
The General and the Fly

The General and the Fly

A Prussian general instructs his soldiers how to get rid of the storks bringing new lives. He turns the conscripts into cannon fodder, and he can't deal with one fly himself.

Nataly Fish

The General's Nephews

The General's Nephews

A retired general living on Sylt has his two nephews on leave from military service to help lure young girls into his house.

Nataly Fish

The General's Daughter

The General's Daughter

The film tells the story of the life of Michelle Bachelet and her surprising journey along the road to the presidency of Chile.

Nataly Fish

General Mitre's Visit to the National Museum

General Mitre's Visit to the National Museum

General Mitre and others visit the Museo Nacional.

Nataly Fish

General Rarz

General Rarz

General Rarz is being hunted by the Drug Defence and faces losing his empire. Will he avoid capture and retain his title as drug lord or become another fallen hero?

Nataly Fish

General Assembly

General Assembly

In Asamblea general (1960), the documentary about Fidel's address of the First Declaration of Havana in the Plaza of the Revolution, Alea practises what becomes a sustaining Cuban contribution to documentary. Engaging with Free Cinema and cinema-vérité, his camera seems to touch the faces of the new citizen one by one rather than as a single mass..

Nataly Fish

General Pozas Visits the Aragon front

General Pozas Visits the Aragon front

A pro-Republican propaganda documentary made during the Spanish Civil War. In it, we see General Sebastián Pozas Perea visiting the area of ​​action of the old Durruti Column, part of the Regular People's Army 26th division.

Nataly Fish

General Rehearsal for Suicide

General Rehearsal for Suicide

A surrealistic montage of pop culture that attacks the followers of the genre.

Nataly Fish

General Boroevic

General Boroevic

This feature documentary celebrates the life of the charismatic defender of the Carpathians and the Soča river, General Svetozar Boroević, the only field marshal of non-German background in the 50-million Austro-Hungarian Empire. One of the finest commanders of World War I died forgotten and destitute on 23 May 1920 in Klagenfurt, aged 63.

Nataly Fish

Alberto Or The Revolutionary Metamorphosis Of General Carrera Torres

Alberto Or The Revolutionary Metamorphosis Of General Carrera Torres

It is the awakening of the twentieth century. The Porfirist regime is in evident decline. The social and political situation in the country, could not be more explosive. Everywhere, the redemptive fires are lit. However, there is one that shines despite its absence in the official history of the first great revolution of the twentieth century. The ..

Nataly Fish

General road

General road

Nataly Fish

The “General” Election

The “General” Election

This is an account of the years of the dictatorship in Uruguay, told with archive material and interviews with witnesses who remain anonymous. There is a focus on the 1984 elections and the euphoric festivities afterwards, as the people celebrated not so much the winner of the election as the end of the dictatorship and the start of the campaign fo..

Nataly Fish

The General

The General

The glimpse into the life of Mexican President Plutarco Elias Calles. Past and present collide as filmmaker Natalia Almada brings to life audio recordings she inherited about her great-grandfather, General Plutarco Elías Calles, a revolutionary general who became president of Mexico in 1924. Time is blurred in this visually arresting portrait of ..

Nataly Fish

The General's Daughter

The General's Daughter

Nataly Fish

I Was a General of Wehrmacht

I Was a General of Wehrmacht

Kazimierz Leski tells the story of his life. During the war, he was a spy of the Polish resistance, pretending to be a German general. After the war, he was tortured and imprisoned for espionage, and spent ten years in Stalinist jail.

Nataly Fish

Count of Montebello and General de Boisdeffre going to the Kremlin [Moscow]

Count of Montebello and General de Boisdeffre going to the Kremlin [Moscow]

Moscou, hôtel Cheremetiew (ambassade de France) : le comte de Montebello descend l’escalier et s’engouffre dans la voiture qui démarre rapidement puis un autre attelage vient prendre sa place et emmène le général Le Mouton de Boisdeffre.

Nataly Fish

General's Goblet

General's Goblet

A warrior is captured by Japanese forces and vows to revenge for his master's defeat.

Nataly Fish

General Bartolomé Mitre  Visits the History Museum
Prelude to the General

Prelude to the General

Two women face one another. Two worlds touch. Past and presence. The young woman warns the older woman. Something terrible will happen. The older woman massages the general. She knows the general’s secret. She wanders through empty rooms. Rooms coated with a patina of secrecy. The warning hangs in the air. The young woman doesn’t have a chance...

Nataly Fish

L'étonnant destin du général Luo

L'étonnant destin du général Luo

Born in Austria in 1903, Jacob Rosenfeld was imprisoned in Dachau. He manages to flee and takes refuge in Shanghai, like 30,000 other people. He exercised his profession there and sought to get involved in 1941 alongside the revolutionaries of the Chinese Communist Party. Rosenfeld becomes a surgeon on the war front between China and Japan. Thanks ..

Nataly Fish

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