta Here

In a construction site under the full moon, construction workers dig too deep and inadvertently wake up Joe (Alex Lam), a vampire that has been lying underground for a century. Dazzled by the vibrancy of a modern city at night, Joe wanders around and runs into Apple (J. Arie), a jilted girl planning to kill herself. Eager for a taste of blood, Joe ..

Nataly Fish

Fighting Immortal Statue

Fighting Immortal Statue

In the days of Tianhe, Murong Feng, the chief attendant of the Department of Heaven Forbidden, captured the tiger larvae who had defected from heaven. Hu Jiao was accidentally killed in Tian prison, while Murong Feng, who was in the casino, became a murderer. In order to pay for his innocence, Murong Feng and Luo Xi, the only mortal woman who could..

Nataly Fish

Cinq filles en furie

Cinq filles en furie

Cinq filles, Colomba, Jania, Sylvaine, Françoise et Agnès passent des vacances dans un vieux mas dans la garrigue languedocienne. Elles cherchent désespérément un trésor caché, mais le secret censé être un trésor est en fait un prétexte pour cacher un terrible drame dont l'une des filles est directement concernée...

Nataly Fish

Fighting Darksider

Fighting Darksider

Twenty years ago, the great witch sacrifice led the dark clan to invade the human race. Now, the dark power has awakened again, and the great witch sacrifice is about to make a move. In order to prevent this catastrophe, the sons of the God of War Zhang Ke, Yun Yun, and Fu Xii embark on a journey to awaken the God of War again. Zhang Ke also became..

Nataly Fish

The Ancient City of Loulan

The Ancient City of Loulan

Nataly Fish



The adventurer named Sadko sets sail in search of a mythical bird of happiness...

Nataly Fish

Lettre à la prison

Lettre à la prison

Un jeune Tunisien, Tahar, est envoyé en France par sa famille afin de venir en aide à son frère, emprisonné à Paris pour meurtre alors qu'il est innocent. Débarquant à Marseille, il se rend compte que ses certitudes faiblissent face aux mentalités de la population française et des Tunisiens vivant dans l'hexagone.

Nataly Fish

Against All

Against All

A love triangle between a singer and two men; one good, the other evil.

Nataly Fish



Major James Prentis VC is a British spy of World War II and war hero who goes under the code name of "Shuttlecock". Alienated from his family and children, he ends up in a mental institution in Lisbon, Portugal.

Nataly Fish

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Movie

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Movie

L'Armée de la Croix noire projette d'envahir le monde. Mais le commandant Gonpachi Edogawa décide alors de former une équipe à laquelle est confiée la tâche de lutter contre cette menace.

Nataly Fish

Wars in Chinatown

Wars in Chinatown

Master Ye Zhuo destroyed the evil forces alone, but he witnessed the tragic death of his wife. Then he travel to a foreign country to seek for revenge.

Nataly Fish

Le Monde animé de Grimault

Le Monde animé de Grimault

Entre enjambées, tourbillons et grands voyages, ce parcours en huit films de Grimault nous enivre de mouvements, nous renverse et nous bouleverse, tantôt pour rire et tantôt pour nous alerter contre les maux de l’humanité.

Nataly Fish

Scènes d'enfants

Scènes d'enfants

Lyon, Monplaisir, maison Koehler : deux enfants (Marcel Koehler et sa petite sœur Madeleine), jouant dans un jardin avec un chien et un chat.

Nataly Fish

Atlantic Rim : World's End

Atlantic Rim : World's End

Une gigantesque créature des mers menace de s'attaquer à la côte Est américaine.

Nataly Fish

Fierce Fighting on Mihun Ridge

Fierce Fighting on Mihun Ridge

Nataly Fish



A rural teacher discovers the harsh realities of his South Africa.

Nataly Fish



Crocodile Crunch competes against the best purebred dogs in the world at the Agility World Championship in the Netherlands. Rising above the backstabbing, snitching, complaining and treachery, the mutt is determined to prove that talent and heart can defeat bloodlines and privilege.

Nataly Fish

Battle of Chinatown

Battle of Chinatown

The film tells the story of Ye Zhuo, a chivalrous man who travels across the ocean to dismantle the Black Dragon Gang

Nataly Fish

His Dog

His Dog

Peter Olsen, a young social outcast who lives alone on a rundown farm and raises vegetables for a living, finds his only consolation in liquor, though Dorcas Chatham, daughter of the general store owner, begs him to forego this indulgence. Returning from town, he finds a dog by the roadside, apparently injured by a car, and takes it home. Later, on..

Nataly Fish

Manche Hunde müssen sterben

Manche Hunde müssen sterben

Dr. Basil Feurchtegott operates an complete stranger on the kitchen table in his vacation home, and suddenly finds himself in a very dangerous situation. However, the doctor hasn't felt so alive for a long time. 'The Man', a contract killer, had just traveled by train across the border to Switzerland. In a high rise building 'The Man' accomplishes ..

Nataly Fish

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