
Juri Ueno: ao akua

Juri Ueno: ao akua

DVD accompanying Juri Ueno's photobook "ao akua" including a short film, documentary, and interviews.

Nataly Fish

Ek Ruka Hua Faisla

Ek Ruka Hua Faisla

Twelve male members of a jury gather together in an enclosed room to deliberate their decision on a charge of murder against a young man who has been accused of killing his elderly father. All of the jury, save for one, are convinced of this young man's guilt, and they would like to convince their colleague also to come to the same unanimous decisi..

Nataly Fish

Guilt by Design

Guilt by Design

Le film est centré sur un juré dans une affaire très médiatisée qui a fait chanter la justice après que sa fille ait été kidnappée ...

Nataly Fish

Gravity's Clowns

Gravity's Clowns

On the outset, the Okunos seem like a normal happy family with father Tadashi and his two bright sons, genetics researcher Izumi and artsy Haru. When a series of arson attacks strike the neighborhood, clues left at the crime scenes seem to be somehow related to the Okunos. Izumi and Haru try to get to the bottom of mystery, slowly unveiling a tragi..

Nataly Fish



A man found guilty of a crime against a minor is released from prison and returns to get revenge on the jury who sent him there.

Nataly Fish

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