
Major Grom : Le Docteur de Peste

Major Grom : Le Docteur de Peste

Le film est une adaptation de Docteur peste, le premier livre de la série, qui traite de la chasse à un mystérieux maniaque qui élimine brutalement des médecins, des hommes d'affaires et des fonctionnaires corrompus. Dans la bande dessinée, le principal méchant est un milliardaire et propriétaire d'un important réseau social qui cache ses ..

Nataly Fish

They are Seven Like the Seven Plagues

They are Seven Like the Seven Plagues

A painter and a composer, twins and both of them carefree, live their life in dire straits, which does not make them unhappy. The are waiting for success to solve their financial problems, but success is in no hurry to reach out for them.

Nataly Fish

Plague in the Time of Love

Plague in the Time of Love

Back in 1942, at the height of the Great Patriotic War, a major plague epidemic broke out in Mongolia. A detachment of Soviet specialists was sent to fight it, who worked selflessly, saving people, burning corpses, testing new methods of administering the vaccine, and also falling in love, getting married and having children. 70 years later, their ..

Nataly Fish

Dark Blue

Dark Blue

Au sein de la section d'élite de la police de Los Angeles, Eldon Perry est réputé pour son tempérament explosif et sa façon très personnelle de faire régner la loi. Flanqué de Bobby Keough, une jeune recrue, il est chargé d'enquêter sur une difficile affaire de quadruple meurtre. Keough découvre rapidement la dure réalité de la rue, l'..

Nataly Fish

Black Plague

Black Plague

Au cours de la guerre de 100 ans, un guerrier français est fait prisonnier et doit servir de monnaie d’échange pour faire libérer un noble anglais. Mais très vite, il apparaît que le captif ne serait pas ce qu’il prétend être, et que son arrivée au village n’a rien d’un simple concours de circonstances. Il semble en effet être reve..

Nataly Fish

Plague Town

Plague Town

Une famille américaine, en voyage en Irlande à la recherche de leurs racines, tombent sur une horde d'enfants mutants assoiffés de sang.

Nataly Fish



An outbreak of a bacteria called M-3 causes people to die in extreme pain via body spasms. A woman who is a carrier escapes from a hospital and goes on the run, spreading the plague to people she encounters, and onto food in fast food stops etc. She has no idea however that she is a carrier, and as such may carry a cure.

Nataly Fish



Dans un vaisseau spatial, un virus extra-terrestre change toutes les personnes qui entrent en contact avec lui en monstrueuses créatures. Bien sur, le vaisseau se dirige vers la Terre et l'équipe doit mettre un terme à l'hécatombe avant de s'y poser.

Nataly Fish

Legend of the Werewolf

Legend of the Werewolf

A travelling circus in 19th century France adopts and showcases a feral "wolf boy", who grows into adulthood only to kill the one-man band. He runs off to Paris, where he develops a jealous, overprotective crush on a prostitute, leading him to attack her client, incurring a pursuit by a determined police surgeon.

Nataly Fish

Sida, la peste del siglo XX

Sida, la peste del siglo XX

A finished, but never released drama directed by Jess Franco.

Nataly Fish

The Curse

The Curse

While out for a walk in the countryside, Marina and Juvenal stop to take some pictures in front of an old woman’s house. Annoyed, the old woman turns out to be a witch and casts a curse on the young couple in the form of a wound that feeds on raw flesh.

Nataly Fish

Detective Dee and Plague of Chang'an

Detective Dee and Plague of Chang'an

The high-ranking officials in Chang'an wanted to see the masterpiece of the painter Su Daoqing-"Hell Picture". At the same time, there were a series of lbizarre murders based on the "dreadful prophecy" of the picture of hell. For a time, the theory of "Heaven's Punishment" in Chang'an City was widely spread. Detective Di Renjie and his assistant Si..

Nataly Fish

The Epidemic

The Epidemic

Based on a true outbreak of smallpox in Wroclaw. A young doctor picks up a girl and they go to bed, but the night is ruined by the doctor being called to the epidemic. The doctor has to leave, and when it is all over, runs into her with another man.

Nataly Fish

Runaway Virus

Runaway Virus

Two virus experts track down contagious people across the world. But it's only a matter of time before L.A. is exposed to the virus.

Nataly Fish

Between Three Plagues

Between Three Plagues

The story of Balthasar Russow, an Estonian pastor from the 16th century, his life and life's work - writing The Chronicle of Livonia.

Nataly Fish



At the beginning of the 19th century, the plague swept through the Bulgarian lands. Chorbaji Yurdan and his son Yono return from Hadzhilak and find the villagers starving and scared. The Black Plague brings to the fore the greatest human fears and atavistic survival instincts.

Nataly Fish

EONE HEAVY LIVE: The Contortionist

EONE HEAVY LIVE: The Contortionist

EONE HEAVY LIVE was an exclusive livestream featuring The Contortionist that aired on April 3rd, 2021.

Nataly Fish

Plague 049

Plague 049

Fernanda must try to survive when the party she's at is interrupted by the mysterious appearance of the dangerous Subject 049

Nataly Fish



Trying to survive 2020's quarantine days to prevent COVID-19 from a worldwide spread, a woman begins to question her own existence.

Nataly Fish



Plague: From the Latin word “plaga” meaning 'blow', 'wound'. Meaning: Massive, sudden appearance of living beings of the same species that cause serious damage to animal or plant populations. Abundance of something harmful.

Nataly Fish

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