
The Beheading of Tito's Bird

The Beheading of Tito's Bird

Tito, a determined manager, sets his sights on marrying Tirza, but her father's unexpected question triggers his deepest fear: circumcision. Facing a daunting dilemma, Tito embarks on a slapstick quest to overcome his fear, leading to a sidesplitting journey of absurd antics and unexpected revelations in his pursuit of love.

Nataly Fish

Les Aventuriers de l'arche de Noé

Les Aventuriers de l'arche de Noé

Vini et Tito, deux souris artistes de music-hall, voient leurs rêves de succès tomber à l’eau lorsque la Terre est noyée par le Déluge. Aidés par un coup de pouce du destin, ils réussissent à monter à bord de l’Arche de Noé. Propulsés au beau milieu d’un différend opposant les animaux herbivores et carnivores, Vini et Tito ont la ..

Nataly Fish

Uncle Peckerhead

Uncle Peckerhead

Lorsqu'un groupe punk marque sa première tournée, la vie sur la route s'avère difficile lorsqu'ils sont rejoints par un démon mangeur d'hommes en tant que roadie.

Nataly Fish

Couch Potatoes

Couch Potatoes

Giorgio and Tito, father and son. A successful journalist and a lazy teenager apparently impossible to understand. Giorgio's dream is to take Tito to the Nasca Hill in Liguria, but Tito prefers to spend his entire day with his group of friends, eating, talking about nothing and playing video games. Until one day when he suddenly informs his father ..

Nataly Fish

Una noche de garufa

Una noche de garufa

On his first night out after receiving the key to his house, a young man walks into a club where an orchestra of young ladies is playing.

Nataly Fish

La fuga de Raquel

La fuga de Raquel

Nataly Fish

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