
Sweet Ambition

Sweet Ambition

A documentary examining the effects of smaller class sizes on future success.

Nataly Fish



Four work colleagues compete for a promotion with different philosophies on how to succeed. Tyrell and Cynthia are mentored in their quest to win the promotion battle by Tyrell's uncle, a promiscuous male ghost and a fairy godmother with an attitude.

Nataly Fish

Celebrity Naked Ambition

Celebrity Naked Ambition

A documentary by Verity Maidlow.

Nataly Fish

Gad Elmaleh: Une Ambition Intime

Gad Elmaleh: Une Ambition Intime

Gad Elmaleh est un artiste dont la vie s'est construite avec les départs et le déracinement. Cette émission va donc être itinérante pour la première fois : sur les traces de son enfance à Casablanca, mais aussi à Paris où il vit, à Lyon où il a fait ses premiers pas de comédien et où il revient régulièrement pour roder et enregistrer..

Nataly Fish

My Ambition

My Ambition

Jules Walters' unhealthy obsession with vampires leads to his dismissal from school. But when he steals a bat from the local zoo, his obsession may lead to his demise.

Nataly Fish

Sins of Ambition

Sins of Ambition

Andrew Maxwell is so intent on creating a universal language that he completely neglects his wife, Laurette, and daughter, Ruth. Laurette decides she wants to return to the stage and is encouraged by Charles Prescott, a former suitor. When Maxwell discovers Laurette and Prescott together, he berates her, and she angrily moves out, taking Ruth along..

Nataly Fish

Lure of Ambition

Lure of Ambition

Theda Bara plays the social-climbing Olga Dolan, who becomes the Duchess of Rutledge by means of deception and sheer ruthlessness. Sadly, Bara, who had more or less single-handedly begun the "vamp" craze with the prototype of the genre, A Fool There Was, went out with little more than a whisper. She left films after the ironically titled The Lure o..

Nataly Fish

The Doctor Monkey: Ninja's Ambition
Contrôler le génome : Une ambition sans limite ?

Contrôler le génome : Une ambition sans limite ?

À Shenzhen, aux portes de Hong Kong, l'entreprise privée BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute) est le plus grand centre de recherche génétique au monde. Son objectif, pleinement assumé, et soutenu massivement par le gouvernement est de se hisser à la pointe de la recherche mondiale sur le génome pour faire bénéficier le public, tout au moins ce..

Nataly Fish

Burning Ambition

Burning Ambition

When the luckless Martin and Renato have the bright idea of starting up a guided coach tour of the M25, London's orbital motorway, they think they're on to a winner - but they soon discover they're on course for disaster.

Nataly Fish

On Ambition, Courtship and Procreation

On Ambition, Courtship and Procreation

Simple colorful shapes in different constellations perform small tasks in long never-ending loops. Their repetitive and random choreographies express both humor and poetry. It is an abstract representation of the state of being that all living things either endure or enjoy.

Nataly Fish

Attack of the Ambition!!! (Or the making of the Masked Stabber)

Attack of the Ambition!!! (Or the making of the Masked Stabber)

Two friends attempt to create an overly ambitious horror film, but disaster strikes both the production and their friendship.

Nataly Fish

La Chine en Arctique - les coulisses d'une ambition

La Chine en Arctique - les coulisses d'une ambition

Pourquoi la Chine cherche-t-elle par tous les moyens à s’implanter en Arctique ? Un focus éclairant sur cette nouvelle ingérence qui inquiète les Américains, divise les Européens et réjouit les Russes. Il a brisé la glace et ouvert la voie. En 2013, pour la première fois, un cargo chinois, le "Yong Sheng", atteint l’Europe en passant ..

Nataly Fish

Big Ambitions Drive Jake Merrell's Small Town Roots

Big Ambitions Drive Jake Merrell's Small Town Roots

Jake Merrell grew up in a small town in Texas and became a cult hero almost as quickly as he won his first state championship in 2015. But he's lived up to the hype far beyond what anyone could have imagined, and he's raced against the best and proved himself time and time again. The Turkey Valley High School graduate, who won nine state outdoor ch..

Nataly Fish

The Kennedys: A Fatal Ambition

The Kennedys: A Fatal Ambition

Charts the family's rise from poor Irish immigrants to an all-powerful dynasty, exploring the many deaths, freak accidents and scandals that have given rise to the idea of a Kennedy curse. Featuring interviews with family members, and including rare archive, photos and letters, the film sets these events in historical context and also examines the ..

Nataly Fish

Naked Ambition

Naked Ambition

Wicked woman Ogin is a concubine of a powerful feudal lord Tayu. At first Ogin gains power by poisoning lawful wife of Tayu. To gain more power Ogin let her lover Isogai Iori, kill whoever interrupts her. Film it is based on Jun'ichirō Tanizaki's novel "Kyofu Jidai".

Nataly Fish

Baratometrajes 2.0: Spaniard-low-budget-films with High Ambitions

Baratometrajes 2.0: Spaniard-low-budget-films with High Ambitions

Découvrez les facteurs sociaux, politiques et économiques qui ont façonné l'industrie du cinéma espagnol et influencé ses protagonistes, des créateurs aux distributeurs.

Nataly Fish

Naked Ambition: Bunny Yeager

Naked Ambition: Bunny Yeager

Bunny Yeager, once heralded as the world's prettiest photographer, had a huge influence in 20th-century pop culture though few people know her name. Whether by popularizing the bikini, helping discover Bettie Page, shaping the image of Playboy or inventing the selfie, Bunny was a trailblazer whose work bucked against conservative 1950s America and ..

Nataly Fish

High Ambitions

High Ambitions

Moe Jones is a young attorney, whose college friend resurfaces suggesting that he represent a large corporation's inner city real estate deal. He soon becomes embroiled in the world of gangs and drug dealing.

Nataly Fish

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