
Himalaya, le chemin du ciel

Himalaya, le chemin du ciel

L’ethnologue Marianne Chaud est accueillie par des familles zanskari. Elle apprend leur langue, adopte leurs règles et participe à leurs travaux, qu'ils soient agricoles ou domestiques. Observant et questionnant inlassablement, elle tisse des liens sentimentaux forts avec ces habitants et nous fait partager leur mode de vie.

Nataly Fish

Himalaya: Ladder to Paradise

Himalaya: Ladder to Paradise

A Tibet mountaineering school recruits qualified residents from the two counties at the foot of Mount Everest only, and trains them to be mountain guide of the Everest.

Nataly Fish

Monarch of the Himalayas

Monarch of the Himalayas

Legendary Film-mkaers, the Bedi Brothers have followed the extraordinary lives of Himalayan Ibex in the stunning terrain of Spiti Valley.

Nataly Fish

Himalayan Gold rush

Himalayan Gold rush

At an altitude of 5000 meters in the Himalayas is found Yarsagumba, a caterpillar-fungus that is worth more than its weight in gold. Thousands of Nepalese villagers trek up the mountains every spring, braving difficult temperatures and terrain, in search of this hard-to-find but invaluable commodity. Its trade in Hong Kong and China, where it is co..

Nataly Fish

NANA MIZUKI LIVE ISLAND+ at Shanghai Himalaya Taikan Butai 2018

NANA MIZUKI LIVE ISLAND+ at Shanghai Himalaya Taikan Butai 2018

Nana Mizuki's LIVE ISLAND+ 2018 concert film recorded at Shanghai Himalaya Taikan Butai.

Nataly Fish

Himalayan Awakening

Himalayan Awakening

Nataly Fish

Himalayathile Kashmalan

Himalayathile Kashmalan

A man gets trapped in a situation and his three friends try to rescue him. It later snowballs into the issue of an entire village.

Nataly Fish

UMA 'Light of Himalaya'

UMA 'Light of Himalaya'

Thousands of people from every corner of the world go to India every year for a spiritual experience that provides self-knowledge and healing of past trauma.

Nataly Fish

Through the Himalayas on bicycles

Through the Himalayas on bicycles

The short video diary is part of the 89-minute distribution band "Carstensz", within which it complements the main films Bhutan - The Search for Happiness and Carstensz - Siedma hora. It was a spectacular crossing of the Indian Himalayas by bike through the valley of Kinnaur, Spiti, Lahaul, and the sacred lake Tso Moriri to Leh. We walked 700 kilo..

Nataly Fish

Drame à la Nanda Devi

Drame à la Nanda Devi

Account of the French expedition to the Himalayan peak of Nanda Devi in 1951; includes shots of the relief expedition led by Sherpa Tensing and some Hindu ceremonies.

Nataly Fish

Tsunma, Tsunma: My Summer with the Female Monastics of the Himalaya

Tsunma, Tsunma: My Summer with the Female Monastics of the Himalaya

Tsunma, an honorific term connoting “noble, delicate, and pure”, refers to the Tibetan Buddhist Nuns of the Himalayan Region who have been largely dismissed or forgotten by the traditions they follow and the societies they’ve served. Taiwanese photographer Lin Li-Fang undertook a solo journey up 4,270 meters into the Himalayan Plateau and liv..

Nataly Fish

My Himalayas

My Himalayas

Nataly Fish

The Soul of Himalaya

The Soul of Himalaya

With the high development of human civilization there is less and less pure land on the earth. The conflict between humans and nature keeps intensifying. Many primitive cultures and beliefs are gradually disappearing. "The Soul of Himalaya" is a story of the Lhoba people's legends and customs. The film portrays a warrior's journey to save an ancien..

Nataly Fish

Cycling Across Himalayas

Cycling Across Himalayas

Documentary about a month-long cycling trip in 2013. The film reveals what it is like to travel through the wild mountains, what challenges lie ahead and how to overcome them. and what determines how to prepare for such a journey.

Nataly Fish

Nicholas Roerich. Altai-Himalayas

Nicholas Roerich. Altai-Himalayas

Film by Tatyana Borsch “Nicholas Roerich. Altai-Himalayas" (2017) talks about the Central Asian expedition of the outstanding artist, thinker and public figure Nicholas Roerich. It was the largest journey of the 20th century through the most unexplored areas of Asia. The route ran through the majestic, inaccessible mountain ranges of the Himalay..

Nataly Fish

L'École du bout du monde

L'École du bout du monde

Un jeune instituteur du Bhoutan est envoyé dans la partie la plus reculée du pays. Loin de la ville, le quotidien est rude, mais la force spirituelle des habitants du village transformera son destin.

Nataly Fish

Home for Rent

Home for Rent

Lorsque ses bons locataires commencent à poser problème, une propriétaire terrifiée doit faire face à une secte qui semble fasciner son mari… et menacer sa fille.

Nataly Fish



Meru est l'histoire électrisante de trois grimpeurs d'élite américain déterminé à réaliser l'impossible : Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chin, et Renan Ozturk .

Nataly Fish

Le Nid du Tigre

Le Nid du Tigre

Une nuit, le jeune orphelin Balmani sauve un bébé tigre d'impitoyables braconniers. Il s'échappe et entreprend un long et périlleux voyage pour rejoindre les hauteurs de l'Himalaya, et vivre l'une des plus grandes aventures de sa vie.

Nataly Fish

Le Redoutable Homme des neiges

Le Redoutable Homme des neiges

John Rollason, botaniste de son état, décide de rejoindre une expédition dans les montagnes de l'Himalaya. Peu de temps après, l'équipe est attaquée par une bête sauvage qu'elle parvient à abattre. La dépouille de l'animal est alors entreposée dans une grotte, de manière à attirer d'autres membres de son espèce. Mais Rollason est conva..

Nataly Fish

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