
The Black Devil

The Black Devil

The Spaniards under Charles V aim to occupy all of Italy with the help of traitorous allies like Don Lorenzo. Lorenzo conspires to marry off his supposed niece Isabella to Charles V’s nephew, Prince Rodriguez, to confirm Spain’s dominance. The Black Devil, a heroic masked avenger, falls in love with the fake Isabella and takes vengeance on Lore..

Nataly Fish



A husband can’t accept that his wife would like to live something else than her life as a wife.

Nataly Fish

À nous deux France

À nous deux France

Un groupe de femmes venues de la Côte d'Ivoire se rendent à Paris où les hommes ivoiriens sont partis pour accéder à des emplois de cadre. Ils ont laissé leur compatriotes féminines seules les forçant ainsi à prendre leur destin en main.

Nataly Fish

Nick Carter, le roi des détectives
Petersburg Nights

Petersburg Nights

Nataly Fish

Vampiresas 1930

Vampiresas 1930

As the era of silent films finds itself at a close, four down-and-out silent film actors and musicians struggle to find work. Fate leads them to a former star of the silent era as she struggles to escape her reputation as a wild and evil vamp of the silver screen and longs to be just thought of as an honest and decent woman. They join forces, and f..

Nataly Fish

How Dark the Nights Are on the Black Sea

How Dark the Nights Are on the Black Sea

In this farcical dark comedy/melodrama, Lena manages to lose her place at college by virtue of throwing a minor hissy-fit when she catches her erstwhile boyfriend in bed with another girl. Instead of penalizing the boy for his behavior, Lena gets stuck with a court appearance and must pay a small fine, in addition to losing a boyfriend, her college..

Nataly Fish

Kahla wa Bayda

Kahla wa Bayda

A Sétif, drame familial ayant pour personnage principal un petit garçon nommé Rabie qui cherche par tous les moyens à obtenir l'argent nécessaire à l'achat d'une chaise roulante pour sa soeur infirme.... Grand succès populaire dans lequel le réalisateur, Abderrahmane Bouguermouh, tourne en dérision le pouvoir, mais qui lui vaut une fois de..

Nataly Fish

A Woman

A Woman

Within a single space, the director treats the sorrows of two people married to each other.

Nataly Fish

Le Manoir de la peur

Le Manoir de la peur

Depuis qu'un mystérieux inconnu et son domestique se sont installés dans un manoir des environs d'un village provençal, une vague de crimes s'est abattue sur le pays et sème la terreur chez les habitants. Le jeune Jean Lormeau, refusant de céder à la peur, part à la rencontre de l'inquiétant propriétaire pour percer son secret.

Nataly Fish

Black Loop

Black Loop

Religious fascism and military fascism are interrelated.

Nataly Fish

The Black Swallow

The Black Swallow

The stories of three men get tangled up in the life of the young Gipsy called Magdalena - that of the Bulgarian Lilyanin, who starts off as a fighter for brotherhood but turns into a persecutor of the Gypsies; the story of the savage Halibryamov, who knows the language of animals, but does not speak any human tongue; the story of a rich Gypsy calle..

Nataly Fish

The Black Panther of Ratana

The Black Panther of Ratana

Murder mystery following the revenge for the theft of a sapphire from a Buddha in a Thailand temple.

Nataly Fish

Black Gold

Black Gold

This animated short employs hand-drawn animation layered over stop-motion sequences of moving ink on drumskins to create a striking, mournful portrait of the Alberta tar sands. This film was made as part of the 7th edition of the NFB's Hothouse apprenticeship.

Nataly Fish

Mimi & Lisa

Mimi & Lisa

Timide et non-voyante, Mimi perçoit le monde différemment grâce à ses autres sens. Lisa, sa voisine de palier délurée, est toujours prête à provoquer des situations amusantes. Ensemble, elles découvrent les univers de leurs voisins dans lesquels le moindre objet peut devenir le théâtre d’une aventure fantastique, avec l’imagination p..

Nataly Fish

I.T. - Immatriculation temporaire

I.T. - Immatriculation temporaire

Mathias was born in Guinea, in Fria, in the sixties. Fria was built at that time, by Pechiney, to exploit bauxite. The Lenault's, Mathias' parents, were one of the many French expatriate couples. Mathias left Guinea seven days after his birth, along with his mother. Mathias is of mixed race, Mr. and Mrs. Lenault have always been white.

Nataly Fish

Le chant de la couleuvre

Le chant de la couleuvre

Le 12 juin 1992 disparaissait en Transylvanie Raimon Lusinanu, journaliste roumain, qui enquêtait lui-même sur une rumeur de disparitions. Les autorités judiciaires ont saisi tous les éléments cinématographiques en possession de l'équipe.

Nataly Fish

La Bête aux sept manteaux

La Bête aux sept manteaux

An English gentleman himself causes his own burglary to better suppress the formidable gang which, after having murdered his brother, is now attacking his fortune.

Nataly Fish

The Intruder

The Intruder

An entertainer arrives to put on a show in a small town. It turns out that he has mystical powers that give each person a glowing aura, and forces them to tell the truth. Complications ensue.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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