
Home of the Resistance

Home of the Resistance

In 1974 communist authorities built the so-called ‘Memorial Home for WWII Resistance Fighters and Youth of Yugoslavia’ in Kumrovec, a tiny rural hometown of the legendary president Marshal Tito. In 1991, when Yugoslavia collapsed 11 years after Tito’s death and the Croatian War of Independence started, the Memorial Home was closed, and it rem..

Nataly Fish

Lagun and the Resistance Against ETA

Lagun and the Resistance Against ETA

The turbulent story of the Lagun bookstore — located in San Sebastián, in the Basque Country, Spain — is a powerful tale of courage, resistance and struggle; first against the Franco dictatorship, then against the terrorist gang ETA and its numerous and sinister acolytes.

Nataly Fish

The Legend of Resistance

The Legend of Resistance

It tells the story of black and white, and the heroes of all walks of life gather together in the big Sanyuan Inn to launch a controversy over the three boxes of gold, and the deepest and fascinating bosses and the four singers of the genre of the genre for the plot. Gorgeous appearance. The unspeakable attempted heart and the label of the people w..

Nataly Fish

Les Résistants de Mauthausen

Les Résistants de Mauthausen

Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le photographe Francisco Boix et d'autres prisonniers républicains espagnols du camp de concentration de Mauthausen, où 120 000 personnes sont mortes, ont réussi non seulement à survivre à leur expérience indescriptible, mais aussi, après la guerre, à révéler au monde ce qui s'est réellement passé dan..

Nataly Fish

Résistance : la police face au mur

Résistance : la police face au mur

Le nouveau chef de la police de Longueuil, Fady Dagher, est conscient des défis qu'il doit relever. Bien installé pour les cinq prochaines années, il a l'intention de faire de grands changements au sein de cette institution. Ce documentaire est un portrait intimiste d'un homme, d'une vision et d'un milieu auquel les caméras n'ont pas souvent ac..

Nataly Fish

The Point of Least Resistance

The Point of Least Resistance

Yet again, a bear and a rat are out to make a lot of money - this time with art. During a tour of investigation, they find a corpse in a gallery and, hoping it will prove to be a means of access to the worlds of culture, action and finance, they take it along with them. However the desired effect is not forthcoming and they become involved in quest..

Nataly Fish

Women of the Resistance

Women of the Resistance

Documentary composed of interviews with female partisans who survived the German invasion of Italy in World War II.

Nataly Fish

The Wages of Resistance: Narita Stories

The Wages of Resistance: Narita Stories

The Wages of Resistance is a feature-length documentary film that portrays an "extended span of time" of the protests against building Narita International Airport which have continued from the 1960's to today through documenting monologues of those whose lives were twisted by the movement.

Nataly Fish

Resistance is the Only Way

Resistance is the Only Way

The film consists of six parts - events in different cities of Russia (Moscow, Tutaev, Yaroslavl, Lipetsk, Togliatti). Rallies organized by independent workers' unions and demonstrations in which young people take part are shown. These are the first, not yet confident attempts to defend their rights.

Nataly Fish

A Woman in the Resistance

A Woman in the Resistance

1940. Anna stay alone, her husband her brother her father leave for the war with the Italians. The attack of the Germans will give a hard blow to her family. She will continue to fight, approaching the German commander of the area.

Nataly Fish

The Red Line - Resistance in Hambach Forest

The Red Line - Resistance in Hambach Forest

When 31,000 policemen take action against 50 tree occupants and tear gas and truncheons are used, a 550-hectare "pedunculate oak-hornbeam-lily-of-the-valley-forest" becomes a symbol of resistance. Since 2015, director Karin de Miguel Wessendorf has accompanied the protests against the clearing of the Hambacher forest and against the destruction of ..

Nataly Fish

Iron Blood Resistance: The Battle of Songshan Stream

Iron Blood Resistance: The Battle of Songshan Stream

The Tale of the General Yang Jingyu's Last Stand

Nataly Fish

Love is the only true act of Resistance

Love is the only true act of Resistance

A musical dream, a video love letter recorded all in VHS, an experimental travel diary which uses cut ups of love songs on the Radio in Taiwan, a portrait about bodies, water, light and memory, and the organic colors and sensorial possibilities of the surreal landscapes in Taiwan. Queer intimacy

Nataly Fish

La Grande Aventure LEGO

La Grande Aventure LEGO

Emmet travaille en tant qu'ouvrier sur un chantier. Un jour, il fait une chute qui le conduit dans un sas pour un monde parallèle. Depuis quelque temps, Lord Business sème la terreur dans cet univers, où l'on croise des créatures étranges, de Zeus à Batman en passant par Wonderwoman. Selon une prophétie, un être venu d'ailleurs et doté de ..

Nataly Fish

Private Resistance

Private Resistance

Otto, a Jewish refugee who managed to escape from Berlin in the early days of WW2, is now the owner of an Amsterdam ice cream parlor. Otto's place soon becomes a microcosm of the city with its German invaders, Dutch collaborators and anti-fascist resistance groups.

Nataly Fish

The Blood Reich

The Blood Reich

Rayne est en Europe durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Là, elle doit damner le pion à un groupe de nazis impitoyables menés par l'infâme Dr. Mengele, qui a fomenté le sinistre plan de donner l'immortalité à son Führer bien-aimé en le transformant en un croisement entre un humain et un vampire, par le biais de l'injection d'un peu de sang d..

Nataly Fish

Les Invisibles

Les Invisibles

Un documentaire qui reconstitue la vie des citoyens juifs forcés de se cacher en 1943 à Berlin. En juin 1943, l’Allemagne déclare que Berlin est Judenfrei (« libre de Juifs »). Or, à ce moment-là, 7 000 Juifs vivent encore cachés dans la capitale nazie, protégés par des Berlinois. Seulement 1 700 survivent jusqu’à la libération. Vi..

Nataly Fish



The epic tale of an American reconnaissance pilot downed in occupied Belgium at the height of World War II. Hidden by resistance fighters, the pilot falls in love with the wife of the man who will save him. When their affair is exposed, an act of betrayal threatens their lives and the entire resistance movement, forcing the pilot to make a powerful..

Nataly Fish

A resistance

A resistance

Le film raconte l'histoire de Yoo Gwan-sun qui était plus libre que quiconque et des femmes de la cellule n° 8 de la prison de Seodaemun après le mouvement du 1er mars en 1919.

Nataly Fish

Belgrade Underground Resistance

Belgrade Underground Resistance

The movie follows the story of actual historical figures on which the characters of popular Yugoslav TV series "Otpisani" were based, who were all undercover combatants of the royalist Yugoslav faction.

Nataly Fish

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